Video of my marine biology work

In summary: The reef in the background is a macro reef of the same genus and species, and is less than a foot away from the pico keeper.In summary, the reefs in the pico keeper are very stable and can be transported easily. They are also a form of study because they are a different type of habitat than what is typically found in an aquarium.
  • #1
I have wanted to review these ecosystems with other biologists for a while now, usually we just stay on aquarium web sites and just now I found yours. enjoyed reading through the threads and seeing the depth of the discussion, really great place.

there is about 10 years dedication into microhabitat study behind these systems shown in the vid, hope you can see that detail if you got a spare 10 mins. With these microhabitats I collect data on:

-plankton support and consistency in micro marine habitats
-waste water measurements related to calcification rates of stony coral in micro marine habitats
-nematocyst ejection triggers and their presence in the water column (very sparse btw considering)
-allelopathic studies through direct observation...which coral melts which coral> data on sensitization of coral nettling among high coral densities/niche competition
-temperature trends in relation to calcification rates of scleractinians
-nitrogen processing abilities
-benthic life population data
-algal community sampling and population data

if a shade tree biologist could proclaim a life's work, this would be mine:

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Biology news on
  • #2
a pic to set the scale of the model


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  • #3
Wow, very cool stuff, brandon, really amazing! I know nothing about aquariums but I love observing marine life. My home computer can't stream the video very well , so I'll have to watch it tomorrow at work.

Did you collect the specimens while diving?
  • #4
Amazing. No biology experience here, but that is great, committed work.
  • #5
thank you very much it does take a lot of planning to run them but the water changes are fast so its not too time consuming


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  • #6
That's amazing, those tanks are beautiful. I've never seen microhabitats like this, like lisab I'm also curious where you get the specimens (somewhere you mentioned an unfortunate hitchhiker). Why do you have a CO2 tank hooked up to the system?
  • #7
thanky you both for stopping in!

since the screen shots are just fades among different tanks I've had, it gets a little confusing. the CO2 is just for the planted tank although it sat behind the reefs at one time in a different house.

thank you for checking them out, what makes them different is that you won't find them in any biology display, at any school because they are one of a kind. I stumbled across the balance for the system a while ago and my friends on the web in forums like this have been helping me hone the micro-biology for these

The specimens come from aquarium shops and are 90% aquacultured, meaning grown in other tanks, so I dont' have to feel bad about stripping the environment. the live rock however is wild, so that would be the 10% portion against the aquacultured...

the main reason other systems like these don't exist is because people have noted that salinity shifts in ultra small marine habitats make keeping them a hassle, so all I did was seal it up and pump the oxygen from within...the refugium/plant growth area in the tiny square tank makes the oxygen for the whole setup, and scrubs the CO2 produced during the night respiration cycle

nice to meet you
  • #8
wanted to add these pics I took off a thread posted in like 2003


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  • #9
and these were the original drawings for design from y2k


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  • #10
a few more pics for scale and comparison:
the globe terrarium is the size of an x-large beachball and has an 8 inch opening at the top. There is an internal waterfall for nutrient distribution and aesthetics


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  • #11
these reefs have been driven long distances to public shows and universities in the texas panhandle

the full palmtop reef can be carried and ran in someone's car while they drive. the cables are simply plugged into a laptop charger AC converter you can get at best buy for 25 dollars.


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  • #12
these systems concentrate the allelopathic chemicals normally used for warefare and they mute them through some mechanism of sensitization I surmise.

That's why these are a form of study on top of mad novelty, no other reef tanks this size are as stable because evaporation control measures aren't taken effectively and without great mechanical need. Once you keep micro systems, one can't help but make observations on things that normally test larger tanks such as oxygenation, carbon dioxide binding and export, nitrate binding (plant growth) or export in the form of nitrogen gas via anaerobic bacteria metabolism, allelopathy and asexual reproduction and adaptation strategies of corals in general. The microhabitat is a very practical way to expand coral studies to the masses not connected with the lab or exclusive marine hobby cost and technical knowledge structure. These phenomena are what we discuss in live shows regarding micro-biology


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  • #13
for example, in the pic above in the center the pico keeper is permitted to see actual budding formation of the tabular growth form (the common tabletop) of acropora, the most prolific hermatypic coral we have. The large reef tanks that produce this effect cost no less than $5,000 dollars, period. Same growth, albeit lesser color, in a $100 tank.

