Magnetic field generated by a circular current loop

In summary, the two people are looking for an off-axis magnetic field strength at a distance from the source of the field. One person attempted to use Biot-Savard's Law, but was unsuccessful. The other person tried using the Legendre polynomial derivation of the magnetic field, but was also unsuccessful.
  • #1
Hello everybody!
I have some trouble determinating the magnetic field generated by a circular loop of current. I'd use it as an approximation for the poloidal field in a Tokamak (field generated by the current in the plasma).
I tried using Biot-Savard's Law but I'm getting stuck... I hope to get an answer soon

greets ramses

P.S. I'm not looking for the field in the middle of the current loop, I need the whole description vector field.
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  • #2
This is presented in all standard E&M books. Take a look at
Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics or
Smythe, Static and Dynamic Electricity
  • #3
Thanx, but I think I'll have some difficulties getting those books... I'm in the italian speaking part of switzerland, but I'll give a try to my school library.
If there is some kind of electronic version on this specific topic, could someone link it plaese?
  • #4
Oh, how fun! Well, the result is quoted here without derivation"
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  • #5
I've been looking for the same thing - off-axis magnetic field strength at a distance from the source of the field. All my university physics texts give the on-axis derivation (or at least binomial approximation), but hold short of off-axis derivations for B. I contacted Eric Dennison at (see previous post by Marcus!). He thinks he has a derivation. I am hoping to hear from him shortly. I'm probably as bad off as ramses728, up in the north woods of Wisconsin, USA. The nearest source for these texts is about 250-300 km away.
  • #6
I understand your situation Istookey, no one here where I live has some real good clue how to solve this problem. I tried some ways through the biot savard law but had not much luck... And just having those formulas written does not help me really much how to get there... I'll try again now see if i get something out of it.

If you Eric Dennison from replies let me know.

greets ramses
  • #8
Oh my... I've been searching for that field for years! Thank You!
  • #9
There is a simpler treatment using Legendre polynomials in the book "Classical Electromagnetism" by Franklin. It also treats the off-axis magnetic field of a solenoid or bar magnet.
  • #10
  • #11
without Legendre polynomials or Greens functions or elliptical functions usage ,,,u can't solve this problem analytically,,,,,,,better try numerical methods for a simple treatment...
  • #13
pieselsoft said:
That is an interesting derivation, but it is more complicated than using the magnetic scalar potential. The delta function derivation is particularly tricky as he does it.
That could have been proven more easily using spherical harmonics.

FAQ: Magnetic field generated by a circular current loop

1. What is a circular current loop?

A circular current loop is a closed path of electrical current, where the current flows in a circular direction around the loop.

2. How is a magnetic field generated by a circular current loop?

A magnetic field is generated by a circular current loop due to the flow of electrical current. As the current flows in a circular direction, it creates a magnetic field that extends outwards from the loop.

3. What factors affect the strength of the magnetic field generated by a circular current loop?

The strength of the magnetic field generated by a circular current loop is affected by the magnitude of the current flowing through the loop, the radius of the loop, and the distance from the loop.

4. How does the direction of the current affect the direction of the magnetic field generated by a circular current loop?

The direction of the magnetic field generated by a circular current loop is determined by the right-hand rule. If the current flows clockwise, the magnetic field will point outwards from the loop. If the current flows counterclockwise, the magnetic field will point inwards towards the loop.

5. How can the magnetic field strength be calculated at a point near a circular current loop?

The magnetic field strength at a point near a circular current loop can be calculated using the Biot-Savart law, which takes into account the current, the distance from the loop, and the size of the loop. Alternatively, the magnetic field strength can also be measured using a magnetic field sensor.

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