Can something exceed the speed of light?

In summary: Without a frame of reference, there is no way to determine absolute velocity. Additionally, the concept of absolute velocity goes against the principles of relativity.
  • #1
How was the speed of light proved to be 3*10^8...also How it was proved that nothing can exceed the speed of light?...and what will happen if something moves under the effect of certain force with constant acceleration in space i.e the net force on it is constant and not equal that possible and will that body at certain instant exceed the speed of light ?and if so what will happen...another question, does my absolute velocity in the universe exceed the speed of light i.e I move with 100 km/h the Earth moved with x km/h and the galaxy and so on ...
Thanks for consideration
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  • #2
ahmedhassan72 said:
How was the speed of light proved to be 3*10^8
Using Maxwell's equations & the wave equation.
ahmedhassan72 said:
...also How it was proved that nothing can exceed the speed of light?
It is a consequence of one of the postulates of relativity.
ahmedhassan72 said:
...and what will happen if something moves under the effect of certain force with constant acceleration in space i.e the net force on it is constant and not equal that possible and will that body at certain instant exceed the speed of light ?
No since the body's inertial mass increases with velocity (
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  • #3
ahmedhassan72 said:
How was the speed of light proved to be 3*10^8...
It was first deduced, then measured. (Given our modern understanding, it is now defined to be a certain speed.)
also How it was proved that nothing can exceed the speed of light?...
It's a consequence of relativity.
and what will happen if something moves under the effect of certain force with constant acceleration in space i.e the net force on it is constant and not equal that possible and will that body at certain instant exceed the speed of light ?and if so what will happen
While the force and acceleration will appear constant as measured by observers moving with the body, it will not appear constant to others. The speed of the body with respect to any other object will never reach light speed.
...another question, does my absolute velocity in the universe exceed the speed of light i.e I move with 100 km/h the Earth moved with x km/h and the galaxy and so on ...
There's no "absolute" velocity; all velocities are relative. No, your speed with respect to anything will be less that the speed of light.
  • #4
We have to careful about whether we are talking about the group or the phase velocity. This is where the confusion comes in when people say they made light travel faster than the speed of light, they mean the group (or is it phase?) velocity of light through a specific medium. Nothing can travel faster than light in a vacuum, light can exceed its group (phase?) velocity in a medium like water, and give off pretty blue radiation.

I hope someone else can explain this better than me.
  • #5
ahmedhassan72 said:
another question, does my absolute velocity in the universe exceed the speed of light i.e I move with 100 km/h the Earth moved with x km/h and the galaxy and so on ...
Thanks for consideration

What are the speeds of these objects being measured with respect to?

FAQ: Can something exceed the speed of light?

1. Can anything travel faster than the speed of light?

No, according to our current understanding of physics, nothing can exceed the speed of light.

2. Is it possible to break the speed of light barrier?

No, the speed of light is considered to be the absolute speed limit in our universe. It is not possible to break this barrier.

3. What would happen if something did travel faster than light?

If something were to exceed the speed of light, it would violate the laws of physics as we know it. This could potentially lead to paradoxes and contradictions in our understanding of the universe.

4. Has anything ever been observed to move faster than light?

No, nothing has ever been observed moving faster than light. In fact, all experimental evidence and theoretical models support the idea that the speed of light is a constant and cannot be exceeded.

5. Are there any theories that suggest something can exceed the speed of light?

There are some speculative theories that suggest the possibility of something traveling faster than light, such as the concept of wormholes. However, these theories are not widely accepted and have not been proven through experimentation.

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