Windows GodMode: for Vista, Windows 7

In summary: Documents and Settings" folder in the default user account.Rhody...Since this thread has generated a fair amount of interest, I am thinking of starting another with a more generic title, "Best Windows advice..." I have a number of things I think PF members could benefit from... A couple of things are listed below... 1. Secure your banking or private transactions 100% (requires a fair amount of effort on your part)2. Protect from web spider's indexing personal/family semi private web pages3. Hide your desktop (requires a bit more work)4. Manage your startup programs (requires a bit more work)Interest ?I wonder
  • #1
Gold Member
In explorer, create a folder, anywhere, I put it under windows:

Name it; GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

Note: make sure you include a period "." after GodMode

Once explorer parses the key, it will turn the icon GodMode blue, when you click it, you should see:



Most (if not all) of these functions are available from different areas in Control Panel, Taskbar, etc...

Now you have them all in one place.

I believe this DOES NOT work in earlier Windows versions, please post back to this thread if earlier versions work.


Computer science news on
  • #2
Just tried it (Vista). This is cute. Thanks for the tip.
  • #3
Worked on Windows 7. Nice!
  • #4

Does God Mode mean that Windows won't crash?
  • #5
Borek said:

Does God Mode mean that Windows won't crash?

One can only hope, I am switching to Windows 7 after having reliability issues with XP and Vista, I am told mother Microsoft finally got it right, well, we will have to wait and see to be sure...

  • #6
Since this thread has generated a fair amount of interest, I am thinking of starting another with a more generic title, "Best Windows advice..." I have a number of things I think PF members could benefit from... A couple of things are listed below...

1. Secure your banking or private transactions 100% (requires a fair amount of effort on your part)
2. Protect from web spider's indexing personal/family semi private web pages

Interest ?

Rhody... :cool:
  • #7
Borek said:
IDDQD? ...


I wonder if IDKFA.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} would give you unlimited free software.
  • #8
Borek said:
Does God Mode mean that Windows won't crash?
No but it does restart itself after 3days
  • #9
Dembadon said:

I wonder if IDKFA.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} would give you unlimited free software.

Wow Rob. You seem to have some time on your hands. I'm sure Aaron appreciates it! :rolleyes:
  • #10
Nice tip. I will have to check it when my new computer arrives this week. Thanks.
rhody said:
I believe this DOES NOT work in earlier Windows versions, please post back to this thread if earlier versions work.


I checked it on XP - doesn't work.
  • #11
Dembadon said:

I wonder if IDKFA.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} would give you unlimited free software.

The bottom line is you can use any name you want, someone invented GodMode and as the saying goes, the name stuck, you can put in your favorite dish, pet's name etc... it doesn't matter what is important is the .{} and the parse key inside the brackets. I am told there are other codes like this, so if some of you patient adventurous souls find them and post them, they would be most appreciated.

  • #12
Got my new computer yesterday with Windows 7. I'm really glad that you put this tip up since I'm having a bad time trying to configure the computer. At least I can find all of the settings in one place.

Microsoft has added tons of My This and My That trash to Windows 7. When I try to clear them from the default user account, it won't let me in the Documents and Settings folder anymore - even though I have 'Administrator' privileges. I also can't create an account named Administrator because it apparently uses that for itself. There are some new features that I like but, I'll be grumbling at it for a while. :wink:
  • #13
This trick did not work with my VISTA. Actually the explorer stopped and restarted itself continuously until I deleted this folder
  • #14
I cursed Win 7 for a few days, then began to like it quite well. The only thing I still hate after months is the Windows Explorer, which needs a few tweaks to be more friendly.
  • #15
harborsparrow said:
I cursed Win 7 for a few days, then began to like it quite well. The only thing I still hate after months is the Windows Explorer, which needs a few tweaks to be more friendly.

I'll see how it goes. There really are some nice features and the graphics are nice. I'll have to agree on the Windows Explorer though. The one that they give you refuses to default where you want it. They used to have a second one in the WINDOWS directory (C:\WINDOWS\explorer.scf) that would default to the C:\ directory but, it's not there. I may try loading it from another computer running XP - if it doesn't throw a fit. I think that we need to start a thread on Windows 7 tweaks. :biggrin:
  • #16
Borg said:
Microsoft has added tons of My This and My That trash to Windows 7. When I try to clear them from the default user account, it won't let me in the Documents and Settings folder anymore - even though I have 'Administrator' privileges.

These My... "folders" are symbolic links for Windows XP user account folders that are used to let programs that refer directly to these locations use the correct "Windows 7" location to store their data. You will also find an inaccessible "Documents and Settings" symlink in your root directory for the same reason. Ie., programs that try to store data in the "<user>/My Documents/..." folder will now correctly store data in the "<user>/Documents/..." folder. Removing these folders will cause irreverent "<user>/My Documents/..." folders to populate your user directory by older programs that still hard-code these locations instead of using the newer method of environment variables. The symlinks use next to 0 disk space to resolve this problem.

