What is the alternative to super power usa?

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  • Thread starter devil-fire
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    Power Usa
In summary, if the United States were to lose its status as a national superpower, the world would likely become more multi-polar with other nations vying for influence and power. The European Union, Russia, and China would potentially become major players, while Israel may also try to assert its dominance in the Middle East. However, without US aid, it is questionable if Israel could maintain its current military and political position. Other potential superpowers include Brazil, India, Japan, and Russia. The global scenario may become more multi-polar, with no single dominant superpower.
  • #1
who would take over for the USA if they lost the national super power status in short order? what would the new world be like?

i don't know much about political science so I am trying to envision this world of less USA involvment as basicly the same as what we have now, as to say that the events and requirments that would cause this change should be ignored.
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  • #2
I'm going to guess the collective EU (European Union) and Russia would fight for influence over the middle east, China would take over influence of most of Asia, Africa would be just as chaotic as it is now, South American nations would be pretty much left to their own devices to try a more tropically tempered form of Socialism, and would likely form a coalition like the EU.
  • #3
Sounds like 1984 to me.
  • #4
In what way?
  • #5
devil-fire said:
who would take over for the USA if they lost the national super power status in short order? what would the new world be like?


Israel would be unleashed upon their enemies, eventually overwhelming a country containing oil supplies allowing for Israel to gain a financial strong hold. Is Israel now equipped with nuclear weapons?
  • #6
Oceania, Eastasia and Eurasia
  • #7
evthis said:
Israel would be unleashed upon their enemies, eventually overwhelming a country containing oil supplies allowing for Israel to gain a financial strong hold. Is Israel now equipped with nuclear weapons?

It's a bit of a circular argument as most of Israel's military budget is reliant upon US aid of different forms (milatry aid, economic aid, loans, tax breaks, etc). It's questionable if it could maintain it's occupation of the WB and G. without US aid let alone launch attacks on other countries.
  • #8
The EU and Chnia are reeally the only two blocs that have power bases to rival the US, the EU could certainly assert an economic hegemony, but it's an economic not a politcal union. Also it's not socialist in itself it's just that it is rule dby the socialist bloc and rememeber that 'socialist' is a very broad term which includes Tony Blair's New Labour.
  • #9
jcsd said:
It's questionable if it could maintain it's occupation of the WB and G. without US aid let alone launch attacks on other countries.

WB and G ? West Bank and Gaza?
  • #10
yes that is correct.
  • #11
Eurasia was part of 1984?
  • #12
  • #13
Guess you're right. That's odd, I only remembered Oceania and Eastasia. But in waste's scenario there's no Oceania.
  • #14
im hoping to stir up some of the people who say things in the lines of 'usa holds the world from falling appart' and 'the oppresive rule of usa is a tyrany' and get their thoughts on the subject
  • #15
evthis said:
Israel would be unleashed upon their enemies, eventually overwhelming a country containing oil supplies allowing for Israel to gain a financial strong hold. Is Israel now equipped with nuclear weapons?

Israel has had nukes from us for a while i believe...

*i can't verify this, and i don't know for sure...
  • #16
I am pretty sure that france gave them one (a nuke) back in the early 90's
  • #17
I don't think that economically,China,Japan (and SE Asia) and EU would do very well,since a lotta of their exterior economical relations involve,in one way or another,the US...An (hypothetical) economical collapse of the US would have massive impact upon these state's economies.It would be just like a nuclear war between India & Pakistan...

  • #18
Per Wikipedia: A powerful and influential nation, especially a nuclear power that dominates its allies or client states in an international power bloc.

Superpowers became the name given to the Great Powers under the Cold War context; differentiating the bipolar situation from the previous multi-polar world... The enormous gap in military and economic power between the United States and other individual countries prompts some analysts to label the United States as a hyperpower. Because of the huge concentration of power in one state, some analysts have occasionally drawn analogy to a Pax Americana, with the United States as the guarantor of world peace and a mediator in disputes between other states. This is a direct reference to the Pax Britannica and the Pax Romana of the past, when Great Britain and the Roman Empire, respectively, were dominant powers deeply involved in the security of surrounding nations. This view is not universally held, nor easily defined. Others have a more negative view of the United States and see it not as a guarantor of peace but as an imperialist power imposing its will on other states.Edit Highlight :wink:

Potential superpowers - Countries which some analysts predict could achieve superpower status in the coming decades:
· Brazil, which has a large population, and the capacity to go nuclear.
· China, which has limited nuclear capabilities, a large but mostly obsolete military, the world's largest population, and a large and growing economy (2nd largest in PPP, but only 1/7th the size of the United States' economy at market values).
· The European Union, if counted as a single unit would have the largest economy in the world. Also the European Union obtains nuclear capabilities via France and the United Kingdom, but is still too politically and militarily fragmented to be considered a single power.
· India, which has a population of over a billion, a small nuclear arsenal, as well as a thriving economy (4th largest in PPP).
· Japan, which has one of the world's most powerful economies and has increased military funding in recent years.
· Russia, the most powerful of the countries of the former Soviet Union, maintains the largest nuclear stockpile in the world and possesses a huge conventional arsenal, a large economy, and a plentiful supply of natural resources.
· Worldwide public opinion has been described by the media as a Second Superpower

It seems that the new global scenario may be multi-polar. And wow, the Physics Forum may become a Second Superpower! :smile:

dextercioby said:
An (hypothetical) economical collapse of the US would have massive impact

Here's the real shift in paradigm...?
  • #19
What I meant, of course, was that the world's going to segregate into a few superpowers that will be locked in a perpetual state of (if not military) economic war, more so than now.
  • #20
Foretelling is a dangerous activity.The life on Earth could vanish tommorrow.

Let's stick to the present.

  • #21
franznietzsche said:
Israel has had nukes from us for a while i believe...

*i can't verify this, and i don't know for sure...

Well it dpends what you mean by 'from us', the US hasn't helped the Israeli nuclear program other than by tolerating it (the Israeli's had their own programme helped by IIRC France), however some of the critical technical knowledge was stolen from the US by an Israeli spy.

FAQ: What is the alternative to super power usa?

What is the alternative to super power usa?

The alternative to super power USA refers to a country or group of countries that could potentially rival the United States in terms of global influence, economic power, and military strength.

What factors determine a country's super power status?

A country's superpower status is typically determined by its economic strength, military power, technological advancements, global influence, and cultural influence. These factors are constantly changing and evolving, making it difficult to pinpoint a definitive alternative to super power USA.

Are there any countries that are currently challenging the United States as a super power?

China, Russia, and the European Union are often considered potential alternatives to super power USA. However, each of these entities have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, making it difficult to determine a clear alternative.

Could there be a collective group of countries that could rival the United States as a super power?

Some analysts believe that a collective group of countries, such as the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), could potentially challenge the United States as a superpower. However, this is still a topic of debate and there is no clear consensus on whether this is a feasible alternative.

Is it possible for the United States to be replaced as a super power?

While it is possible for a country or group of countries to surpass the United States in terms of global influence and power, it is difficult to predict if and when this will happen. The United States has a strong and resilient economy, advanced military technology, and a powerful global presence, making it a formidable superpower that is not easily replaceable.
