Quantum Theory - The Photo-Electric Effect

In summary: So in summary, In part a) the maximum KE of an electron ejected from the surface is 5.205x10^-19 eV and in part b) the range of frequencies for which no electrons are ejected is 4.00x10^-14 Hz to 7.85x10^14 Hz.
  • #1
Hi, I got this question and I have spent a while trying to crack it but I'm still stuck.

White light, with frequencies ranging from 4.00 x10^14 Hz to 7.85x10^14 Hz, is incident on a potassium surface. Given that the work function of potassium is 2.24 eV, find the following values.
(a) the maximum kinetic energy of electrons ejected from this surface
(b) the range of frequencies for which no electrons are ejected
minimum -
maximum -

For part a) I used the formula e=hv, as described by Planck. For Planck's Constant h I used a value of 6.62x10^-34 and for my frequency v I used the highest value in the range i.e. 7.85x10^14 in order to yield the highest K.E. but I came up with an answer of 5.205x10^-19 which is wrong...can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
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  • #2
The work function is the energy needed to eject an electron. So the photons incident on the surface will use their energy first to knock out an electron (i.e. the work function) and the rest of the energy will go into kinetic energy of the electron.

So for (a), work out the energy of the photon, as you have done, then subtract the work function and what is left is the kinetic energy of the electron.

Beware to use the right units - if your frequency is in Hertz and you Planck constant in Joules per second (ie. the number you quoted) then your energy of the photon will be in Joules. You need to convert to eV using 1 eV = 1.602 176 53 (14)×10^−19 J.
  • #3
Ah that clears things up, that's great thanks. OK I managed to do part b)i) it was deceptively simple, the answer was just the lowest value in the frequency range given (i.e. 4.00 x10^14 Hz). But I don't think that the answer to b)ii) will just be the highest value in the frequency range...
  • #4
You need to think what the KE of an would electron be, if it has not been ejected from the potassium. Then, what would be the f which gave this KE, using the relationship between E of photon, KE of electron and work function.

FAQ: Quantum Theory - The Photo-Electric Effect

1. What is the photo-electric effect?

The photo-electric effect is a phenomenon in which light, or photons, is able to knock electrons out of a material. It was first observed by scientist Heinrich Hertz in 1887 and later explained by Albert Einstein in 1905 through his theory of quantum mechanics.

2. How does the photo-electric effect support quantum theory?

The photo-electric effect provides evidence for the particle-like nature of light, which is a fundamental aspect of quantum theory. It also supports the idea that energy is quantized, meaning it can only exist in discrete amounts rather than being continuous.

3. Can the photo-electric effect be observed in everyday life?

Yes, the photo-electric effect can be observed in many everyday devices such as solar panels, digital cameras, and even the human eye. In these devices, light is used to knock electrons out of a material, creating an electric current that can be harnessed for various purposes.

4. How does the photo-electric effect explain the colors we see?

The photo-electric effect helps explain how different colors are perceived by the human eye. Each color corresponds to a specific wavelength of light, and when this light hits the retina, it can cause electrons to be released, creating electrical signals that are then interpreted by the brain as different colors.

5. Is the photo-electric effect important for modern technology?

Yes, the photo-electric effect is crucial for many modern technologies, including solar panels, digital cameras, and even x-ray machines. It has also played a significant role in the development of quantum mechanics and our understanding of the nature of light and matter.

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