Help Evaluate ∫∫F∙dS on Surface Integrals

In summary, the conversation is about evaluating a surface integral and using different coordinate systems to simplify the integral. The person asking for help is wondering about how to evaluate a specific part of the integral over a disk, and the respondent provides the correct way to integrate using different coordinate systems.
  • #1
Please Help! Surface integrals

I am wondering if someone can help me with the following? I am asked to evaluate ∫∫F∙dS where F(x,y,z) = z^2xi + (1/3y^3 +tanz)j + (x^2z+y^2)k and S is the top half of the sphere x^2+y^2+z^2 = 1.

∫∫F∙dS = ∫∫∫divFdV. Here, div F = x^2+y^2+z^2. I know that S is not a closed surface and so you would need to evaluate S as the difference between 2 surfaces, S1 as the closed surface that is the top half of the sphere and S2 as the disk that is x^2+y^2≤1 where the orientation is downwards. So, evaluating div F over the whole top half of the sphere I got 2pi/5.

But I am wondering how I would evaluate ∫∫∫x^2+y^2+z^2 over the disk x^2+y^2≤1? Could I convert to spherical coordinates and I could simplify the expression of the integrant to ρ^4sinφ, but I am wondering what φ would be in this instance? Thanks so much!
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  • #2
bodensee9 said:
I am wondering if someone can help me with the following? I am asked to evaluate ∫∫F∙dS where F(x,y,z) = z^2xi + (1/3y^3 +tanz)j + (x^2z+y^2)k and S is the top half of the sphere x^2+y^2+z^2 = 1.

∫∫F∙dS = ∫∫∫divFdV. Here, div F = x^2+y^2+z^2. I know that S is not a closed surface and so you would need to evaluate S as the difference between 2 surfaces, S1 as the closed surface that is the top half of the sphere and S2 as the disk that is x^2+y^2≤1 where the orientation is downwards. So, evaluating div F over the whole top half of the sphere I got 2pi/5.

But I am wondering how I would evaluate ∫∫∫x^2+y^2+z^2 over the disk x^2+y^2≤1? Could I convert to spherical coordinates and I could simplify the expression of the integrant to ρ^4sinφ, but I am wondering what φ would be in this instance? Thanks so much!
You wouldn't integrate a volume integral over a surface!

[itex]\int\int\int (x^2+ y^2+ z^2)dzdydx[/itex] is integrated over the volume- the half-ball- not the surface. If you are using cartesian coordinates, integrate with x from -1 to 1, y from [itex]-\sqrt{1- x^2}[/itex] to [itex]\sqrt{1- x^2}[/itex], z from [itex]-\sqrt{1- x^2- y^2}[/itex] to [itex]\sqrt{1- x^2- y^2}[/itex]. It's simpler in cylindrical coordinates: integrate with r from 0 to 1, [itex]\theta[/itex] from 0 to [itex]\2 pi[/itex], z from 0 to [itex]\sqrt{1- r^2}[/itex]. And, of course, it's much simpler in spherical coordinates: integrate with r from 0 to 1, [itex]\theta[/itex] from 0 to [itex]2\pi[/itex], [itex]\phi[/itex] from 0 to [itex]\pi/2[/itex].

FAQ: Help Evaluate ∫∫F∙dS on Surface Integrals

1. What is a surface integral?

A surface integral is a type of integral that is used to calculate the flux of a vector field over a surface. It measures the amount of a vector field that passes through a given surface.

2. What does it mean to help evaluate a surface integral?

Helping to evaluate a surface integral involves using various techniques and calculations to solve the integral and determine its numerical value. This may involve using formulas, changing the coordinates, or using mathematical software.

3. Why are surface integrals important in science?

Surface integrals are important in science because they allow us to calculate the flux of vector fields, which is crucial in many areas of science such as physics, engineering, and fluid dynamics. They also have applications in electromagnetism and other fields.

4. How do you choose the limits of integration for a surface integral?

The limits of integration for a surface integral depend on the specific surface being integrated over. They are typically determined by the boundaries of the surface, which can be defined by equations or parametric curves. In some cases, the limits may also be determined by the orientation of the surface.

5. What are some common techniques used to evaluate surface integrals?

Some common techniques used to evaluate surface integrals include parameterization, the divergence theorem, and Stokes' theorem. Other methods may involve using trigonometric identities, changing the coordinates, or using specialized software.

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