Access Solar Radiation Data: UV-A, UV-B & UV-C

In summary, the conversation discusses the need for current data on solar radiation reaching Earth's surface, specifically in the UV range divided into UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. The speaker mentions two potential sources for this data, including a website and a standard from ASTM. However, they note that they also require data with a wavelength from 100 nm, even if the amounts are small.
  • #1
Does anyone have access to the current data about solar radiation reaching Earth's surface ? The most importaint is the UV range divided into UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. If not, then data from the past few years would also be fine. I need it for research but I cannot find anywhere such information.
Astronomy news on
  • #3
Thanks for these, for sure I'll use them, but the point is that I need also the data with wavelength from 100 nm, even if those are very little amounts.

FAQ: Access Solar Radiation Data: UV-A, UV-B & UV-C

1. What is solar radiation data?

Solar radiation data is the measurement of the amount of solar energy that reaches a specific location on Earth's surface. It includes UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C radiation, as well as visible light and infrared radiation.

2. How is solar radiation data collected?

Solar radiation data is typically collected using instruments called radiometers or pyranometers. These instruments measure the amount of solar radiation that reaches a specific location over a period of time.

3. Why is it important to monitor UV radiation levels?

UV radiation levels can have significant impacts on human health and the environment. Monitoring these levels can help us understand the potential risks associated with overexposure and take necessary precautions.

4. How does UV radiation affect human health?

UV radiation can cause sunburn, premature aging of the skin, and increase the risk of skin cancer. It can also suppress the immune system and cause eye damage, such as cataracts.

5. How can I access solar radiation data for a specific location?

There are various online resources and databases that provide access to solar radiation data for specific locations. Some of these include NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) and the National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB).