I also can't create an account named Administrator because it apparently uses that for itself.

This is a special account that is created in advance and disabled to protect the "average" computer user who doesn't know much about computers. Ie., it simultaneously prevents the simple password work-around of Windows XP and the necessity of special offline tools to get around people who do create passwords for it and then forget them. Most users won't need to enable it.
  • #17
slider142 said:
These My... "folders" are symbolic links for Windows XP user account folders that are used to let programs that refer directly to these locations use the correct "Windows 7" location to store their data. You will also find an inaccessible "Documents and Settings" symlink in your root directory for the same reason. Ie., programs that try to store data in the "<user>/My Documents/..." folder will now correctly store data in the "<user>/Documents/..." folder. Removing these folders will cause irreverent "<user>/My Documents/..." folders to populate your user directory by older programs that still hard-code these locations instead of using the newer method of environment variables. The symlinks use next to 0 disk space to resolve this problem.

This is a special account that is created in advance and disabled to protect the "average" computer user who doesn't know much about computers. Ie., it simultaneously prevents the simple password work-around of Windows XP and the necessity of special offline tools to get around people who do create passwords for it and then forget them. Most users won't need to enable it.

Fortunately, I'm not an average user. I have it running as Administrator and have found out how to get past the protected directories. Thanks for the info on the symlinks. I did some initial searches on them and they look like their Unix counterparts. It also led me to info on junction points which is what the Documents and Settings folder is in Windows 7. It's just a special type of symbolic link but you sure don't want to delete it. :rolleyes:
  • #18
This is the best thread I ever found online. I am also a Physics student at a public university in the US. So I joined.

GodMode rocks! I have had Win 7 since mid-Dec09 and have spent dozens of hours looking for things. Thank you so much for that and also for the tutorial on how the docs and settings are mapped to the new system configuration.

So how do I run Win7 as admin?

And does that other key give free software? :)

Thanks, and nice to join you smart people.
  • #19
Update: I'm running on Admin account. Thanks again!
  • #20
mgookin said:
This is the best thread I ever found online. I am also a Physics student at a public university in the US. So I joined.

GodMode rocks! I have had Win 7 since mid-Dec09 and have spent dozens of hours looking for things. Thank you so much for that and also for the tutorial on how the docs and settings are mapped to the new system configuration.

So how do I run Win7 as admin?

And does that other key give free software? :)

Thanks, and nice to join you smart people.


This is only a beginning, I assure you this is one resource you will want to stick with long after you finish college. There are some really smart people on this forum, and they are willing to share their knowledge with you on many subjects.

Good luck with your studies, their are great threads under academic and career guidance, not to mention the mentors who lurk there.

  • #21
harborsparrow said:
I cursed Win 7 for a few days, then began to like it quite well. The only thing I still hate after months is the Windows Explorer, which needs a few tweaks to be more friendly.
I have had my new computer for two weeks now and I haven't been very happy with the Windows 7 operating system. I called HP's customer service to get the specifics on their return policy. I have until next Monday to return it - I probably will return it even though I will have a difficult time getting one with XP. At the very least, I know now that HP refuses to supply the original OS CD and that I need to make sure that the next company will supply it.
  • #22
Thank you for the warm welcome Rhody. I spent some time over the weekend looking through the homework section to see how questions are asked and answered. I also read the rules which go along with the site. Looks like quite an active site here.

FAQ: Windows GodMode: for Vista, Windows 7

1. What is Windows GodMode for Vista and Windows 7?

Windows GodMode is a hidden feature in Windows Vista and Windows 7 that allows users to access a centralized location for all of the operating system's settings and tools.

2. How do I enable Windows GodMode?

To enable Windows GodMode, create a new folder on your desktop and name it GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}. The folder icon will change to a control panel icon and clicking on it will open up the GodMode window.

3. Can I customize Windows GodMode to include only the settings and tools I frequently use?

Yes, you can customize Windows GodMode by adding or removing shortcuts to specific settings and tools. Simply right-click on the GodMode folder and select "Customize this folder" to make changes.

4. Is Windows GodMode safe to use?

Yes, Windows GodMode is a built-in feature in Windows Vista and Windows 7 and is safe to use. However, it is always recommended to be cautious when making changes to system settings.

5. Can I access Windows GodMode on other versions of Windows?

No, Windows GodMode is only available on Windows Vista and Windows 7. However, there are similar hidden features on other versions of Windows, such as Quick Access in Windows 10.
