Solution to diffusion equation in 1d spherical polar coordinates

In summary, the OP has been given the steady state diffusion equation in 1d spherical polar coordinates, but doesn't understand how to get from here to there. He has tried differentiation by parts and integrating the result, but with no success. He has also tried a second order differential equation but doesn't understand what the B is for. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  • #1

I have been given the steady state diffusion equation in 1d spherical polar coordinates as;


I know that the solution comes in the form c(r) = A+B/r where A and B are some constants. I just don't know how to get from here to there. I have tried doing differentiation by parts on the equation then integrating the result, with no success. I can form a second order differential equation of the form;

r^2.'partial'd2c/dr2 +2r'partial'dc/dr = 0

but again don't know where to go from here. Any help greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
captainst1985 said:

Hi captainst1985! Welcome to PF! :smile:

(btw, if you type alt-d, it prints ∂)

I don't understand what the D is at the beginning of the line. :confused:

If I ignore that, the equation says ∂/∂r(r^2.∂c/∂r) = 0;

so r^2.∂c/∂r must be independent of r (-B, say);

so ∂c/∂r = -B/r^2;

so c = A + B/r.
  • #3

Can you explain why one would say that:

so r^2.∂c/∂r must be independent of r (-B, say)?

Why would you equate r^2.∂c/∂r to be -B? What is the basis for this and/or the technique that does this called? I've gotten a little forgetful on some of these techniques...

The OP also had the multiplier on the front end that is effectively:


How does that come into play when solving?

  • #4
Welcome to PF!

Hi JHZR2! Welcome to PF! :wink:
JHZR2 said:

Can you explain why one would say that:

so r^2.∂c/∂r must be independent of r (-B, say)?

Because ∂/∂r of that is 0, ie (in words) the derivative of that with respect to r is 0, so changing r doesn't change it, ie it must be independent of r. :smile:
The OP also had the multiplier on the front end that is effectively:


How does that come into play when solving?

Because if 1/r2 times something is 0, then the something must also be 0, so we can ignore the 1/r2 ! :wink:

(The D probably just indicates that it's the fourth exercise in the homework … A. B. C. D. …)

(btw, typing "alt-d" for "∂" only works on a Mac :redface:)
  • #5

I would first commend you for attempting to solve the diffusion equation in 1d spherical polar coordinates. This is a complex problem and requires a thorough understanding of differential equations and their solutions.

To solve this equation, we need to first understand the physical meaning behind it. The diffusion equation describes the flow of a substance (c) in space (r) and time (t). In this case, we are dealing with a steady state, meaning there is no change in time. This simplifies the equation to D.'partial'd2c/dr2 + 2/r.'partial'dc/dr = 0.

To find the solution, we can use a technique called separation of variables. This involves assuming that the solution can be written as a product of two functions, one that depends only on r and one that depends only on t. In this case, we can write c(r) = R(r)T(t).

Substituting this into the diffusion equation, we get D.'partial'd2(RT)/dr2 + 2/r.'partial'(RT)/dr = 0. We can rearrange this equation to get (1/R).'partial'd2R/dr2 + 2/r.'partial'R/dr = -(1/T).'partial'dT/dt.

The left side of the equation only depends on r, while the right side only depends on t. This means that both sides must be equal to a constant, which we will call -λ. This gives us two separate equations:

(1/R).'partial'd2R/dr2 + 2/r.'partial'R/dr = -λ


-(1/T).'partial'dT/dt = λ

The first equation is a second order differential equation in terms of R, which can be solved by standard techniques. The solution will be in the form R(r) = A + B/r.

The second equation is a first order differential equation in terms of T, which can be solved by separation of variables again. This will give us T(t) = Ce^-λt, where C is a constant.

Combining these two solutions, we get the final solution for c(r) = (A + B/r)e^-λt.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the process of solving the diffusion equation in 1d spherical polar coordinates. It is a challenging problem, but with patience and practice, you will be able to solve more complex

FAQ: Solution to diffusion equation in 1d spherical polar coordinates

1. What is the diffusion equation in 1D spherical polar coordinates?

The diffusion equation in 1D spherical polar coordinates is a mathematical model that describes how a substance, such as a gas or liquid, spreads over time due to random molecular motion. It is given by the partial differential equation:

&nabla^2 u = \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}

2. What are the spherical polar coordinates used in the diffusion equation?

The spherical polar coordinates used in the diffusion equation are the radial distance (r), the polar angle (θ), and the azimuthal angle (φ). These coordinates are commonly used to describe the position of a point in 3D space.

3. How is diffusion in 1D spherical polar coordinates different from diffusion in Cartesian coordinates?

Diffusion in 1D spherical polar coordinates is different from diffusion in Cartesian coordinates because it takes into account the curvature of space in the radial direction. This means that the diffusion process is not isotropic (equal in all directions), as it is in Cartesian coordinates.

4. What is the solution to the diffusion equation in 1D spherical polar coordinates?

The solution to the diffusion equation in 1D spherical polar coordinates is given by the Green's function, which is a function that satisfies the diffusion equation and the boundary conditions. The Green's function can be used to find the concentration of the substance at any point in space and time.

5. How is the solution to the diffusion equation in 1D spherical polar coordinates applied in practical situations?

The solution to the diffusion equation in 1D spherical polar coordinates is often used in practical situations to model the diffusion of substances in spherical objects, such as cells or droplets. It can also be used to study the diffusion of heat in a spherical object, such as a planet or star.
