Electric field and magnetic field - proton deflection

In summary, the electric field applied over a region of space will cause the protons to be deflected into a horizontal circle of radius 0.2 meters.
  • #1

Homework Statement

when protons traveling north in a horizontal plane enter a region of uniform magnetic field of 0.8Teslas in the downward direction, they are deflected into a horizontal circle of radius 0.2 meters. what is the magnitude and direction of a uniform electric field applied over the same region of space that will allow the protons to pass through the region undelflected

Homework Equations

radius r = mv/qB where m is mass, v is velocity, q is charge, B is magnetic field

electromagnetic force F = qE + qv X B where X indicates cross product

electric field force F_E = qE where E is electric field

magnetic force F_B = qv X B where B is magnetic field

charge of electron/proton = 1.6*10^-19 coulombs

mass proton m = 1.67*10^-27 kg

The Attempt at a Solution

i used :
since the proton must not be deflected, i assumed electric field force must equal magnetic force so:

qE = qv X B

i then used radius eq, r = mv/qB and solved for v --> v = qBr/m and subbed it in for v to get:

qE = q(qBr/m) X B and solved for E --> E = (qBr/m)Bsin(theta), i have q = 1.6*10^-19 coulombs, B = 0.8 Teslas, r = 0.2 meters, mass m = 1.67*10^-27 kg but what is theta?

is my approach correct?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Your approach for finding the magnitude of the E field is correct.

The direction of the B-field is given in the problem, though it is worded in a somewhat confusing way. They tell you that the protons are moving north and that the B field is pointing in the "downward" direction. I believe this means "into the plane of the page."

Considering this to be the case, what is your angle?
  • #3
which page? the page the problem is written on? in that case, the angle would be 90 degrees.

  • #4
If you were to take a path northward over the Earth's surface, southward would be the direction opposite of northward (which is antiparallel to the motion and so the proton would be unaffected), and downward would be the direction into the Earth (which is perpendicular to the motion and is what the question is probably referring to---so you're correct, angle is 90 degrees)...heh, question was worded kind of confusingly. There is a trick to determining the angle (if I'm right about this): the particle will move in a circle if the field is completely 90 degrees perpendicular to the motion...otherwise the path is helical.
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  • #5
scholio said:
which page? the page the problem is written on? in that case, the angle would be 90 degrees.


Yup. You got it.:smile:
  • #6
thanks, so using theta = 90 degrees and E = (qBr/m)Bsin(theta), i have q = 1.6*10^-19 coulombs, B = 0.8 Teslas, r = 0.2 meters, mass m = 1.67*10^-27 kg

i got electric field E = 1.23*10^7 coulombs/meter
  • #7
Looks good.

Good job!:smile:

FAQ: Electric field and magnetic field - proton deflection

1. What is an electric field?

An electric field is a physical phenomenon that surrounds an electrically charged particle or object. It is a force field that exerts a force on any other charged objects within its vicinity.

2. What is a magnetic field?

A magnetic field is a physical phenomenon that is produced by moving electric charges. It is a force field that exerts a force on other moving charges or magnetic objects within its vicinity.

3. How do electric and magnetic fields affect the motion of protons?

Electric and magnetic fields can exert a force on a proton, causing it to accelerate or change direction. This is known as proton deflection. The direction and strength of the fields determine the extent of the deflection.

4. What is the relationship between electric and magnetic fields?

Electric and magnetic fields are closely related and are often referred to as electromagnetic fields. A changing electric field can create a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field can create an electric field. They are both part of the electromagnetic spectrum and are interconnected.

5. How are electric and magnetic fields measured?

Electric and magnetic fields are measured using specialized instruments called field meters. These meters measure the strength and direction of the fields and display the results in units of volts per meter (V/m) for electric fields and teslas (T) for magnetic fields.
