How much of this energy is stored in the magnetic field of the inductor?

In summary, the conversation discusses a circuit with an EMF of 14.0 V, a resistance of 5.40, and an inductance of 5.00 H. The battery is connected at time t = 0. The first part of the conversation involves finding the energy delivered by the battery in the first 2.00 s, and the second part involves finding the amount of energy stored in the magnetic field of the inductor. The steps for analyzing an L/R circuit are also discussed. The conversation ends with the speaker expressing gratitude for the help and announcing that they received an A in the class.
  • #1
For the circuit of Figure 30-19, assume that EMF= 14.0 V, R = 5.40 , and L = 5.00 H. The battery is connected at time t = 0.
Okay i know there is a simple formula to find the:
(a) How much energy is delivered by the battery during the first 2.00 s?

but i don't know where it is, anyone know it?

Also I tried part (b) and got it wrong for some reason:
How much of this energy is stored in the magnetic field of the inductor?
wrong check mark J

I used:
V = iR.
Ub = .5L*i^2;
i = 14/5.40 = 2.59 Amps
Ub = .5*5.00*2.59^2 = 16.77 but they didn't like that at all, any ideas?
Physics news on
  • #2
When you analyze a L/R circuit, follow these simple rules:

To analyze an RC or L/R circuit, follow these steps:
(1): Determine the time constant for the circuit (RC or L/R).
(2): Identify the quantity to be calculated (whatever quantity whose change is directly opposed by the reactive component. For capacitors this is voltage; for inductors this is current).
(3): Determine the starting and final values for that quantity.
(4): Plug all these values (Final, Start, time, time constant) into the universal time constant formula and solve for change in quantity.
(5): If the starting value was zero, then the actual value at the specified time is equal to the calculated change given by the universal formula. If not, add the change to the starting value to find out where you're at.

You can refer to here for more info.
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  • #3
Ahhh thanks for the help, I'm all done now with electricity and magnetsim, w00t! I got an A in the class, thanks everyone! :biggrin:

FAQ: How much of this energy is stored in the magnetic field of the inductor?

1. How is energy stored in the magnetic field of an inductor?

The energy stored in the magnetic field of an inductor is a result of the flow of an electric current through the inductor. As the current passes through the inductor, it creates a magnetic field around it. This magnetic field stores energy, which can later be released when the current changes.

2. What factors affect the amount of energy stored in the magnetic field of an inductor?

The amount of energy stored in the magnetic field of an inductor is influenced by the inductance of the inductor, the current flowing through it, and the material of the inductor's core. A higher inductance, higher current, and higher permeability of the core will result in a greater amount of energy being stored.

3. How does the energy stored in the magnetic field of an inductor differ from other forms of energy?

The energy stored in the magnetic field of an inductor is different from other forms of energy, such as kinetic or potential energy, because it is stored in the form of a magnetic field. This means that the energy is not visible or easily measurable, but it can be released and converted into other forms of energy.

4. Can the energy stored in the magnetic field of an inductor be recovered?

Yes, the energy stored in the magnetic field of an inductor can be recovered and used. When the current flowing through the inductor changes, the magnetic field collapses and releases the stored energy. This can be harnessed and converted into other forms of energy, such as electrical energy.

5. How can the amount of energy stored in the magnetic field of an inductor be calculated?

The energy stored in the magnetic field of an inductor can be calculated using the formula E=1/2 * L * I^2, where E is the energy in joules, L is the inductance in henries, and I is the current in amperes. This formula shows that the amount of energy stored is directly proportional to the inductance and the square of the current.

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