The Rocket Equation: Unraveling the Mystery

In summary, the rocket equation states that the velocity of exhaust with respect to the body is constant, but this is not correct. The mass of the rocket decreases at a rate equal to the exhaust mass rate, and the constant exhaust velocity should be w.r.t the rocket.
  • #1
In deriving the rocket equation, there is one part I don't understand. The velocity of exhaust with respect to the body is assumed to be constant, where:

v(exhaust wrt body)=v(exhaust wrt inertial)-v(body wrt inertial)

So assuming a constant mass flow rate, the rocket propellant exerts a constant force on the rocket and hence in space, uniform acceleration. But how can an observer on the accelerating rocket observe the rocket propellant being ejected with a constant velocity?
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  • #2
adphysics said:
... the rocket propellant exerts a constant force on the rocket and hence in space, uniform acceleration.
This is not correct. The mass of the rocket decreases at a rate equal to the exhaust mass rate. The constant exhaust velocity should be w.r.t the rocket.
  • #3
Oops. So assuming a constant mass flow rate the propellant exerts a constant force on the rocket so the rocket's acceleration increases as follows:

a(t)=F[1/m(t)] where F is a constant (until fuel runs out) where m(t) is the mass of the rocket at time t.

m(t)=m(initial)-bt where b is a constant (mass flow rate)

Hence v_rocket(t)=-Fln(m(t))/b assuming v(0)=0

But why would an observer in the rocket observe a constant propellant velocity?
  • #4
adphysics said:
... why would an observer in the rocket observe a constant propellant velocity?
Because the propelling mechanism is in the rocket.
  • #5
Oh, yeah. The engine is on the back of the rocket, so it accelerates with the rocket, so if an engine ejects exhaust at a velocity v, then this is what is observed from the rocket's point of view.

Now I feel somewhat embarrassed, but at least the rocket equation makes sense now.
  • #6
adphysics said:
Now I feel somewhat embarrassed, ...
You should not. No one knows everything. You should only feel embarrassed if you refuse to ask a question out of fear of sounding stupid. Don't let your transient embarrasment prevent your permanent understanding:
adphysics said:
... the rocket equation makes sense now.
Have fun learning.

FAQ: The Rocket Equation: Unraveling the Mystery

1. What is the rocket equation?

The rocket equation is a mathematical formula that describes the relationship between the mass of a rocket, the speed it needs to reach, and the amount of fuel required to achieve that speed. It was first derived by Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in the late 19th century and has been used extensively in the design and development of rockets.

2. How does the rocket equation work?

The rocket equation is based on Newton's Second Law of Motion, which states that the force applied to an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. In the case of a rocket, the force is the thrust generated by the engines, and the mass and acceleration are constantly changing as the rocket burns fuel and travels through space. By using this formula, scientists and engineers can determine the amount of fuel needed to reach a desired speed or destination.

3. Why is the rocket equation important?

The rocket equation is crucial in the field of space exploration because it allows scientists and engineers to plan and design missions with precision. By understanding the relationship between mass, speed, and fuel, they can optimize rocket designs and plan efficient trajectories to reach distant destinations in space. It also helps determine the feasibility and potential success of a mission before it is launched.

4. What are the limitations of the rocket equation?

The rocket equation is based on a number of assumptions, such as a constant rate of fuel consumption and a perfectly efficient engine. In reality, these conditions are not always met, and external factors such as air resistance and gravity can also affect a rocket's performance. Additionally, the rocket equation does not take into account the mass of payload and other equipment, which can significantly impact the amount of fuel needed for a mission.

5. How has the rocket equation evolved over time?

The rocket equation has undergone several revisions and improvements over the years as our understanding of space travel has advanced. In the early days of rocketry, it was a simple formula that only considered the mass of the rocket and the exhaust velocity of the engines. Later on, factors such as air resistance and gravity were taken into account, and more sophisticated equations were developed to optimize rocket design and performance.

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