Is Handling the Most Over Called Foul in Soccer?

  • Thread starter Astronuc
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In summary: Italy loses by 1, and Czech is eliminated.If the US wins by 3 goals, Italy loses by 1, and Czech is eliminated.This is the most probable outcome, as the US has more goals and the tie is resolved by goal difference.
  • #1
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Well, the US has to win. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

This could be auf wiedersehen for Americans

By RONALD BLUM, AP Sports Writer
June 17, 2006

KAISERSLAUTERN, Germany (AP) -- One more loss and it could be auf wiedersehen for the U.S. World Cup team.

Little-known back home, the Americans are mostly no-names to some of their Italian counterparts, who've heard of captain Claudio Reyna and DaMarcus Beasley. That's about it.
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  • #2
I'm expecting Italy to win by a minimum of 2:0
  • #3
Astronuc said:
Well, the US has to win. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

This could be auf wiedersehen for Americans
Wait, do they, really?

Suppose they tie this one and beat Ghana in the next one, while Italy beats the Czechs, then USA and Italy go through, no?
  • #4
I suspect the article was written before the outcome of the Ghana-Czech match.

Frankly, I don't see the US tieing or winning, unless the Italians get really cocky and screw up. But then again look at what happened with the Czechs.
  • #5
Gokul43201 said:
Wait, do they, really?

Suppose they tie this one and beat Ghana in the next one, while Italy beats the Czechs, then USA and Italy go through, no?

It's possible.
  • #6
Astronuc said:
Frankly, I don't see the US tieing or winning, unless the Italians get really cocky and screw up. But then again look at what happened with the Czechs.
Well, the US have been taught a lesson.

The question is : "Have they learned it?"
  • #7
1-1 at half and 10 on 10
  • #8
Hah...well so far, Italy scored 2 goals. Score: 1-1

PS. That second red card was unbelievable.
  • #9
Why did Mastoroeani (or something like that) get a red card?
  • #10
This referee sucks.
  • #11
wow! I just turned on my tv, and this match is in television, it's hard to believe but it is!
  • #12
Oooh!. the shot by Zambrotta shaved the post. USA is holding up, though
  • #13
This is a crazy match. I don't think the referee sucks, however he has to make a lot of difficult decisions. He missed an obvious penalty kick though (Nesta used his hand). Regarding the US team, the swedish television commentators call their efforts heroic.
  • #14
Spiderman Keller parried the ball in an acrobatic fly
  • #15
DavidK said:
This is a crazy match. I don't think the referee sucks, however he has to make a lot of difficult decisions. He missed an obvious penalty kick though (Nesta used his hand). Regarding the US team, the swedish television commentators call their efforts heroic.

Was it a diliberate use of his hand or did it just rebound off it with no conscious choice of the player?

If the the former it is a free kick, or penalty if the infraction happened inside the box, if the later then it is usally waved off as an unintentional breach of the rules.
  • #16
1:1 for USA, lost a bet
  • #17
Well now US has to beat Ghana and have Italy beat Czech
  • #18
I know the odds are stacked against them, but technically, is there a way the US can win the world cup, or did they have to win this game?
  • #19
Was it a diliberate use of his hand or did it just rebound off it with no conscious choice of the player?

It is difficult to know if it was a conscious choice or not, it wasn't however obviously unintentional. I would have to see the situation again to be sure.
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  • #20
Physics_wiz said:
I know the odds are stacked against them, but technically, is there a way the US can win the world cup, or did they have to win this game?
Top 2 teams from each group move on to the next round.

As of right now, here are the standings in Group E:

You can see that if US wins its next game it will finish with 4 points and Ghana will finish with 3.

That leaves Italy with 4 and Czech with 3 prior to their game. If Italy wins that game then it finishes with 7 and US and Italy move on with 4 and 7 points respectively leaving Ghana and Czech with 3 points each.

If Czech wins then it will move on with 6 points, leaving US and Italy with a tie with 4 points (and Ghana knocked out). The tie is resolved by the following:

1) Goal difference in all group matches.
2) Greatest number of goals scored in all group matches.
3) Greatest number of points obtained in the group matches between the teams concerned.
4) Goal difference resulting from the group matches between the teams concerned.
5) Greater number of goals scored in all group matches between the teams concerned.
6) Drawing of lots by the Organising Committee for the FIFA World Cup.

Seeing as how the goal difference for US is now -3 and +2 for Italy, it's unlikely that the US would win that tie. That would involve, for example, the US winning by 3 goals and Italy losing by 2 goals(US would move on since it has more goals total). If the US wins by 2 goals and Italy loses by 3 goals then they would have the same goal differential but they would have the same number of goals scored, and they tied their match 1-1, so I guess they draw lots then.

