Is Light Dispersed Due to Interference?

  • Thread starter demosthenes_001
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In summary, light disperses due to factors such as the imperfections on a surface causing scattered reflection, non-point light sources in flashlights, and limitations of quantum mechanics. As distance increases, the brightness of light decreases due to the spreading out of the light cone. However, with the use of focused mirrors or laser lights, this effect can be minimized, resulting in brighter light at longer distances. The dispersion of light is not solely caused by photon interference.
  • #1
Why does light dispurse? is it because of interference? for example, when you shine a flashlight at wall that is farther away, why is the appearance duller?
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  • #2
When light comes out of the flashlight, it can't come out perfectly straight, so you'll always have some dispersion as it propagates in space, that is the first reason.

If light hits a wall, the minute deformities on its surface will cause the light to reflect in different directions, such that it becomes duller. This is scattered reflection, basically diffraction.

If the wall is polished so smooth that deformities are much smaller than the light's wavelength, you have specular reflection - the case with mirrors, which are polished metal.
  • #3
demosthenes_001 said:
Why does light dispurse? is it because of interference? for example, when you shine a flashlight at wall that is farther away, why is the appearance duller?

For things like flashlights, there are non-quantum factors that play a significant role. Flashlights with a lightbulb have a filiament which radiates, more or less, in a spherical fashion, and then a mirror to redirect the light to the front. Because the light bulb is not a point source, it is impossible to redirect all of the light that hits the mirror in the same direction. Moreover, there is light that goes directly from the bulb through the lens of the flashlight which will always have a fairily wide cone.

Since this was posted in the QM forum, I will note that there are also quantum mechanics related limitations on how precise light can be, but they're AFAIK usually not noticable using flashlights. Moreover I don't know nearly enough about QM to make any informed comments about it.

Regarding distance and light dullness:
The flashlight produces a cone of light. If you assume that the amount of light is constant for a cut across this cone (usually a reasonable assumption) then it can be inferred that the light per area (brightness) is less as the sections of the cone get larger i.e. further from the flashlight. If the cone is not spread out - for example, if mirrors are used to focus the light - it is quite possible to have relatively bright light at fairily long distances. Similarly, laser lights are bright for long distances because they have very narrow cones.
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  • #4
thank you. I always thought that it was the photons interfering with each other that made light dispurse.

FAQ: Is Light Dispersed Due to Interference?

1. Why does light disperse?

Light disperses because it is made up of different wavelengths, each with its own speed. When light passes through a medium, such as air or water, these wavelengths are bent at different angles, causing them to spread out and disperse.

2. What causes light to disperse?

The phenomenon of light dispersion is caused by a property of light called refraction. Refraction occurs when light travels through a medium with varying densities, causing it to change direction and disperse.

3. How does light disperse in a prism?

In a prism, light enters one side and is refracted as it passes through the medium. The different wavelengths of light are bent at different angles, causing them to separate and disperse, creating the rainbow effect.

4. Does the color of light affect how much it disperses?

Yes, the color of light does affect how much it disperses. This is because different colors have different wavelengths, and shorter wavelengths are bent more than longer wavelengths, causing them to disperse at different angles.

5. Can light be dispersed in a vacuum?

No, light cannot be dispersed in a vacuum. Dispersion only occurs when light travels through a medium with varying densities, such as air, water, or a prism. In a vacuum, there is no medium for light to pass through, so it cannot disperse.

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