Centrifugal/Centripetal Acceleration

The conversation discusses the acceleration of a test tube placed in a lab centrifuge rotating at 4000rpm. The individual has already attempted to calculate the acceleration using the centripetal acceleration equation, but their result is incorrect. They are seeking clarification on the correct value to use for the radius in their calculation.
  • #1
This question is actually posted up, but not under a very descriptive title so I'm reposting it and hoping the admin will just close my other one... sorry. Anyway, here is my problem-

#1) A typical lab centrifuge rotates at 4000rpm. Test tubes have to be placed into a centrifuge very carefully because of the very large accelerations. What is the acceleration at the end of a test tube that is 10cm from the axis of rotation in?

What I've already done is find the circumference of the circle, multiplied that by how many revs in a minute the lab does, divide that by 60 to get it in how many revs it does per second, then plug it into the centripetal acceleration equation a=(v^2)/r.

Known- 4000rpm, r=5cm

4000rpm * (2pi(r=5)) = 1256.6m/min
1256.6/60 = 20.94m/s
a = ((v=20.94)^2)/(r=.05m) = 8772.98m/s^2

Obviously, this isn't right; so what do I need to do?
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  • #2
thebigeis said:
Known- 4000rpm, r=5cm

4000rpm * (2pi(r=5)) = 1256.6m/min
1256.6/60 = 20.94m/s
a = ((v=20.94)^2)/(r=.05m) = 8772.98m/s^2

Obviously, this isn't right; so what do I need to do?
Why are you using 5 cm as the radius? Should it not be 10 cm?

  • #3

I understand your confusion and I will be happy to help you with this problem. First, let's clarify the difference between centrifugal and centripetal acceleration. Centrifugal acceleration is the apparent force felt by an object moving in a circular path, while centripetal acceleration is the actual force acting on the object that keeps it moving in a circular path.

In this problem, we are dealing with centripetal acceleration since we are looking at the acceleration of the test tube as it moves in a circular path in the centrifuge. The equation for centripetal acceleration is a = (v^2)/r, where v is the tangential velocity and r is the radius of the circular path.

In your work, you have correctly calculated the tangential velocity at the end of the test tube, but you have used the incorrect radius. The radius in this case is not 5cm, but rather 10cm (since the test tube is 10cm from the axis of rotation). So, the correct calculation would be:

v = 20.94m/s
r = 0.1m
a = ((20.94)^2)/(0.1) = 4384.92m/s^2

Therefore, the acceleration at the end of the test tube is approximately 4384.92m/s^2. This is a very large acceleration, which is why it is important to handle the test tube carefully when placing it in the centrifuge.

I hope this helps clarify the problem for you. Keep up the good work in your lab experiments!

FAQ: Centrifugal/Centripetal Acceleration

What is centrifugal/centripetal acceleration?

Centrifugal acceleration is the outward force that acts on an object moving in a circular path. It is caused by the inertia of the object and is directed away from the center of the circle. Centripetal acceleration, on the other hand, is the inward force that keeps an object moving in a circular path. It is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the centrifugal acceleration, and is provided by a centripetal force.

What is the difference between centrifugal and centripetal acceleration?

The main difference between centrifugal and centripetal acceleration is their direction. Centrifugal acceleration acts away from the center of the circle, while centripetal acceleration acts towards the center of the circle. Additionally, centripetal acceleration is always present in a circular motion, while centrifugal acceleration only appears when there is a change in the velocity of the object.

How is centrifugal/centripetal acceleration calculated?

Centrifugal acceleration can be calculated using the formula a = v^2/r, where v is the tangential velocity of the object and r is the radius of the circle. Centripetal acceleration can be calculated using the formula a = ω^2r, where ω is the angular velocity of the object. Alternatively, both accelerations can also be calculated by dividing the square of the speed by the radius of the circle.

What are some real-life examples of centrifugal/centripetal acceleration?

Centrifugal acceleration can be observed in the movement of a washing machine during its spin cycle, the swinging of a yo-yo, or the motion of a roller coaster. Centripetal acceleration can be seen in the rotation of planets around the sun, the motion of a car around a curved road, or the swinging of a pendulum.

How does centrifugal/centripetal acceleration relate to Newton's Laws of Motion?

Centrifugal acceleration follows Newton's first law of motion, also known as the law of inertia, which states that an object in motion will continue to move in a straight line at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force. Centripetal acceleration follows Newton's second law of motion, which states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. Additionally, centripetal acceleration can also be seen as a result of Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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