A question on Gravity Waves and Gravity Radiation

In summary: Relativity predicts that the binary system will lose energy with time as orbital energy is converted to gravitational radiation. In 1983, Taylor and collaborators reported that there was a systematic shift in the observed time of periastron relative to that expected if the orbital separation remained constant. In the diagram shown here, data taken in the first decade after the discovery showed a decrease in the orbital period as reported by Taylor and his colleagues of about 76 millionths of a second per year. By 1982, the pulsar was arriving at its periastron more than a second earlier than would have been expected if the orbit had remained constant since 1974.
  • #1
Relativity predicts that the binary system will lose energy with time as orbital energy is converted to gravitational radiation. In 1983, Taylor and collaborators reported that there was a systematic shift in the observed time of periastron relative to that expected if the orbital separation remained constant. In the diagram shown here, data taken in the first decade after the discovery showed a decrease in the orbital period as reported by Taylor and his colleagues of about 76 millionths of a second per year. By 1982, the pulsar was arriving at its periastron more than a second earlier than would have been expected if the orbit had remained constant since 1974.


Does Relativity estimate or predict the frequency of the gravitational radiation?
Can we also estimate the amount of gravitational radiation being emitted and thus the amount present at a gravity wave detector here on earth?
Are there any other causes which might explain the loss of orbital energy?
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  • #2
Tanelorn said:
Relativity predicts that the binary system will lose energy with time as orbital energy is converted to gravitational radiation. In 1983, Taylor and collaborators reported that there was a systematic shift in the observed time of periastron relative to that expected if the orbital separation remained constant. In the diagram shown here, data taken in the first decade after the discovery showed a decrease in the orbital period as reported by Taylor and his colleagues of about 76 millionths of a second per year. By 1982, the pulsar was arriving at its periastron more than a second earlier than would have been expected if the orbit had remained constant since 1974.

http://www.astro.cornell.edu/academics/courses/astro201/psr1913.htmDoes Relativity estimate or predict the frequency of the gravitational radiation?
The frequency would be twice the frequency of the rotational period.
Can we also estimate the amount of gravitational radiation being emitted and thus the amount present at a gravity wave detector here on earth?
The power could be found by:

[tex]P =\frac{32}{5}\frac{G^4(M_1M_2)^2(M_1+M_2)}{c^2 r^5}[/tex]

Which works out to about 3.9e22 Joules/sec.

It is 21,000 ly away, so we would get something like 3.14e-19 Joules/sec per square meter. here on Earth.
Are there any other causes which might explain the loss of orbital energy?

I'm not gong to say that it is impossible, but the loss seen fits what is predicted by GR, so it would have to be a pretty large coincidence for another mechanism to match that exact energy loss.
  • #3
Thanks Janus for an excellent reply.

The frequency of the gravitational radiation then is just related to the frequency at which the gravitation field is changing due to the period of the binary orbit. I expected this, but didnt want to assume anything. So gravity waves are nothing more than variation with time of the static gravitational field?

I understand that gravity wave detectors have been built deep underground to prove gravity waves exist. Would we expect to be able to detect this level of gravitational radiation here on Earth with the sensitivity of our detectors and with the level of noise and interference here and elsewhere?
  • #4
So far I don't think they have had any luck with gravity waves. Some have been searching for up to 20 years or more? Hopefully its about sensitivity and not a lack of the thing they are looking for. That would mess things up a little...
  • #5

I am familiar with the concept of gravity waves and gravity radiation and their connection to Einstein's theory of relativity. In this case, the binary system being studied is a pulsar and its companion, which are constantly losing energy due to the conversion of orbital energy into gravitational radiation.

Based on the observations and data reported by Taylor and his colleagues, it is clear that there is a decrease in the orbital period of the pulsar, which can be attributed to the loss of energy through gravitational radiation. This decrease in orbital period is consistent with the predictions of relativity.

To answer the first question, yes, relativity does predict the frequency of gravitational radiation. According to Einstein's theory, the frequency of gravitational waves is directly related to the mass and orbital speed of the binary system. Therefore, the observed decrease in orbital period can be used to estimate the frequency of gravitational radiation being emitted by the system.

Regarding the second question, it is possible to estimate the amount of gravitational radiation being emitted by the binary system and the amount present at a gravity wave detector here on earth. This can be done by using mathematical models and calculations based on the observed data, as well as the known properties of the system.

Finally, to address the third question, there are no other known causes that can explain the loss of orbital energy observed in this binary system. The decrease in orbital period and the shift in the observed time of periastron are consistent with the predictions of relativity and can be attributed to the emission of gravitational radiation. Other factors, such as drag from interstellar gas or the presence of other massive objects, have been ruled out through further observations and analysis.

In conclusion, the observations and data reported by Taylor and his colleagues provide strong evidence for the existence of gravitational waves and their role in the evolution of binary systems. This discovery has opened up new avenues for studying the universe and has further validated Einstein's theory of relativity.

FAQ: A question on Gravity Waves and Gravity Radiation

1. What are gravity waves and gravity radiation?

Gravity waves and gravity radiation are terms used to describe disturbances or ripples in the fabric of space-time caused by the acceleration of massive objects. These waves are a fundamental prediction of Einstein's theory of general relativity and have been observed in the universe.

2. How are gravity waves different from electromagnetic waves?

Gravity waves are fundamentally different from electromagnetic waves in several ways. Unlike electromagnetic waves, which are disturbances in the electromagnetic field, gravity waves are disturbances in the fabric of space-time itself. Additionally, gravity waves travel at the speed of light, while electromagnetic waves can travel at different speeds depending on the medium they are traveling through.

3. Can gravity waves be detected?

Yes, gravity waves have been detected by the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) detectors. These detectors work by measuring tiny changes in the distance between two points caused by passing gravity waves. Other experiments, such as the European Space Agency's LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) mission, are also in development to detect gravity waves in space.

4. What are some potential applications of studying gravity waves?

The discovery and study of gravity waves could have a wide range of applications. For example, it could help us better understand the universe, including the behavior of black holes and the early moments after the Big Bang. It could also lead to new technologies, such as more precise methods for measuring distance and detecting gravitational anomalies. Additionally, studying gravity waves could help us test and refine our theories of gravity and the laws of physics.

5. Are there any current theories or hypotheses about the behavior of gravity waves?

There are several theories and hypotheses about the behavior of gravity waves, including the theory of general relativity proposed by Albert Einstein. Other theories, such as loop quantum gravity and string theory, attempt to reconcile gravity with quantum mechanics and could potentially offer new insights into the nature of gravity waves. However, much is still unknown and further research and observations are needed to fully understand the behavior of gravity waves.
