Divergence theorem and surface integrals

In summary: S 2r^2z^2 dθ dz = 2∫∫S r^2z^2 dθ dz= 2∫∫S R^2z^2 dθ dz= 2R^2 ∫0h ∫02π z^2 dθ dz= 2R^2 ∫0h 2πz^2 dz= 4πR^2 ∫0h z^2 dz= 4πR^2 (h^3/3)= 4πR^2h^3/3Adding these two results together, we get the total flux of F across the
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Homework Statement

Consider the following vector field in cylindrical polar components:
F(r) = rz^2 r^ + rz^2 theta^
By directly solving a surface integral, evaluate the flux of F across a cylinder
of radius R, height h, centred on the z axis, and with basis lying on the
z = 0 plane.
Using the formula derived in the previous question, evaluate the divergence
∇ · F. Verify the divergence theorem by integrating ∇ · F over the volume
of the cylinder above.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I think I can do the second part (I can definitely work out the divergence of F) although I'm not 100% on that. I really don't know how to go about doing the surface integral. Do you need to do the integral over each side of the cylinder? I'm not really sure how to go about doing it over any side though to be honest. Any help would be appreciated.
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First, let's define the surface of the cylinder in cylindrical polar coordinates. Since the cylinder is centered on the z axis and has a basis on the z = 0 plane, we can define the surface as follows:

r = R, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, 0 ≤ z ≤ h

To evaluate the flux of F across this surface, we can use the surface integral formula:

∫∫S F · dS = ∫∫S F(r) · r dθ dz

where dS is the surface element and r is the unit vector in the direction of the surface normal. In this case, r = r^, since the surface is perpendicular to the z axis.

Plugging in the given vector field, we get:

∫∫S F · dS = ∫∫S (rz^2 r^ + rz^2 θ^) · r dθ dz
= ∫∫S (r^2z^2 + r^2z^2) dθ dz
= ∫∫S 2r^2z^2 dθ dz

Now, we can evaluate this integral over each side of the cylinder separately. Let's start with the top and bottom surfaces, where θ ranges from 0 to 2π and z ranges from 0 to h. This gives us:

∫∫S 2r^2z^2 dθ dz = 2∫∫S r^2z^2 dθ dz
= 2∫∫S R^2z^2 dθ dz
= 2R^2∫∫S z^2 dθ dz
= 2R^2 ∫0h ∫02π z^2 dθ dz
= 2R^2 ∫0h 2πz^2 dz
= 4πR^2 ∫0h z^2 dz
= 4πR^2 (h^3/3)
= 4πR^2h^3/3

Now, for the curved surface of the cylinder, we have θ ranging from 0 to 2π and z ranging from 0 to h. However, the curved surface has a different surface element, which can be expressed as dS = R dθ dz. This gives us:


FAQ: Divergence theorem and surface integrals

1. What is the Divergence theorem and how is it related to surface integrals?

The Divergence theorem, also known as Gauss's theorem, is a fundamental theorem in calculus that relates the flux of a vector field through a closed surface to the divergence of the field within the enclosed volume. In other words, it states that the total outward flux of a vector field through a closed surface is equal to the volume integral of the divergence of the field within the enclosed volume. This relationship is important because it allows us to evaluate surface integrals using only the information of the vector field's divergence.

2. What is the difference between a surface integral and a volume integral?

A surface integral is a type of integral that is used to calculate the flux of a vector field through a two-dimensional surface. It is represented by a double integral over the surface, with the integrand being a function of the position vector on the surface. On the other hand, a volume integral is used to calculate the total effect of a three-dimensional vector field within a given volume. It is represented by a triple integral over the volume, with the integrand being a function of the position vector within the volume. In essence, surface integrals deal with two-dimensional objects while volume integrals deal with three-dimensional objects.

3. How is the Divergence theorem used in real-world applications?

The Divergence theorem has many practical applications in physics and engineering. For example, it is used in fluid dynamics to calculate the flow of a fluid through a closed surface and to analyze the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. It is also used in heat transfer and thermodynamics to study the flow of heat and energy through a surface. Additionally, the Divergence theorem is used in vector calculus to solve various problems involving conservation laws, such as the law of conservation of mass.

4. What is the relationship between the Divergence theorem and Stokes' theorem?

Stokes' theorem is another fundamental theorem in calculus that relates the line integral of a vector field around a closed curve to the surface integral of the curl of the field over any surface bounded by the curve. This is similar to the relationship between the Divergence theorem and surface integrals, but instead of relating the flux of the field to its divergence, Stokes' theorem relates the circulation of the field to its curl. Both theorems are powerful tools in vector calculus and have many practical applications in physics and engineering.

5. How can the Divergence theorem be extended to higher dimensions?

The Divergence theorem can be extended to higher dimensions through the use of differential forms and the generalized Stokes' theorem. In this context, the Divergence theorem is referred to as the divergence theorem for manifolds and relates the flux of a vector field through a higher-dimensional surface, known as a manifold, to the integral of the divergence of the field over the interior of the manifold. This is a more abstract and advanced concept in mathematics and is often used in theoretical physics and geometry.

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