The far right of the pic is a little upward column where you can see the denuded area at the water surface. Early phase tabular growth. The growth continues upward but boundaries at the water surface, like a limestone cave prominence that keeps thickening until it's a full table only at three inches wide. The internal current afforded by the powerhead placement shapes the growth of the tabletop as the acropora likes to grow directly into the current. By hitting the colony from the side, it grows sideways in the display rather than forward into the glass where I wouldn't be able to clean it of algae. this is the table top after two years in the system, the full, but miniature, natural growth form of one of the most important genera of corals we know
lower down in the aquascape is a miniture scroll coral chip that is displaying a natural whorled morphology

Proliferation of benthic life- myriad worms, snails, echinoderms, hydromedusae, sponges, bivalves and more is possible because of a very simple feeding method. You feed very expensive and concentrated frozen coral food heavily in the tank and let it swirl for three hours, then change the water 100% to export all unused proteinic material. this feeds every living organism in the tank. excluding microscopic life, living things are in the thousands numbers even in this small space due to the above mentioned animals along with various insects crawling the rocks who are detritivores and alter the reef matrix by tunneling and various forms of erosion and deposition. The rock structure is lined back to back with sabellid worms and filter feeding sponges. I have created a cryptic portion of the vase reef to propagate filter feeders by darkening out a hemisphere of the tank where there are no corals to prevent light passing, did it with black duct tape. This has tripled the loading of sabellid fanworms in the dark region, which now number around 500+ individuals if I had to guess.

This is simply the most marine life you can legitimately produce in one gallon of water as a stand alone system. When you have access to micro equipment such as miniature thermoelectric heaters and tiny water pumps this small, technology no longer is a limiting factor in advancing new ways to observe captive coral growth.


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  • #14
nice work. i miss my old 75g reef (used to have one of those 5k deals you mentioned). very impressed that you're getting the acropora growth in there with all those softies. what are you doing for Ca++ replenishment? best investment i ever made was a CO2-powered reactor. does the thick sand substrate with the jaubert plenum suffice for your Ca++ needs?

oh, and my condolences on the worm. had one of those myself, and it DID attack my critters, as did some crabs that ended up as fish food.
  • #15
you are right he was a terrible guy I was finally able to catch half of him in a brsitleworm trap, the other half was fished out and water changed clean...terrible work but had to be done, they would absolutely wreck the ecosystem in a pico. He could actually break off glued frags and transport them back in the rockwork, this worm cost me a lot of money really.

if you have pictures of your system feel free to post they would be welcomed in a thread covering captive reef science.

The measurement pic shows the lid/wire interface done correctly to seal the tank. You can see the heater and water pump lines have been cut, rang through grommets in the lid, then resoldered back on the other side. This type of pass-through is not found in any other reef aquarium design whatsoever so that is also a unique way of dealing with physical parameters at the palmtop level.

Here's a measurement pic to show the sizing in a clear way, the tabletop growth is done in a two inch deep aquascape. The look, to resemble a 75 gallon full tank, is done by delicately shaving coral heads down to micro sizes. often this means separating tiny buds from larger colonies the selling back the larger colonies...I have taken time to hand glue every polyp in here with hemostats and forceps. Gel super glue is insoluble in the reeftank. Its like putting together a model car, with all the individual linkages, but it's a living unit. Reproduction of the yellow var. dendrophyllia, a non photosynthetic hermatypic, is featured from the vase reef


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  • #16
a few more laser-clear closeups of the palmtop environs


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  • #17
Very nice and impressive work !
  • #18
Brandon429, I loved the video and music. Thanks for sharing it with us. :smile: I noticed there were guitars within the video. Have you written any songs?
  • #19
yes I have but they are no good. lol

what I do with regular frequency is drum karaoke however. On each side of the fireplace there are two fifteen inch club drivers from yamaha on a PA amp. You can blend in any instrument track from the guitars or the drums on top of an mp3, then you shape it and equalize the whole patch livetime as it comes out the speakers. This allows you to sonically insert your instrumet into the song as it's being played back, for ultimate timing practice and overall skill required to match tune with pre recorded work. I know some guitarists who can follow songs perfectly and Id like to aspire to that.
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  • #20
an intersting tie to marine biology as well, sonic sensitization. When new coral frags are added to the bowl, extremely loud live music makes them close up obviously in reaction to this new sonic situation. In about a month they do not ever close up unless you move the bowl, they are truly used to the shaking and sometimes I play for two hours continuously (with ear plugs of course for marathon jams) but the corals will be fully expanded this always amazed me in terms of physical adaptations.
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  • #21
brandon429 said:
yes I have but they are no good. lol

what I do with regular frequency is drum karaoke however. On each side of the fireplace there are two fifteen inch club drivers from yamaha on a PA amp. You can blend in any instrument track from the guitars or the drums on top of an mp3, then you shape it and equalize the whole patch livetime as it comes out the speakers. This allows you to sonically insert your instrumet into the song as it's being played back, for ultimate timing practice and overall skill required to match tune with pre recorded work. I know some guitarists who can follow songs perfectly and Id like to aspire to that.

