Binding energy of the alpha particle

In summary, the difference between the binding energy of a nucleus of carbon 12 and the sum of the binding energies of three alpha particles is 5 MeV, and the binding energy per alpha bond is 23 MeV. However, using the liquid drop model yields a slightly higher result, around 28 MeV, which may be due to its approximation nature.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the difference between the binding energy of a nucleus of carbon 12 and the sum of the binding energies of three alpha particles. Assuming the carbon 12 is composed of three alpha particles in a triangular structure, with three effective "alpha bonds" joining them, what is the binding energy per alpha bond?

Homework Equations

I have calculated the binding energy for the alpha particles using the liquid drop model and using BE = (A-Z)mn + Zmp - ma (where mn is the mass of the neutron, mp that of the proton and ma that of the atom in question). When I do it the latter way, I get around 23 MeV, and when I do it the former way I get around 28 MeV which according to my googling is the corrent answer. I'm wondering why this would be so?

The Attempt at a Solution

Also, assuming we use the first equation for BE, then the different between the two binding energies is 0 (since we would have 3 times the BE for an alpha particle equals the binding energy of carbon 12). This doesn't seem right to me.

Any comments or advice would be appreciated.

W. =)
Physics news on
  • #2
The liquid drop model is an approximation. Using the difference in masses to calculate the binding energy is exact (assuming you know the masses exactly).

FAQ: Binding energy of the alpha particle

1. What is binding energy of the alpha particle?

The binding energy of an alpha particle refers to the amount of energy required to break apart an alpha particle, which is a type of nuclear particle composed of two protons and two neutrons bound together.

2. How is the binding energy of the alpha particle calculated?

The binding energy of an alpha particle is calculated using Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2, where E is the energy, m is the mass, and c is the speed of light. The mass of the alpha particle is subtracted from the combined mass of its individual particles to determine the binding energy.

3. Why is the binding energy of the alpha particle important?

The binding energy of the alpha particle is important because it represents the strength of the nuclear force that holds the particle together. It also plays a crucial role in nuclear reactions and the stability of atoms.

4. How does the binding energy of the alpha particle compare to that of other particles?

The binding energy of the alpha particle is relatively high compared to other particles, such as beta particles and gamma rays. This is due to the strong nuclear force that holds the alpha particle together, which is stronger than the electromagnetic force that binds electrons to atoms.

5. Can the binding energy of the alpha particle be changed?

The binding energy of the alpha particle cannot be changed, as it is a fundamental property of the particle. However, it can be released or absorbed in nuclear reactions, which can alter the overall binding energy of the particles involved.
