Why do you aerospace engineers have such a hard time making spacecraft?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of making cost-efficient spacecraft by using multiple types of rockets on a ship, which can alternate rocket engines at different levels of the atmosphere and eventually escape into space. However, this approach is deemed expensive and inefficient due to the added weight and complexity of the control system. It is also mentioned that launching a vehicle from an aircraft, as seen in the X-Prize competition, is not a viable solution for orbital flights. The conversation also explores the idea of using a single-stage-to-orbit vehicle or developing a high-altitude launching platform, but both have their own challenges. Ultimately, it is concluded that discarding spent stages is necessary for cost efficiency and a multi-stage-to-orbit vehicle with non-disc
  • #36
gaming_addict said:
I might even improve on it that the turbojet/ramjet/scramjet package, hybrid or not, will be slung beneath the launch vehicle with it's own set of wings blending with the underside to not add to drag, it will detach once for example, mach 20 is reached and will glide back to Earth and land on a runway.
No offense, but you're getting silly now. Theoretically it's fun to say we'd like to do something, but there is no way, currently, that one would ever get an engine with a rotating group to survive anywhere near M20. We're having a tough enough time at M4.

Let's not get too carried away with wet dreams and stick to what is plausible. This forum is not meant to be a sounding platform for sci-fi ideas and the like.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
FredGarvin said:
No offense, but you're getting silly now. Theoretically it's fun to say we'd like to do something, but there is no way, currently, that one would ever get an engine with a rotating group to survive anywhere near M20. We're having a tough enough time at M4.

Let's not get too carried away with wet dreams and stick to what is plausible. This forum is not meant to be a sounding platform for sci-fi ideas and the like.

Read below! You really offended me by making me sound stupid without first reading my whole idea and opinion!


gaming_addict said:
Nice idea for a fully reusable, fuel efficient launch package, but think that for a manned launch package, the glider, will be a large craft, may be larger than XB-70 bomber and has to fly at hypersonic speeds. You may even think of it as the mothership, instead of the LV! Given that we are no longer in a Cold War era, it may take decades to become practical :)

And here's another by yours trully:

gaming_addict said:
One of them actually envisioned a turbojet that 'morphed' and doubled as rocket engine. The turbojet seemed to close it's inlet

and that answers his rantings about:
FredGarvin said:
..but there is no way, currently, that one would ever get an engine with a rotating group to survive anywhere near M20. We're having a tough enough time at M4.

Whoever in his right mind would expose a helpless turbine engine in the ferocious speeds of mach 20? And don't you think closing an inlet is impossible, the Concorde engines does it during emergencies without drag penalty.. :zzz:

We do have an engine that goes from full stop to mach 4, the J-58 turbojet/ramjet hybrid used by SR-71, unfortunately, the SR-71 cannot take the heat from mach 4 flight.

Please don't try to sound smart by replying at warp factor 9.999.. Read carefully, understand, maybe research first... ok? Otherwise, you could sound quite the opposite of what you think you are :wink:
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  • #38
gaming_addict said:
Read below! You really offended me by making me sound stupid without first reading my whole idea and opinion!


And here's another by yours trully:

and that answers his rantings about:

Whoever in his right mind would expose a helpless turbine engine in the ferocious speeds of mach 20? And don't you think closing an inlet is impossible, the Concorde engines does it during emergencies without drag penalty.. :zzz:

We do have an engine that goes from full stop to mach 4, the J-58 turbojet/ramjet hybrid used by SR-71, unfortunately, the SR-71 cannot take the heat from mach 4 flight.

Please don't try to sound smart by replying at warp factor 9.999.. Read carefully, understand, maybe research first... ok? Otherwise, you could sound quite the opposite of what you think you are :wink:

You are the one that is throwing out fanciful "ideas" that have no premise in current capabilities. My comment was in regard to the fact that we like to try to keep this board on a professional level. Having little "I think it would be cool to do this" conversations with no earthly technical clue as to what you are talking about is not a discussion. It's a circle jerk. Most of the stuff you are spouting off about belong in the skepticism and debunking forum. I really don't care if I offended you or not.

Any time you want to put up your video game playing experience versus my actual experience, I'll be more than happy to oblige.
  • #39
gaming_addict said:
Please don't try to sound smart by replying at warp factor 9.999.. Read carefully, understand, maybe research first... ok? Otherwise, you could sound quite the opposite of what you think you are :wink:


You need to mellow your tone. You are out of line when you are telling Fred to "maybe research first".