I wish you the best life has to offer. I have many friends that play musical instruments, and sing too. How can you be sure your songs are no good? Would you mind sharing the lyrics to one of your songs so I can determine if it is good enough to possibly turn into a record? :) Either way, I would enjoy hearing your music. Be a sport. Sock it to us! I have my reasons. :biggrin: I would really like to hear what you are playing for your "coral" audience.

brandon429 said:
an intersting tie to marine biology as well, sonic sensitization. When new coral frags are added to the bowl, extremely loud live music makes them close up obviously in reaction to this new sonic situation. In about a month they do not ever close up unless you move the bowl, they are truly used to the shaking and sometimes I play for two hours continuously (with ear plugs of course for marathon jams) but the corals will be fully expanded this always amazed me in terms of physical adaptations.

Normally, from what I understand it is impossible for an aquarist to duplicate the wave energy needed for corals. However, the good news seems to me that your music may also be contributing to their mortality .:wink: Check it out...
Sound is also a type of wave that we cannot see. Like ocean waves, sound waves something to travel through like waves through the ocean or through a flag. Sound can travel through air because air is made of molecules. These molecules carry the sound waves by bumping into each other, like dominoes knocking each other over. Sound can travel through anything made of molecules - even water!
  • #22
thanks for discussing music I don't get that enough in reef forums and they are uniquely conjoined in my life apparently :) that's great if you are into music or music arrangement via pc.

the reason I said that about my songs is because all drummers eventually consider the guitar and the early transition is disappointing usually except for dave grohl

Regarding the sensitization, I am not sure how the sound pressure waves would convert in water but I would assume it to be deafening as the solid material of the reef resonates. I often wear earplugs to prevent damage but the water would filter out much above 2000hz id suspect, but it would transmit well the 20hz stuff which is the shaker freq's

The observation was based on the fact new-entry corals close up regardless of the form of sound involved, but after weeks don't close during loud jam sessions. This involves some pathway for perception and reaction, and this is interesting in an otherwise gelatinous mass because adjustments are made to the polyp behavior related to a stressor.

High e notes on the bass, as a slap, can dang near break windows I don't know how these corals don't dislodge. they are super glued in with cyanoacrylate gel, which many know to be insoluble in saltwater so for the scale of things I guess it can hold pretty well. A good portion of the vase is linked by coralline, just like the real reefs, and this adds stability when transporting it and I would suppose for home concert runs.
  • #23
ViewsofMars said:
Normally, from what I understand it is impossible for an aquarist to duplicate the wave energy needed for corals. However, the good news seems to me that your music may also be contributing to their mortality .:wink: Check it out...

corals can do surprisingly well without so much current. but a lot of people will use "wavemakers" to cycle powerheads on and off to avoid dead spots. and some go so far as to build surge generators that use the same nonlinear dynamics of a flushing toilet to deliver very strong currents intermittently.
  • #24
I have a real test of identification skills for any biologist out there! It is possible in a very minor way that I have captured several live coral planula inside the reefbowl searching for a place to implant...this form of reproduction absolutely has not been documented in a pico reef anywhere so I am rather excited. With their age and stability I would not be suprised, this vase will hit it's fifth year in several months and that's ridiculous for a pico tank...a lucky effect of great salinity control.

But, a master biologist has posited these can also likely be flatworms, yet he agreed to be open minded with a diagnosis (ongoing) because he didn't know of any right off the bat that held these 16 prominent radial protuberances~I read that flatworms are normall symmetrical or amoeboid at worst, not knobby?

Please you guys forward these to any ID pros you know of, we are really keeping an eye out to see if these are planulae

sheck it out
  • #25
the closeup slide is almost certainly zooxanthellae packets. Since this is common to both marine acoel flatworms and corals its really a tricky id. I am leaning towards a platyhelminth because getting sexual reproduction in a pico reef is too lucky for the doldrums of winter.

If macro analysis helps, I originally thought they were flatworms about to break out in my tank from new coral additions, but the strage part is these animals in the slides undulated like a jellyfish and stayed in suspension, touching down to sample an area only for a minute before fluttering back up into the current, round and round in the bowl, before setting down shortly again elsewhere. I pippetted one up before it could make another loop lol

THese pics were taken by holding a flip cell phone about 1/4 inch above an 80x objective on an old antique scope I have, cool huh for low tech purposes!

