Functions, intersections, and unions

  • Thread starter lokisapocalypse
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In summary, the first thing that the student needs to show is that if x is in g(A \cap B) then x is in g(A) \cap g(B). This is easy to show as x is in both g(A) and g(B) if it exists at all. Next, they need to show that if x is in g(A \cap B) then x is in g(A) \cap g(B) and this is done by induction. The student then needs to show that if x is in g(A \cap B) then x is in g(A) \cap g(B) and this is done by induction. The last property is that if x
  • #1
Okay I need to show that for a function g,

g(A n B) is a subset of g(A) n g(B) where A and B are sets and n means intersection.

I also need to show something similar about the union but I'm not given the relation. I have to figure that out myself. Any pointers on how to get started on either of these?
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  • #2
To show that:

[tex]g(A \cap B) \subseteq g(A) \cap g(B)[/tex]

it suffices to show that:

[tex]x \in g(A \cap B) \Rightarrow x \in g(A) \cap g(B)[/tex]

This basically says that if you have any sets X and Y, and X is inside Y (i.e. X is a subset of Y), then any element inside X must obviously be inside Y. So, start by assuming [itex]x \in g(A \cap B)[/itex] and deduce [itex]g(A) \cap g(B)[/itex]. It's pretty clear. If [itex]x \in g(A \cap B)[/itex], then [itex]x \in g(A)[/itex], since [itex](A \cap B) \subseteq A[/itex]. Similarly, if [itex]x \in g(A \cap B)[/itex], then [itex]x \in g(A)[/itex]. So we have that if x is in [itex]g(A \cap B)[/itex], then x is in both g(A) and g(B). Obviously, this means that x is in [itex]g(A) \cap g(B)[/itex], and the proof is done.

I'll let you prove the union one, as you should know how to do it now. Although I'm not sure, my guess would be that g(A) U g(B) is a subset of g(A U B). Note how it's kind of like the "backwards" version of the previous proposition. Intersection and Union have that type of relationship, i.e. if you have a proposition with unions in it, then you can sort of "invert" things and change unions to intersections to get another true proposition.

For example, if we let A' denote the complement of A, then:

[tex]A\prime \cap B\prime = (A \cup B)\prime[/tex]

The intersection of complements is the complement of a union. If you take the complements first, then you take the intersection of the sets. If you "invert" the order, and take the complement last, then you union the sets first.
  • #3
Oh and one more thing,

I know that (A n B) n C = A n (B n C)
and that A n (B u C) = (A n B) U (A n C).

I remember those properties from another class I took but I cannot remember what they are called. Can someone tell me this?
  • #4
first one is associative, second is distributive (just like algebra),,, there are many more including DeMorgan's laws

FAQ: Functions, intersections, and unions

1. What are functions, intersections, and unions?

Functions, intersections, and unions are terms used in mathematics to describe relationships between sets. A function is a rule that assigns each element of one set to exactly one element of another set. An intersection is the set of elements that are common to two or more sets. A union is the combination of all elements from two or more sets.

2. How are functions, intersections, and unions represented?

Functions are typically represented by equations or graphs. Intersections are commonly denoted by the symbol “∩” and unions by the symbol “∪”. They can also be represented visually using Venn diagrams.

3. What is the difference between a function and an intersection?

The main difference between a function and an intersection is that a function is a rule that maps one set to another, while an intersection is the set of common elements between two or more sets. In other words, a function describes a relationship between sets, while an intersection describes the shared elements between sets.

4. Can a function have more than one intersection?

Yes, a function can have multiple intersections. This means that there can be multiple elements in the domain of the function that correspond to the same element in the range. However, each element in the domain can only map to one element in the range.

5. How are unions and intersections related?

Unions and intersections are inverse operations. This means that the union of two sets is the complement of their intersection, and vice versa. In other words, the elements that are not in the intersection are included in the union, and the elements that are not in the union are included in the intersection.

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