Gravity Clock: Pendulum Periods for Observers A & B

In summary, when the masses M and m are in different inertial frames, the test mass m observes a period that is T times gamma. However, if the mass of M goes as M time gamma, that has no affect on the period observed by B.
  • #1
OK here is a pendulum:

A gravity clock consists of two spherical masses one large of rest mass M and one small of rest mass m. The smaller mass is suspended by a rigid frame, of negligible mass, at a height R above the center of the large mass. It is the bottom of a pendulum arm, of negligible mass, of length L. When displaced the pendulum has the period

[itex]T \approx 2 {\pi}R{\sqrt{\frac{L}{GM}}}.[/itex]

Given two observers A who will travel with the gravity clock and B who will remain behind in the initial inertial frame. When the gravity clock and observer A are set in motion at velocity v with respect to observer B what period does A see? What period does B see?
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  • #2
The period according to B is time dilated relative to the period according to A.
  • #3
Dale yes, I agree that the canonical answer is that B observes A's clock as running slower by a fact,or of gamma. Also B observes that the inertia mass of M increases by a factor of gamma still canonical physics. Does the increase in the mass M in anyway effect the period observed by B? The equation for the pendulum seems to say yes(?). How do you see it?
  • #4
edpell said:
Dale yes, I agree that the canonical answer is that B observes A's clock as running slower by a fact,or of gamma. Also B observes that the inertia mass of M increases by a factor of gamma still canonical physics. Does the increase in the mass M in anyway effect the period observed by B? The equation for the pendulum seems to say yes(?). How do you see it?

Isn't it the gravitational mass of M that's relevant, rather than the inertial mass (assuming M>>m)?

Rather than talking about a planet of mass M and a pendulum of mass m, I think you might as well talk about bodies of mass M and m orbiting around their common center of mass. I don't think there's any important difference between the two experiments. However, the orbiting example may be simpler to analyze, since there are no nongravitational forces. If there are no nongravitational forces, then the system is simply a solution to the Einstein field equations. The Einstein field equations have general covariance, so a solution is still a solution if we switch to a different frame of reference. This allows you to sidestep all the nasty complications of trying to describe the transformation in terms of special-relativistic length contraction, time dilation, and inertia. So I think Dale is clearly correct, and it may just be difficult to verify that he's correct by a nasty, complicated method.
  • #5
It is my understanding that inertial mass and mass and gravitational mass are all different names for the same thing from a GR point of view.

OK let say we have two masses M and m (with M>>m). The "test mass" m is in orbit around the mass M. When both the masses and B are in the same inertial frame B observes a period T. When M and m are in a frame moving way from B at a velocity v what period T does B observe? Is it just T times gamma? If the mass of M goes as M time gamma does that have any effect on the period observed? If I have done the math right the period is proportional to M to the -1/2 power. Does this in any way effect the period observed by B?

FAQ: Gravity Clock: Pendulum Periods for Observers A & B

1. What is the concept behind the Gravity Clock experiment?

The Gravity Clock experiment explores the effects of gravity on the period of a pendulum. Two observers, A and B, are situated at different distances from a massive object, and observe the pendulum's motion.

2. How does the distance from the massive object affect the pendulum's period for Observer A and B?

The closer an observer is to the massive object, the stronger the gravitational pull on the pendulum. This results in a shorter period for Observer A compared to Observer B, who is further away and experiences a weaker gravitational pull.

3. Why does the period of the pendulum differ for Observer A and B?

The period of a pendulum is directly influenced by the strength of gravity. As Observer A is closer to the massive object, they experience a stronger gravitational pull, causing the pendulum to swing faster and have a shorter period compared to Observer B.

4. What other factors can affect the period of the pendulum?

The length of the pendulum and the strength of the gravitational pull are the main factors that affect the period of the pendulum in this experiment. However, other factors such as air resistance and friction can also play a role in the pendulum's motion.

5. What are the real-world applications of the Gravity Clock experiment?

The Gravity Clock experiment helps us understand the fundamental principles of gravity and its effects on objects in motion. This knowledge has practical applications in fields such as astronomy, engineering, and physics. It also helps us understand the concept of time and its relationship with gravity.

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