I was installing some micro aquaculture frag racks, to growout tiny fragments into larger corals for sale, when I saw these worms or planula. The reefbowl with it's daily CA/CO3 additions and good nutrient support is producing coral really well and I wanted some pieces mounted on removable plastic supports that can be removed with tweezers and shipped out.

They are now mounted on the inside of the vase right in the middle, getting the prime feeding/light and current. If you'll watch for updates on the growout, you'll see the vase producing just as well as a 100 gallon reef, I just have to trade the frags off before they get too large.

I bought some really expensive acanthastrea frags, the rarest one my shop ever had, and made some frags from my own 5-year line of hydnophoroids and some acans from the rear of the bowl. To frag a delicate $150 dollar acanthastrea coral, I dremel the base of the skeleton up from the bottom, just up to the corallites and then finish off the living veneer with some clippers to prevent uncontrolled tearing and tissue damage. I'll cut one 150 dollar one into 5 $60 ones, then fatten them up
Both the clones and parent will heal in two weeks.

Normally, gallon reef aquariums cannot produce positive biomass coral loading whatever you do to them!


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  • #26
IANAB, but they don't look at all like flatworms. appears to be some kind of medusa, let's just hope it's not jellies.
  • #27
thanks for checking it out! I am sure along with bad hitchhikers like aiptasias, majanos and eunice worms there are some kinds of jellies or jelly hydromedusae that can be outbreak prone, great idea. the movement was so characteristially jelly, and so I drew that relation to the planular stage in scleractinians as a distant hopeful...Dr. Shimek agreed they are more likely not planula due to the movement, but it hasn't been firmly ruled out as finding specialists to know the planula morphology of the varied corals is really tough, fun little micro hunt thanks for stopping by man
  • #28
brandon429 said:
I have wanted to review these ecosystems with other biologists for a while now, usually we just stay on aquarium web sites and just now I found yours. enjoyed reading through the threads and seeing the depth of the discussion, really great place...


@brandon429: I had recently viewed your work on youtube completely separate from this website, and it was actually the reason I've been pursuing my interest in sustainable ecology and biology in general, initially in aquatic systems and eventually in land-based systems as well. In fact, I'm considering a career in biology now!

I recently gave a presentation on algal photobioreactors, and plan on constructing a modular system (for upscalability and the ability to study various strains separately) for my local hackerspace as a way to sequester CO2 emissions, and produce fresh oxygen to offset our carbon footprint and increase the quality of air in our building. In the process I really started to connect the dots considering my aquarium obsession and my usual fantasies involving the aquisition of various animals and attempting to replicate their natural environments.

I've been reading up on simpler projects such as the eco-sphere, and have been making preparation to conduct some experiments. I would love to replicate complex marine (or freshwater) ecosystems as you have, as I don't have the luxury of traveling to study said environments in nature first-hand. That said, I have no degrees yet, however. I've been brushing up on general biology courses, downloaded a couple college biology ebooks for 2010, and have been attempting to locate as much information in regards to ecology as I can.

All of this aside, do you have any suggestions as to an aspiring biologist? I've been worried since I've read numerous horror stories told by fresh-out-of-college graduates who are unable to find work and end up working for fast-food and cafe's anyway. I have a decent history in IT, mostly self-taught, and it has brought me through 4 years of actual work experience (including working for a university currently), however. I am going to make the assumption that this is not the case when it comes to academic research (not counting the DIY research I will no doubt be working on for my own interests). Should I get a BS in general biology and go for a Ph.D in a specific field (i.e. ecology, etc)? Or should I pursue a particular field from the start. Do I even need a Ph.D? I am interested in original research, and am self-motivated. I'm hoping that a documented record of my projects and personal research in sustainable ecology will be enough to jump-start me with a BS.

Thank you for your time, I just wanted to let you know that your project has inspired me.

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  • #29
Really nice to meet you I got the message on youtube comments first and responded there

you have a new friend response too it was fun to ponder some career options I may indeed explore one day as well, and your zest for such a fun start in science will only pay off financially and more importantly internally for you. the work you mentioned in carbon sequestration is particularly interesting as there are many new building management degrees both at the grad and undergrad level that incorporate MIS and biology talk about two permanently-needed fields, really nice to meet you.

thanks for replying new friend
Brandon M
Lubbock Tx
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  • #30
Thought Id dredge up the thread for any new coral keepers who might have joined physicsforums this year...also there are coral husbandry updates, new vids showing calcification/coralline algae removal techniques to managed aged bowls and some biology behind invertebrate sustenance in the microhabitat. the coral banded shrimp and l. tessellata boxer crab have cohabitated for about 35 months now with regular moltings and territory defense, interesting stuff.

