Oscillatory Universes in Loop Quantum Cosmology

In summary, this just out: LQC continues attracting new researchers: these people are newcomers in the field this year AFAIK. They are at the University of London. looks like a the start of a group there.
  • #1
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this just out:


Oscillatory Universes in Loop Quantum Cosmology and Initial Conditions for Inflation
James E. Lidsey, David J. Mulryne, N. J. Nunes, Reza Tavakol
6 pages, 4 figures

LQC continues attracting new researchers: these people are newcomers in the field this year AFAIK. They are at the University of London. looks like a the start of a group there

"Our aim here is to study oscillatory universes within the context of Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC) which is the application of Loop Quantum Gravity(LQG) to anhomogeneous minisuperspace environment. LQG is at present the main background independent and non– perturbative candidate for a quantum theory of gravity (see for example[4, 5]). This approach provides a (discrete) description of high–energy dynamics in the form of a difference equation. An important consequence of this discretization is the removal of the initial singularity [6]. As the universe expands and its volume increases, it enters an intermediate semi–classical phase in which the evolution equations take a continuous form but include modifications due to non–perturbative quantization effects [7]..."

"Positively-curved, oscillatory universes are studied within the context of Loop Quantum Cosmology subject to a consistent semi-classical treatment. The semi-classical effects are reformulated in terms of an effective phantom fluid with a variable equation of state. In cosmologies sourced by a massless scalar field, these effects lead to a universe that undergoes ever-repeating cycles of expansion and contraction. The presence of a self-interaction potential for the field breaks the symmetry of the cycles and can enable the oscillations to establish the initial conditions for successful slow-roll inflation, even when the field is initially at the minimum of its potential. The displacement of the field from its minimum is enhanced for lower and more natural values of the parameter that sets the effective quantum gravity scale. For sufficiently small values of this parameter, the universe can enter a stage of eternal self-reproduction."
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  • #2
The text mentions the modified Friedmann equation. Is this the same as the effective Friedmann equation of other papers?
  • #3
meteor said:
The text mentions the modified Friedmann equation. Is this the same as the effective Friedmann equation of other papers?

which other papers, meteor?

in this paper what they call the modified F. eq. is equation (1) on page 1.
It is fairly simple so I could transcribe it in LaTex if necessary.
We just need to compare it with the effective F. eq. in those other papers.
  • #4
I refer to

well I have looked at the Effective Friedmann equations in those papers, and is not the same that this equation,though the equation that appears in gr-qc/0312110 is very similar

In fact, the effective Friedmann equation is different in each of the 3 papers, so there's a chance that this Modified Friedmann equation is really the Effective Friedmann equation
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  • #5
meteor said:
I refer to

well I have looked at the Effective Friedmann equations in those papers, and is not the same that this equation,though the equation that appears in gr-qc/0312110 is very similar

meteor I am glad you answered this question so I will just relax
but will have a look at
because i have forgotten what paper that is

I am excited by the semiclassical range of the scale-factor a that they talk about on page 1
"The semi–classical phaseof LQC arises when the scale factor lies in the range ai <a<a*, where ai

(and then some formulas)

j is a quantization parameter which must take half integer values. Below the scale ai, the discrete nature of spacetime is important, whereas the standard classical cosmology is recovered above a*."

In the large scale limit they recover the classical Friedmann
and in the small scale they have a LQC quantized version of the friedmann which becomes a difference equation

and in this semiclassical range they have a bridge
a differential equation that approximates at small scale the difference equation and at large scale the standard cosmology model---the ordinary Friedmann equation.

And the size of this semiclassical range, this transition between a very quantum universe and a familiar expanding universe, the size of the transition range depends on this parameter j

lots to think about here
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FAQ: Oscillatory Universes in Loop Quantum Cosmology

1. What is loop quantum cosmology?

Loop quantum cosmology (LQC) is a theoretical framework that combines concepts from quantum mechanics and general relativity to study the evolution of the universe. It proposes that the universe undergoes a series of cycles, known as "bounces", where it expands and contracts instead of a single Big Bang event.

2. What are oscillatory universes in LQC?

Oscillatory universes in LQC refer to the cycles of expansion and contraction that the universe undergoes. These cycles are driven by quantum effects near the beginning of the universe, resulting in a series of bounces rather than a single Big Bang.

3. How do oscillatory universes differ from other cosmological models?

Oscillatory universes differ from other cosmological models, such as the standard Big Bang model, in that they do not have a single beginning or end. Instead, they go through an infinite number of cycles, with each cycle being preceded by a contraction phase known as a "bounce". This is a key feature of LQC that distinguishes it from other theories of the universe's evolution.

4. What evidence supports the existence of oscillatory universes in LQC?

While there is currently no direct evidence for oscillatory universes in LQC, there are several theoretical and observational clues that support this model. For example, LQC can explain some of the observed features of the cosmic microwave background radiation, such as its uniformity and lack of large-scale structure. Additionally, LQC can potentially resolve some of the problems with the singularity at the beginning of the universe, such as the horizon and flatness problems.

5. What are the implications of oscillatory universes in LQC?

If oscillatory universes are indeed a reality, it would fundamentally change our understanding of the universe and its origins. It would also have implications for other areas of physics, such as the nature of time and the behavior of matter and energy at extremely high densities. Further research and observations are needed to fully explore the implications of oscillatory universes in LQC.

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