Italy and Czech could also tie, leaving Czech with 4 points to tie US. In that case it's still unlikely for US to move on considering they would have to win by 4 goals to match Czech's goal differential.
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  • #21
Crazy match. The Italians played lame football.
  • #22
DavidK said:
It is difficult to know if it was a conscious choice or not, it wasn't however obviously unintentional. I would have to see the situation again to be sure.
No way it should have been a PK. The ball bounced up from his own foot between his legs.

Pope's 'red card' was actually a second yellow and the foul was about the same as the all the others that brought yellows. The only two bad calls were Mastroeni's red and one of the offside calls on Italy was bogus (that still gave the ARs a pretty good percentage - Italy just couldn't time their runs this game). Still, blowing a red card is a big enough mistake to make it a horrible game for the ref.

Oh, but what was McBride doing?! Geez, he was just out there in the way on DeBeasley's shot with no reason for being there!

The US still has a chance, but it's just not good news when you have to depend on the result of the other game Thursday. Plus, Ghana's not a weak team. They looked good today.
  • #23
This was a very exciting match. Italy got cocky and underestimated their opponent. This is an interesting group to watch.

And, really, the referee was very good. One of the better ones in this cup. The cards were all deserved. USA could have exploited a great advantage by having one more player, but they screwed that up by getting two reds. A tie vs Italy wih one man less could be considered a victory.
  • #24
No way it should have been a PK. The ball bounced up from his own foot between his legs.

I'm not 100% sure about the subtleties of the rules regarding when using your hands is regarded as unitentional. However, Nesta shoved the ball away from himself with his arm and hand. It was probably just a reflex movement, but the situation differs somewhat from ordinary situations judged as unintentional use of hands.

The only two bad calls were Mastroeni's red...

Mastroeni's red card was justified according to me. It was a very dangerous tackle, which could have resulted in serious injury had the Italian had his weight on the wrong foot.
  • #25
I agreed with Mastroeni's red, it was reckless, he had no chance at the ball and went cleats up to the guys ankle from the side, careers can end because of that crap. Pope, what an idiot, I have no words for him. First he messes up a trap and gives the goal away and then goes ahead and gets two yellows.
  • #26
Greg Bernhardt said:
I agreed with Mastroeni's red, it was reckless, he had no chance at the ball and went cleats up to the guys ankle from the side, careers can end because of that crap. Pope, what an idiot, I have no words for him. First he messes up a trap and gives the goal away and then goes ahead and gets two yellows.

Ahhh a sain person :) I aggree, Mastroeni was reckless to say the least.. Bad Bad tackle.

Ohh and the Italians weren't 'doving' nor did they 'dove' (How do you spell dove anyway not an ENGLISH word I have every heard of hehe...

Anyway well done US, Holding a team like Italy to 1:1 is something to be proud of, even tho I believe you were a tad bit lucky
  • #27
Boring match, especially after seeing Ghana play, this one totally lacked lustre.
  • #28
Reshma said:
Boring match, especially after seeing Ghana play, this one totally lacked lustre.
You should've seen Japan v Croatia. :zzz: Compared to it the USA-Italy match was very exciting (it was exciting anyways).
  • #29
neutrino said:
You should've seen Japan v Croatia. :zzz: Compared to it the USA-Italy match was very exciting (it was exciting anyways).
I was expecting a victory from either side, but this is ridiculous. :smile: Anyways, the Japanese goalkeeper was good. :-p
  • #30
Astronuc said:
Well, the US has to win. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

This could be auf wiedersehen for Americans
Wait Itally plays football?! I thought only Americans played it.:biggrin:
  • #31
After speaking to a referee i have been informed that;

If the balls strikes your hand intentionally or unintentionally it is a free kick/penalty.

If the handball is intentional then the fouling player should receive a yellow card. If the player stops a goal by using his hand then the player should receive a red card.
  • #32
Andy said:
If the balls strikes your hand intentionally or unintentionally it is a free kick/penalty.

If the handball is intentional then the fouling player should receive a yellow card. If the player stops a goal by using his hand then the player should receive a red card.

1. Like any other foul, advantage play is an option.
2. If the hand/arm is against the body (e.g. players in a wall covering up), then it's not a handball.
  • #33
If the balls strikes your hand intentionally or unintentionally it is a free kick/penalty.
This is conterary to what I have seen.. If it is accidental, and you are attempting to move your hand out of the way, or your arm is against your body, a foul isn't deemed to have been commited.
  • #34
Yeah, just re-checked the rules - it's deliberate handballs.,1584,3,00.html
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  • #35
Why no more new threads?

Is everyone (USA Ppls) sulking here now since u got beat by Ghana? :biggrin: hehe