It also dawned on me that a series of established, aged reefbowls would be fine test substrates for Gulf oil spill destruction biology. one could set different dilution tests/long term tests and the microhabitats tend to register environmental changes much much faster than larger marine systems perhaps this ratio is of some benefit when conducting impacts on established coral communities...

invert care in the micro habitat:

calcification removal+ pics of assorted marine microhabitats:


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  • #31
Strangest thing...

yesterday I got this email, but when I checked here there was no response?
Dear brandon429,

johnsmith86 has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Video of my marine biology work - in the Biology forum of Physics Forums.

This thread is located at:

Here is the message that has just been posted:
nice information

There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.

All the best,
Physics Forums

So maybe someone didn't want to kick up an old thread and they deleted after posting but the message already came to my inbox>...if its any interest the bowl is going strong. My whole point is that this new/old technique for keeping and studying corals in the simplest containers is not a fad, its real science. Here are some progression pics, the system is years old now, it is the longest running pico reef on the web, find something older and post if possible Id like to review their care methods.
The coming years will test the approaches that run the bowl, I believe it has a truly indefinite biological lifespan.
coral progression in this pic just over one year from my last follow up:


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  • #32
here's that brown montipora sps shown from the outside of the bowl. I found they display annular ring growth like a tree, could be helpful for discerning age of specimen in wild studies.

In the captive aquarium, the strata are defined by variations in tank chemistry and become rather obvious. In nature where conditions are consistent I think the effect is less pronounced, its likely some microscopy or skeletal analysis/corallite comparisons would be needed to uncover the same growth depositions.

As a continuing challenge, nobody has been able to identify my mystery organisms from the prior pages, I've shown the pics to master online invert biologists and none have been able to show a link describing the organism.

The bowl is a very long term study of mixed coral communities in the hyperconcentrated environment. updates again in 2013


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  • #33
  • #34

Hi biological buddies. Every few months I like to make updates to chart the longevity of the microsystem and the original hermatypic corals in the vase, what they do, reproduction, new challenges for the bowl etc

So in 2010 and 2011 a new direction in captive coral reef maintenance became known involving the dosing of strong oxidizer (peroxide) as a means of preventing primary producer infestation around captive reef systems, this is interesting to test in my super aged pico reef because of the coral density to volume etc, we are able to test the application of weak (3%) and super strong (35%) peroxide in the tank to test its efficacy on common reef pests as well as the impact to the reefbuilding corals thriving in the vase.

The vase is about 6 yrs old now with the original corals and a few new ones completing the genera count to 16 in situ

we are making inferences about allelopathic models, temperature sensitization, feeding and reproduction and now effects of excessive oxygenation/free radical management within the micro ecosystem

the video is pretty boring but not if you can look past its corny techno music to see this one gallon vase is getting treated with 35% peroxide on a regular basis, the corals are growing even faster and there has been no detriment to the benthic and microbial communities (test results are the same from 2006)

-peroxide is not a requisite antibiotic as has been stated

see ya'll next year!
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  • #35
additionally, not one biologist has been able to identify the organism I posted on page 2 in the middle. years after the pic was taken and across tons of forums, this little one gallon tank has produced organisms that defy taxonomy. let me know if anyone is feeling froggy lol

FAQ: Video of my marine biology work

1. What kind of marine biology work do you do?

I specialize in studying marine mammals, specifically whales and dolphins. I conduct research on their behavior, communication, and population dynamics.

2. Where do you conduct your marine biology work?

I conduct my research in various locations around the world, including the Arctic, Antarctic, and various coastal regions. I also collaborate with other researchers and organizations to study these animals in their natural habitats.

3. How do you capture video of marine life?

There are a few different methods we use to capture video of marine life. We often use drones or underwater cameras to get footage from above or below the surface. We also use specialized equipment, such as hydrophones, to record audio of marine animals.

4. What have you learned from your marine biology work?

Through my research, I have learned a lot about the behavior and communication of marine mammals. I have also been able to gather important data on their population sizes and trends, which can help inform conservation efforts.

5. How do you use the video footage in your research?

The video footage we capture is an important tool in our research. We use it to analyze the behavior and communication of marine mammals, as well as to track their movements and interactions with their environment. It also helps us gather data on their population sizes and health.