Please confine your posts here in the technical forums of the PF to well-grounded scientific ideas and questions.
  • #40
FredGarvin said:
You are the one that is throwing out fanciful "ideas"

So I am, and I admit it. But I've also let everyone know on post 34 paragraph 4 that my idea is fanciful. I thought you would agree, I bet you would!

Anyway, I hope it ends here, I don't want to go much off topic and waste time. I apologize to all for wasting some of your time.

<< post edited a bit by berkeman to keep the discussion on-topic >>
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  • #41
Danger said:
Hmmm... sounds like a few minutes of work have gone into planning this.
I misunderstood about the mating surfaces; I thought you meant that the booster's bottom blended into the lines of the payload.

The 'orbital' stage would resemble the X-33(SSTO), while the jet booster stage would resemble the X-43(Hypersonic craft propelled by scramjet), but larger than X-33. The X-33 with flat bottom would be on top, while the X-43 with flat top would be below. The flat surfaces will meet together.


But whether a hypersonic vehicle is capable of taking something as X-33 or even a very lean version without huge performance penalty is still largely unknown. We still have to await the any future scramjet tests, especially if they are capable of piggybacking aerodynamic payloads like a scaled down X-33 for example...

I thought my idea is original but when I read that they are planning to use scramjets as booster stages. They might use the 'glider booster' idea too. :)
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  • #42
How about this? http://www.reactionengines.co.uk/sabre.html

They seem to be doing pretty well on this project - though I do wonder why they haven't flown a prototype yet because they've been operational for some time.
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  • #43
Where on the website does it say that that engine is operational?
  • #44
Eeek - looking at the company website, it looks like the kind of boondoggle that drives me bonkers. They were able to get people to invest in the company and now they are fiddling-around with R&D that may or may not turn into any real product. They are certainly nowhere close to building their engine - the talk only about building and testing a heat exchanger!
  • #45
gaming_addict said:
The 'orbital' stage would resemble the X-33(SSTO), while the jet booster stage would resemble the X-43(Hypersonic craft propelled by scramjet), but larger than X-33. The X-33 with flat bottom would be on top, while the X-43 with flat top would be below. The flat surfaces will meet together...I thought my idea is original but when I read that they are planning to use scramjets as booster stages. They might use the 'glider booster' idea too. :)
The concept of a HTHL SSTO with scramjet lower stage has been studied since the 1960s: http://www.abo.fi/~mlindroo/SpaceLVs/Slides/sld016.htm

In the mid-60s artist's depictions of a "Siamese" delta-winged TSTO with a scramjet lower stage were published in various popular-level books and magazines. The lower stage had a flat top and the upper stage a flat bottom.

"Winging into space" has always had a romantic appeal. However the cold hard facts are scramjet TSTO or SSTO is incredibly expensive and technically challenging. Indeed, it's been called "getting to space the hard way": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scramjet

Unlike the casino game of craps, you don't get extra payoff for getting to orbit "the hard way". Rather you want to get there the easiest, simplest way possible.

Given current technology, that's probably some kind of a rocket.

A scramjet TSTO or SSTO would save some money on propellant, as it uses oxygen from the atmosphere. However the liquid oxygen burned by a large rocket booster is almost free. E.g, the gigantic space external tank holds 553,000 liters of LOX, which costs only about $12,000.
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  • #46
joema said:
A scramjet TSTO or SSTO would save some money on propellant, as it uses oxygen from the atmosphere. However the liquid oxygen burned by a large rocket booster is almost free. E.g, the gigantic space external tank holds 553,000 liters of LOX, which costs only about $12,000.

Actually, an SSTO may or may not use air breathing engines. But it was proven even with scramjet equipped types, won't have the payload carrying capacity of multistage rockets.

I'm familiar with the cost of LOX, it's cheap but carrying the weight of LOX will incur a larger amount of fuel burned. The air in the atmosphere is free and doesn't need to be carried around for scramjet.

Anyway, I've realized that if we use TSTO and mix air breathing engines with it. We might get better fuel economy. But due to the complexity of technology used, the operational costs might exceed the cost of fuel used. It might not be practical in the end.
  • #47
Danger said:
Oomair, you might be getting misled by some ideas that have been kicking around for atmospheric machines, such as taking off with turbojets and switching to scramjets when supersonic. Those things are not intended to go orbital, and they don't have to carry an oxydizer.

