Understanding Adjoint Operators in Vector & Function Spaces

  • Thread starter Karthiksrao
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In summary, the concept of adjoint operators in linear vector spaces and function spaces is important because it allows us to find the closest solution to an equation when the operator is not invertible. Self-adjoint operators are particularly significant as they have real eigenvalues and enough independent eigenvectors to form a basis for the vector space. While not all self-adjoint operators have a complete orthonormal set of eigenvectors, any basis can be turned into an orthonormal one through a Gramm-Schmidt procedure.
  • #1

I am unable to grasp the significance of adjoint operators both in linear vector space as well as function space .

Why do we take the trouble of finding these ? What purpose do they serve in the vector space and how can we naturally extend this concept to Hilbert space ?

Many thanks
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  • #2
The adjoint operator, A*, to A, where A is a linear tranformation from one innerproduct space, U, to another, V, is the operator from V back to U such that <Au, v>= <u, A*v>. Since it is going from V back to U it is a little like an inverse function.

We can make that more precise. Suppose we want to "solve" Ax= y were y is some vector in V. If A is NOT invertible, there may not be such an x (and if there is, there may be an infinite number). If A is not invertible, then A maps every vector in U into some subspace of V. If y does not happen to be in that subspace, there is no x such that Ax= y. But we can then look for the value of x that makes Ax closest to y. We can find that x by dropping a perpendicular from b to the subspace. That is, we want x such that b- Ax is perpendicular to that subspace: we want <Au, b- Ax>= 0 for all u in U. We can make use of the definition of adjoint to rewrite that as <u, A*(b- Ax)>= 0. The difference is that now the inner product is in U- and u can be any vector in u. The only vector in a vector space that is orthogonal to all vectors in a vector space (including itself) is the 0 vector. We must have A*b- A*Ax= 0. We can rewrite that as A*Ax= A*b. Now, even for A not invertible, A*A is likely to be: we have [itex]x= (A^*A)^{-1}A* b[/itex] as the vector in U such that Ax is "closest" to y. [itex](A^*A)^{-1}A[/itex] is often called the "generalized inverse" of A. (If U and V are vector spaces over the complex numbers, this is the "Moore-Penrose" inverse.)

Of course, if A is a linear tranformation from a vector space U to U itself, it might happen that A is its own inverse. "Self adjoint" operators are very important. For example, one can show the eigenvalues of a self adjoint operator, even on a vector space over the complex numbers, are real numbers. Further, there always exist enough independent eigenvectors for a self adjoint operator to form a basis for the vector space. That means the selfadjoint operators are "diagonalizable".
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  • #3
Nice explanation, HallsofIvy. Thanks.
  • #4
yes.. Just the kind of explanation I was looking for. Thanks again.
  • #5
Since these adjoint concepts are extended to the theory of functions too - I was wondering if there is anything analogous to 'inverse of a matrix' in function space.. For example - the Sturm Liouville operator : what would be the analgous inverse of this operator ?

  • #6
Differential operators in general do not have inverses because they are not one to one.

The whole point of the Sturm-Liouville operators, however, the reason they are given a special name, is that they are self-adjoint.
  • #7
HallsofIvy said:
For example, one can show the eigenvalues of a self adjoint operator, even on a vector space over the complex numbers, are real numbers. Further, there always exist enough independent eigenvectors for a self adjoint operator to form a basis for the vector space. That means the selfadjoint operators are "diagonalizable".

"A linear operator can be Hermitian without possessing a complete orthonormal set of eigenvectors and a corresponding set of real eigenvalues" (Gillespie: A Quantum Mechanics Primer, 4-2, footnote).

(Gillespie defines Hermitian as self-adjoint.) Together these two statements suggest that a self-adjoint operator always has enough independent eigenvectors to form a basis, but not necessarily an orthonormal basis. But is that right?
  • #8
Rasalhague said:
"A linear operator can be Hermitian without possessing a complete orthonormal set of eigenvectors and a corresponding set of real eigenvalues" (Gillespie: A Quantum Mechanics Primer, 4-2, footnote).

(Gillespie defines Hermitian as self-adjoint.) Together these two statements suggest that a self-adjoint operator always has enough independent eigenvectors to form a basis, but not necessarily an orthonormal basis. But is that right?

No, essentially any basis in a (pre)Hilbert space can be turned into an orthonormal one by a Gramm-Schmidt procedure, so this is not the issue. What Gillespie is saying is that an operator can be self-adjoint wrt the strong topology in a Hlbert space, yet its eigenvectors can be outside the Hilbert space (e.g. the position & momentum operators for a free particle in non-relativistic QM).
  • #9
The eigenvectors of an hermitian operator can always be chosen orthonormal, so that's not the point. The thing is that there might not exist a complete set of eigenvectors...

FAQ: Understanding Adjoint Operators in Vector & Function Spaces

1. What is an adjoint operator?

An adjoint operator is a linear operator that maps a vector or function in a vector space onto another vector or function in the same space. It is the mathematical dual of the original operator and is defined by its unique inner product properties.

2. How does an adjoint operator relate to its original operator?

An adjoint operator is closely related to its original operator and has many similar properties. For example, they have the same eigenvalues and the same null space. Additionally, they have a special relationship where the inner product of the original operator applied to a vector and the adjoint operator applied to the same vector is equal to the inner product of the two vectors.

3. What is the importance of adjoint operators in vector and function spaces?

Adjoint operators are important in vector and function spaces because they allow us to extend the concept of orthogonality to more general spaces. They also allow us to define and solve problems involving the adjoint operator that may not be solvable using the original operator alone. Furthermore, they have important applications in fields such as quantum mechanics, signal processing, and differential equations.

4. How are adjoint operators calculated?

The calculation of an adjoint operator depends on the specific vector or function space and the inner product that is used. In general, the adjoint operator is obtained by finding the transpose, conjugate, or Hermitian conjugate of the original operator. In some cases, it may also involve taking the inverse of the operator. It is important to carefully define the inner product and its properties before calculating the adjoint operator.

5. Can an adjoint operator exist in non-Euclidean spaces?

Yes, an adjoint operator can exist in non-Euclidean spaces. However, the properties and calculation of the adjoint operator may be different than in Euclidean spaces. For example, in non-Euclidean spaces, the inner product may not be symmetric, leading to different definitions and properties of the adjoint operator. Additionally, the concept of orthogonality may also differ in these spaces.

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