Exponential and Logarithmic functions

In summary, for Exponential and Logarithmic functions, you need to find y' and x' (the limits of the function at a given point), as well as the asymptotes and concavity of the function.
  • #1
How do I find
1. Domain & Range
2. Intervals of increase/decrease
3. max./min values
4. intercepts
5. asymptotes
6. concavity

for Exponential and Logarithmic functions. Can someone explain how I do this in detail pleasezz

These are the types of questions I have (please don't solve them just tell me how to do them:

y= 2x - lnx

y = x^2lnx

y= in(x-1)^2

y = e^x + 1

y= x - lnx
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
This is a rather lengthy question, so let's just work on pieces at a time, how about the first equation y = 2x - lnx.
Here are some hints:
- What values of x make this function not meaningful? ( we can exclude these from the domain)
- what can tell us about how a function changes wrt the indepenent variable? (hint it starts with a "d" and ends with "erivative"

That should at least get you going( or thinking in the right direction),,, please show work of any progress and we'll be happy to help you further :-p
  • #3
MathStudent said:
This is a rather lengthy question, so let's just work on pieces at a time, how about the first equation y = 2x - lnx.
Here are some hints:
- What values of x make this function not meaningful? ( we can exclude these from the domain)
- what can tell us about how a function changes wrt the indepenent variable? (hint it starts with a "d" and ends with "erivative"

That should at least get you going( or thinking in the right direction),,, please show work of any progress and we'll be happy to help you further :-p

- What values of x make this function not meaningful? ( we can exclude these from the domain)

0 or anything below??
  • #4
yes... since the natural log is not defined for any value of x (< or =) to 0

I think this probably would have better gone under homework :rolleyes:
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  • #5
I'm confused... :confused: with all the explaining.

You can just say stuff like set y' = 0 and stuff like that for all of them.

And thanks for trying to help
  • #6
The domain is all the numbers for which you can compute a function on the x-axis. The range is a set of all the numbers that can be computed for the y-axis.

if I am not mistaken the intervals of increase and decrease are seen by just taking the derivative of the function and checking to see if the values are positive or negative.

The asymptotes of the function are easiest found by the limits for which as x->infinity y=a given value which would inturn give you the vertical limit. For the horizontal limit its the limit for which as x->a number the function goes to infinity.

Hope that helps and please clairify me if I've made any mistakes.

FAQ: Exponential and Logarithmic functions

1. What is an exponential function?

An exponential function is a mathematical function in the form of y = ab^x, where a and b are constants and x is the variable. This function is characterized by a constant ratio between the input variable and the output value.

2. What is a logarithmic function?

A logarithmic function is the inverse of an exponential function. It is in the form of y = logb(x), where b is the base of the logarithm. This function is used to solve for the exponent in an exponential equation.

3. How are exponential and logarithmic functions related?

Exponential and logarithmic functions are inverses of each other. This means that applying one function to the output of the other will result in the original input value. In other words, the logarithmic function undoes the effect of the exponential function.

4. What are some real-life applications of exponential and logarithmic functions?

Exponential and logarithmic functions are commonly used in finance, biology, chemistry, and physics. Some examples include population growth, compound interest, radioactive decay, and pH levels.

5. How can I graph an exponential or logarithmic function?

To graph an exponential or logarithmic function, you can use a graphing calculator or plot points manually by choosing values for the input variable and calculating the corresponding output values. You can also use the properties of these functions, such as asymptotes, to help you sketch the graph.

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