Vacuum to Vacuum Amplitudes and Functional Integrals

In summary, Hans describes the transition amplitude formula as relating to the n-point Green function, which is a function of creation and annihilation operators acting on <0| and |0>. Two words for ya: read Zee!
  • #1
I am reading chapter 5 of Ryder regarding path integrals and vacuum to vacuum transition amplitudes in presence of source.
I follow the math but don't have a clear physical picture.
The formula is:
[tex] Z[J]=\int Dq \: exp ( \frac{i}{h}\int dt(L+hJq+\frac{1}{2}i\epsilon q^2) )
Can someone explain what this is the transition amplitude of please?
I think its saying:
1) pick a point in space
2) overlay a source (eg EM field)
3) A particle may be raised above the vacuum ground state at some point but ultimately at the beginning and end of time the vacuum will stay the vacuum - ie the vacuum will never turn into a stable particle.
I don't really think this is correct so please correct me!
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  • #2
IMHO, this formula is of the generating functional, which is not the transition amplitude. However, the n-th functional derivative with respect to J of the generating functional gives you the n-point Green function. The n-point Green function is related to the transition amplitude of a scattering event involving n particles, i.e. it is related to one element of the S-matrix <in|out>, which can be written as a function of creation and annihilation operators acting on <0| and |0> (which in turn can be expressed as a time ordered product of fields).
  • #3
Two words for ya: Read Zee !

  • #4
robousy said:
I am reading chapter 5 of Ryder regarding path integrals and vacuum to vacuum transition amplitudes in presence of source.
I follow the math but don't have a clear physical picture.
The formula is:
[tex] Z[J]=\int Dq \: exp ( \frac{i}{h}\int dt(L+hJq+\frac{1}{2}i\epsilon q^2) )
This is basically the start formula of chapter 6 which denotes the
path-integral for scalar fields.

L is Lagrangian which is proportional to the amount of phase-changes
over the trajectory of the particle as a result of it's rest mass and motion.

The J term takes account of the phase changes over the trajectory
of the particle as a result of the Electric and Magnetic Aharonov Bohm
effects. (The EM interactions)Regards, Hans
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  • #5
Hans de Vries said:
L is Lagrangian which is proportional to the amount of phase-changes
over the trajectory of the particle as a result of it's rest mass and motion.

Thanks Hans.

What do you mean phase change over trajectory - the phase change of what.

I can conceptually picture phase changes for things like EM waves for example but I have a block when we talk about the phase of a particle.
  • #6
dextercioby said:
Two words for ya: Read Zee !


The QFT books I currently learn from are:

Mandl and Shaw
Peskin and Schr.
Weinberg - Quantum theory of fields.

Do you feel that Zee is sufficiently superior to these that it is worth purchasing in addition?

If so I will certainly purchase it.
  • #7
robousy said:
Thanks Hans.
What do you mean phase change over trajectory - the phase change of what.
I can conceptually picture phase changes for things like EM waves for example but I have a block when we talk about the phase of a particle.

If you go to Peskin & Schroeder chapter 9 then you'll find an introduction in
terms of the "sum over phase changes". A very popular introduction on the
elementaries of this is Feynman's "QED The strange theory of matter and light"

Be aware that not all math is what it seems in these texts, e.g: in [itex]\langle x_b | e^{-iHt/\hbar} | x_a \rangle [/itex]
the Hamiltonian H is an operator (it includes differentiation) which makes the
whole exponent an operator.Regards, Hans.
  • #8
Ok, thanks Hans. I'll check Peskin.
  • #9
robousy said:
The QFT books I currently learn from are:
Mandl and Shaw
Peskin and Schr.
Weinberg - Quantum theory of fields.
Do you feel that Zee is sufficiently superior to these that it is worth purchasing in addition?
If so I will certainly purchase it.

It's difficult to classify books & say one is superior to another, but i'll tell you that Zee's book explains the physics behind the path integral and what those "source terms" in the generating functionals mean and their connection with vacuum fluctuations.

  • #10
thx dextercioby. A friend has Zee so I'll just borrow.

Incidently. Its pretty obvious that you have a really good grasp of anything quantum. (qft qm, all the maths) and probably a bunch of other stuff.

What would be on your 'MUST READ AT GRAD SCHOOL' list for any budding theoretician??

FAQ: Vacuum to Vacuum Amplitudes and Functional Integrals

1. What are vacuum to vacuum amplitudes and functional integrals?

Vacuum to vacuum amplitudes and functional integrals are mathematical tools used in quantum field theory to calculate the probability of a particle moving from one point to another in spacetime. They take into account all possible paths that the particle can take and assign a probability to each path based on its energy and momentum.

2. How are vacuum to vacuum amplitudes and functional integrals calculated?

Calculating vacuum to vacuum amplitudes and functional integrals involves using complex mathematical equations, such as Feynman diagrams, to integrate over all possible paths of a particle. These equations take into account the quantum mechanical properties of the particle, including its spin and interactions with other particles.

3. What is the significance of vacuum to vacuum amplitudes and functional integrals?

Vacuum to vacuum amplitudes and functional integrals are important in understanding and predicting the behavior of particles in quantum field theory. They allow scientists to calculate the probability of a particle's motion and interactions, which can then be used to make predictions about the behavior of complex systems.

4. Can vacuum to vacuum amplitudes and functional integrals be applied to all particles?

Yes, vacuum to vacuum amplitudes and functional integrals can be applied to all particles, including those with mass, charge, and spin. They are fundamental concepts in quantum field theory and are used to describe the behavior of all particles in the universe.

5. Are there any practical applications of vacuum to vacuum amplitudes and functional integrals?

Yes, vacuum to vacuum amplitudes and functional integrals have practical applications in fields such as particle physics, cosmology, and condensed matter physics. They are used to make predictions about the behavior of particles and systems, which can then be tested and applied in various technologies.

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