Does a Yank of 100 Newton Meters Affect a 5 Kg Rod?

  • Thread starter Frogeyedpeas
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    Newton Rod
In summary: Except that it does have a force behind it. Every molecule of the rod has the molecules behind it applying an acceleration force.
  • #1
So Imagine that a force of 100 N is being applied continuously on face of 5 kg cylindrical rod (1 light year across) causing it to accelerate at 20 m/s^2. If the force was abruptly removed would the rod continue to accelerate a noticeable period of time before coming to a halt?

The density of the rod is the same at all points.

I believe that logically the rod would continue to accelerate but that begs me to ask how fast this "wave" of "force-information" is travelling? Is it a sound wave (It appears to me) or is it traveling at C? (Here I assume that the speed of sound within the rod is less than C)

Given that, here's my follow up question (a bit more interesting I suppose)

We define U, as the Net Yank or Jerk * Mass. Where Jerk is the time derivative of acceleration or the third time derivative of position.

U = JM or U = [itex]\frac{dA}{dt}[/itex]M

So a Yank of 100 Newton Meters per Second is being applied continuously to our same 5 Kg cylindrical rod (1 light year across) (whose rest-density is the same at all points) causing it to increase its rate of acceleration at 20 meters per second cubed. Suppose this Yank was removed? Does that mean this rod would continue increasing its rate of acceleration for a period of time before coming to halt?

Thanks! P.S. Sorry for the Grammar mistake in the title
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  • #2

Frogeyedpeas said:
So Imagine that a force of 100 N is being applied continuously on face of 5 kg cylindrical rod (1 light year across) causing it to accelerate at 20 m/s^2. If the force was abruptly removed would the rod continue to accelerate a noticeable period of time before coming to a halt?
The back of the rod (where the force was applied) would immediately stop accelerating (or perhaps within a Plank time unit), the front would conceivably would not even have started to accelerate (and depending on the material, if ever) if the applied force stopped before the end would have been reached carrying a wave with a velocity right about the speed of sound.
  • #3
Good point PassionFlower let me make it clear that the force/yank is being applied continuously until the entire rod is accelerating/increasing in acceleration

The reason for the length being a light year is just to make an arbitrary long length that is long enough to notice the "wave" of Force/Yank information being transmitted.
  • #4

Passionflower said:
...a velocity right about the speed of sound.

...speed of sound in the medium.

If the rod were made out of the hardest substance known - diamond, that would still be a glacial 12km/s.
  • #5

DaveC426913 said:
...speed of sound in the medium.

If the rod were made out of the hardest substance known - diamond, that would still be a glacial 12km/s.
Yes you are correct.

However diamond is no longer the hardest substance known.

See for instance
  • #6
Coming back to the question, does that mean if the entire cylinder is accelerating/jerking then it would take the time of a wave moving at the speed of sound (in the medium) to cover a light year before the entire rod would come to a halt and until then would continue to accelerate/jerk despite not having a force behind it?
  • #7
Frogeyedpeas said:
Coming back to the question, does that mean if the entire cylinder is accelerating/jerking then it would take the time of a wave moving at the speed of sound (in the medium) to cover a light year before the entire rod would come to a halt and until then would continue to accelerate/jerk despite not having a force behind it?
You used the term rod coming to a halt twice now, you probably refer to halting the acceleration.

But let's make it clear to everybody than when the force stops the rod will continue to move, the back will immediately stop to accelerate and eventually the front as well.
  • #8

Passionflower said:
However diamond is no longer the hardest substance known.

See for instance

Hardest real substance known.

[Lonsdaleite has] a Mohs hardness of 7–8. The Mohs hardness of diamond is 10, and the lower hardness of lonsdaleite is chiefly attributed to impurities and imperfections in the naturally occurring material. A simulated pure sample has been found to be 58% harder than diamond
  • #9
Passionflower said:
You used the term rod coming to a halt twice now, you probably refer to halting the acceleration.

yep that's what I meant...

Thanks for your response!
  • #10
Frogeyedpeas said:
Coming back to the question, does that mean if the entire cylinder is accelerating/jerking then it would take the time of a wave moving at the speed of sound (in the medium) to cover a light year before the entire rod would come to a halt and until then would continue to accelerate/jerk...

Frogeyedpeas said:
...despite not having a force behind it?
Except that it does have a force behind it. Every molecule of the rod has the molecules behind it applying an accelerative force. Only when the wave of deceleration reaches it will the force change.
  • #11
When the acceleration stops the fastest velocity in the object is right there where the force is applied. No other point can achieve this velocity. There will be a transient acceleration in the rest of the object WRT each points actual velocity. At the furthest point the actual velocity is the velocity the end where the force is applied was traveling at well over a year ago. There will be a mildly jumpy deceleration into a lower velocity than when the acceleration force was removed until the entire object is inertial throughout itself.

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  • #12
You seem to have incorrectly assumed the resulting motion. Evidently you are applying a square force pulse (function of time) to the end of the rod. So, decide what the time duration of your force pulse is, then perform a Fourier Transform on that pulse. And forget about hardness--you need a very high Young's modulus and low mass density if you want high values of wave propagation speed and resonance frequencies: v = sqrt(E/rho), i.e., E = modulus, rho = mass density. You'll have to confront the internal damping--set it to zero if you think you can get away with it.

