What methods are used to model/predict fission reactions?

In summary, QFT/QED/QCD are not used to model or predict fission reactions in nuclear reactors or weapons. Instead, special solutions of neutron diffusion or transport theory are used, along with experimentally derived cross-sections. Commercial reactors use modified 2-group diffusion theory, while nuclear weapons use specialized codes. Monte Carlo codes are also used to simulate neutron behavior, but all codes rely on experimental cross-sections rather than nuclear theory.
  • #1
This is a stupid question, but it has always been a question of mine that I have never been able to find a strait answer. To be more specific, is quantum electrodynamics or special relativity used to model or predict fission reactions such as those found in a nuclear explosion or inside a nuclear reactor? Do the classical laws of conservation of mass and energy still apply or only conservation of mass/energy?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
In brief QFT/QED/QCD are not used in the prediction or modelling of fission reactions in reactors or weapons. Rather, special solutions of either neutron diffusion or transport theory are used.

The cross-sections (probabilities of a neutron reaction) are known from experiment. The cross sections are based on the attenuation measurements of neutron beams and the measurement of resulting reactions, which include scattering, absorption (with gamma emission), and absorption (with fission).

For nuclear fuel and reactors, the microscopic cross-sections are developed into macroscopic cross-sections which are used in so-called lattice codes, like PHOENIX or CASMO, or a proprietary code used by one of the reactor suppliers. The lattice codes then determined the relative power level of a cross-seciton of the fuel assembly as a function of burnup (exposure/depletion), and these results are used in core simulator to determine the fission rate and more particularly the thermal power distribution during operation of a reactor.

Most commercial fuel suppliers use a modified 2-group diffusion theory.

Nuclear weapons are quite different the commerical reactors, and they use very specialized codes the model the physics of those systems.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply Astronuc. Very informative.
  • #4
I could add that one uses also a lot Monte Carlo codes to simulate neutronic behaviour. They have the advantage of not having computer time to depend strongly on the complexity of the situation, and not needing many a priori assumptions about the behaviour of the solution. On the other hand, they have statistical errors, and they are CPU hogs.

But as Astro said, all nuclear happenings in all these codes are based upon experimentally derived cross sections. No nuclear theory is used in any of these codes. The experimental cross sections are freely available and can be found on the website of the NNDC for instance.

FAQ: What methods are used to model/predict fission reactions?

1. What is the purpose of modeling and predicting fission reactions?

The purpose of modeling and predicting fission reactions is to better understand the behavior of nuclear reactions and to accurately predict the outcomes of these reactions. This information can be used to design and improve nuclear reactors, as well as to advance our understanding of nuclear physics.

2. What are the different methods used to model and predict fission reactions?

There are several methods used to model and predict fission reactions, including theoretical models based on quantum mechanics, computer simulations using Monte Carlo methods, and experimental data from previous fission reactions. Each method has its own advantages and limitations and is often used in combination to achieve more accurate results.

3. How do scientists validate the accuracy of their fission reaction models?

To validate the accuracy of their fission reaction models, scientists compare the predicted outcomes of the model to experimental data from previous fission reactions. If the results match closely, it is an indication that the model is accurate. Additionally, models are continuously refined and updated as new experimental data becomes available.

4. Can fission reactions be accurately predicted every time using these methods?

While modeling and predicting fission reactions has greatly improved our understanding and ability to control these reactions, there are still uncertainties and limitations in the methods used. Fission reactions involve complex processes and are affected by many factors, making it impossible to predict with 100% accuracy every time.

5. How are fission reaction models used in practical applications?

Fission reaction models are used in various practical applications, such as designing and optimizing nuclear reactors for energy production, predicting the behavior of nuclear weapons, and understanding the formation and evolution of elements in the universe. These models also play a crucial role in nuclear safety and security measures.

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