Haha spoken like a true rocket scientist :) that just went over my head, (then proceeded to accelerate towards the ground at -9.8m/s^2)
  • #48
What if they made one at a higher altitude, where there would be slightly less air and very slightly less gravity? Or maybe that would be too unpractical if you had to make it in cold conditions...
  • #49
laurelelizabeth said:
Haha spoken like a true rocket scientist :)

I'm not, but I consider that error a compliment.
Your second post needs clarification. What if they made what at a higher altitude? :confused:
  • #50
The primary obstacle for a spacecraft to overcome in reaching orbit isn't altitude it is speed.
  • #51
Yup, high altitude only helps so you could go insanely fast without vaporizing. That tiny bit of less gravity at higher altitudes doesn't help at all.
  • #52
Fred, I just thought of something else. If your exhaust is electrically active, such as a plasma, could a variable nozzle be made using a magnetorestrictive collar rather than a mechanical device?
  • #53
Danger said:
Fred, I just thought of something else. If your exhaust is electrically active, such as a plasma, could a variable nozzle be made using a magnetorestrictive collar rather than a mechanical device?
I really don't know about how well they are using magnetic shielding for ion drives. I haven't heard of them being able to control it like that. Someone else would have to answer that one for sure.
  • #54
Danger said:
Fred, I just thought of something else. If your exhaust is electrically active, such as a plasma, could a variable nozzle be made using a magnetorestrictive collar rather than a mechanical device?

Magnetorestrictive equipment could be heavy. Although, it gives me an idea to separate the plasma into positive and negative ions using a plain magnetic field.. it could probably give very high voltages. I would route the negatively charged electric field to the wing leading edge, the whole frontal area and the upper part of lifting surfaces to eliminate or reduce shockwaves, and hence, drag.

On a second thought.. On LH-fueled scramjets, highspeed of plasma could bring about strong internal magnetic fields, ion separation could occur with no certain pattern. A small amount of rotation could be introduced to the plasma flow such as a slightly helical exhaust pipe design or spiral 'riflings'. The slight rotation of the plasma exhaust would bring the heavier positive ions to the walls of the combustion chamber and the negative ions to the center.

The positively charged combustion chamber could then be used to charge an interior metallic plating in front of the vehicle to high positive voltage, so external plate(acting like a capacitor) attracts negative ions from air and gets negatively charged. The negatively charged plating would then help to reduce shockwaves and shockwave drag.
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  • #55
Danger said:
I'm not, but I consider that error a compliment.
Your second post needs clarification. What if they made what at a higher altitude? :confused:

haha... i just thought that would sound clever to say :redface: ... it is a compliment :smile:

About the second post (oopsie, did i double post?) I was just thinking that if they made the spacecraft 's at a higher altitude then theoretically there would be less gravity... Although I'm assuming it wouldn't make a difference.
  • #56
gaming_addict said:
I'm familiar with the cost of LOX, it's cheap but carrying the weight of LOX will incur a larger amount of fuel burned. The air in the atmosphere is free and doesn't need to be carried around for scramjet.
Yep. Much of the work that surface launch rockets do is lifting the propellent.

See this page - http://www.braeunig.us/space/specs/shuttle.htm
braeunig.us said:
Length: 46.88 m
Diameter: 8.40 m
Dry mass: 35,430 kg for earlier version, later reduced to 29,930 kg in later models, 26,330 kg for aluminum-lithium alloy Super LightWeight version
Oxidizer: liquid oxygen
Fuel: liquid hydrogen
Propellant mass: about 730,000 kg
Pressurization: 3.0 atm LH2, 1.43 atm LOX
Feed lines: supplies SSMEs through two 43.2 cm diameter outlets
Insulation: 25 mm-thick polyurethane foam
Separation: after about 530 s, 110 km altitude, for destructive reentry

Length: 45.46 m (including forward skirt and nose fairing)
Diameter: 3.71 m
Empty mass: each 82,879 kg
Propellant: TB-H1148 HB Polymer
Propellant mass: each about 504,000 kg
Thrust: combined thrust 29.36 MN SL (maximum thrust at launch reducing by 1/3 after 50 s)
Burn time: about 124 s
Steering: nozzle gimbaled +/-8o by two hydraulic actuators
Separation: after burnout at about 124 s, 45 km altitude (triggered when pressure falls to 3.4 atm), the boosters are separated pyrotechnically and fall into the Atlantic for recovery. Landing speed <100 km/h under 3 x 41 m diameter parachutes
Separation motors: 16 flown per Shuttle mission; each 73 kg mass, 34.5 kg HTPB propellant, 0.8 s burn time, 82.6/129.5 kN vac avg/max thrust, 78.1 kNs total impulse

The solid rocket boosters are there to get the EXTERNAL TANK to fly with the Shuttle. The ET is feeding the Shuttle.

braeunig.us said:
NASA's Space Shuttle includes a reusable manned spacecraft capable of delivering up to 25,000 kg of cargo into low Earth orbit.