You could get a pretty good approximation by discretizing the rod ( use as many descrete points along the rod as you wish--trillions or triillion-trillions of points, etc.). Fourier transform the differential equations of motion--do the whole problem in the frequency domain. Set up the matrix equations, do the eigenvalue-eigenvector problem. The eigenvectors play roles as both mode shapes and columns of the coordinate transformation matrix (takes you from modal coordinates to generalized physical coordinates, and the inverse takes you from physical to modal). Use the matrix transpose to get the modal coordinate representation of the force. In the equations below, [ Y ] is the matrix of eigenvectors (columns), [ M ] is the mass matrix, [ K ] is the stiffness matrix, w is frequency in rad/sec, X is displacement and F is force.

[-w2[ Y ]T [ M ] [ Y ] + [ Y ]T [ K ] [ Y ]][ Y ]-1{X(w)} = [ Y ]T{F(w)}

This way you can operate on the rigid body translation mode and compression modes independently. Notice that by transforming the point force to a superposition of modal forces, the rigid body modal force is applied simultaneously to the entire rigid body modal mass, so you don't have to worry about traveling stress waves (compression is accounted for separately with the compression vibration modes). The traveling stress wave is just the result of the superposition of the rigid body translation along with all of the modes of compressional vibration.

(Was this intended to be a special relativity problem?)
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  • #13
@ bobc2

No it was not intended to be a SR problem but more of a hypothetical question. Nevertheless I will try to use what you've told me to actually solve it now that I see you've taken the time to make such a descriptive response (I'll have to learn a little more linear algebra (though I am familiar with some DiffEQ material and have read about the Fourier transform) but that shouldn't be a problem). Thanks for your post!
  • #14
By the way, the triple matrix products for the mass and stiffness matrices serve to diagonalize those matrices so that now you can work with the equation for each mode separately. You might just ignore the vibration modes and focus on the rigid body translation mode (the zero Hz mode--computationally you might have to use Cholesky springs rather than the perfectly free boundary condition).

The displacement and force are in the frequency domain, so after solving for the displacement vs. frequency, you can inverse transform displacement to get the final form of motion vs. time. This will be the modal displacement, from which you can retrieve physical displacements for each point on the rod using the eigenvector coordinate transformation matrix. The modal mass is just the same as the physical mass (within a scale factor).

The modal force is equivalent to a complete set of physcial forces being applied simultaneously to all points on the rod (so, you don't have to be concerned about compressions). The forces in the frequency domain are just sinusoidal forces with amplitudes and phase angles for each frequency of the discretized spectrum. But, again, the easy way is to solve for motion in the frequency domain, then inverse transform to get displacement vs. time.
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  • #15
To clarify the role of the longitudinal compressional modes a little further (a little more theory of normal modes--see Goldstein Classical Mechanics)... Notice there will be a set of mode shapes with the front end and far end vibrating in phase (and every mode shape is vibrating at all frequencies of the spectrum, although the response in each mode of course peaks at its resonance frequency), and there will be a second set of mode shapes with front and far ends vibrating 180 degrees out of phase.

At the first instant of application of the force, all mode shapes will be in phase at the front end (at all frequencies of the spectrum), and as you move along the rod toward the far end the phases will tend to cancel more and more. At the far end, in the first instant, there will be as many modes in phase (with respect to the front end phase) as out of phase. That's why there is no motion at the far end initially, and the mode shapes superimpose so as to result in a traveling stress wave (all mode shapes are excited over the entire length of the rod simultaneously--regardless of the length of the rod--just like QM Schroedinger waves--except these are really physical).

Question for the student: Will all of the vibrating mode shapes eventually cancel each other out, leaving only the rigid body translation motion? Or do you need damping to eventually rid the system of longitudinal compressional vibration?
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FAQ: Does a Yank of 100 Newton Meters Affect a 5 Kg Rod?

1. Does the amount of force applied to a rod affect its movement?

Yes, the amount of force applied to a rod can affect its movement. This is because force is directly proportional to acceleration, according to Newton's Second Law of Motion. In other words, the greater the force applied, the greater the acceleration of the rod.

2. How does the weight of a rod affect the force needed to move it?

The weight of a rod does not directly affect the force needed to move it. However, the weight of the rod does contribute to its inertia, which is the resistance of an object to change in its state of motion. A heavier rod may require a greater force to overcome its inertia and start moving.

3. Can a rod with a mass of 5 kg withstand a force of 100 Newton meters?

It depends on the material and structure of the rod. In general, a rod with a mass of 5 kg should be able to withstand a force of 100 Newton meters without breaking as long as it is made of a strong and sturdy material.

4. How does the distance from the point of force application affect the movement of a rod?

The distance from the point of force application does not affect the movement of a rod, but it does affect the torque applied to the rod. Torque is the rotational equivalent of force, and it is calculated by multiplying the applied force by the distance from the point of force application to the axis of rotation. So, the greater the distance, the greater the torque, which can affect the rotational movement of the rod.

5. Is there a difference between a Yank of 100 Newton meters and a Push of 100 Newton meters on a 5 kg rod?

Yes, there is a difference between a Yank and a Push. A Yank refers to a force applied in a pulling motion, while a Push refers to a force applied in a pushing motion. Both can have the same magnitude of force (in this case, 100 Newton meters), but the direction of the force can affect the movement of the rod differently. It is important to consider the direction of the force when studying the movement of an object.

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