Questions about quantum mechanics reducing the complexity of classical models

In summary: The paper is not talking about decoherence or measurement. It's talking about the internal memory requirement of a quantum simulator vs a classical simulator. Can you please summarize the main point of the paper?In summary, the paper compares the entropy of classical and quantum simulators and concludes that quantum simulators require less input. However, the internal memory requirement of both models remains the same. The paper also discusses the difference between classical and quantum states in terms of entropy and their direct comparability.
  • #1
I have some questions about this paper:

The author computes the entropy of the classical simulator using the Shannon entropy, then computes the entropy of the quantum simulator using von Neumann entropy and gets a smaller number, thus concluding that quantum simulators require smaller input.

Firstly, are these two measures directly comparable? For example, the von Neumann entropy of a pure state is 0, even if it's maximally entangled. The corresponding classical entropy would be nonzero (and maximized).

Also, it doesn't seem like the quantum simulator is using any less internal memory. It still seems to require log(|S|) qubits (S = space of causal states), which is the same internal memory as the classical model.
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  • #2
IttyBittyBit said:
Firstly, are these two measures directly comparable?
Yes. The von Neumann entropy is the Shannon entropy of the probability distribution given by the weights pi of the kets |ψi> which are contained in the density matrix.

IttyBittyBit said:
For example, the von Neumann entropy of a pure state is 0, even if it's maximally entangled. The corresponding classical entropy would be nonzero (and maximized).
What do you mean by "the corresponding classical entropy"?

Btw: I haven't read the paper.
  • #3
kith said:
Yes. The von Neumann entropy is the Shannon entropy of the probability distribution given by the weights pi of the kets |ψi> which are contained in the density matrix.

Yes, but the point that the paper is trying to make is that to communicate the state of a simulator, you need less bits if the simulator is quantum.

But the thing is: it's obvious that the information of classical and quantum states is not directly comparable. For example, consider the case of 2 bits: {00,01,10,11}. Let's say we have a classical distribution over these bits P(00)=P(01)=0, P(10)=P(11)=1/2. The entropy of this distribution is 1. The corresponding quantum state would be (|10> + |11>)/√2. By 'corresponding' I mean performing a measurement on this quantum state would give us the same results as sampling from the classical distribution. However, the entropy of the quantum state is 0.

However, this is not the main focus of my question. My main issue is that the internal memory of the simulator - the thing that is ostensibly more important when considering which model is 'simpler' - is the same in both models (actually, it's increased in the quantum case because it has to be reversible).
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  • #4
IttyBittyBit said:
For example, consider the case of 2 bits: {00,01,10,11}. Let's say we have a classical distribution over these bits P(00)=P(01)=0, P(10)=P(11)=1/2. The entropy of this distribution is 1. The corresponding quantum state would be (|01> + |11>)/√2. By 'corresponding' I mean performing a measurement on this quantum state would give us the same results as sampling from the classical distribution. However, the entropy of the quantum state is 0.
The connection between the two is decoherence. In order to perform a measurement on your qubits, you have to interact with them. This introduces an environment which leads to the decay of the coherences of the qubits-state. This takes the pure superposition state into a mixed one.

The full state (qubits + measurement device) gets entangled but remains pure. Only the qubit state alone is mixed. This is a very remarkable property of QM: the entropy of a subsystem can be greater than the entropy of the whole system.

I don't have time to read the paper and contribute to more specific issues, sorry.
  • #5
Everything you said is correct, but I don't see how it relates to my question.

FAQ: Questions about quantum mechanics reducing the complexity of classical models

1. How does quantum mechanics simplify classical models?

Quantum mechanics reduces the complexity of classical models by describing the behavior of particles at a microscopic level, rather than treating them as continuous objects. This allows for more accurate predictions and explanations of phenomena, as well as a better understanding of the fundamental laws of nature.

2. What are the key differences between classical and quantum mechanics?

Classical mechanics is based on Newton's laws of motion and describes the behavior of macroscopic objects, while quantum mechanics is based on probability and describes the behavior of particles at a microscopic level. Classical mechanics is deterministic, while quantum mechanics is probabilistic and involves uncertainties.

3. Can quantum mechanics be used to explain all physical phenomena?

No, quantum mechanics is not a complete theory and cannot explain all physical phenomena. It is currently the most accurate and widely accepted theory for describing the behavior of particles at a microscopic level, but it has limitations and is still being researched and studied.

4. How does the concept of superposition in quantum mechanics affect classical models?

The concept of superposition, where a particle can exist in multiple states simultaneously, challenges the traditional understanding of particles as distinct and separate objects in classical models. This leads to a more complex and nuanced understanding of how particles behave and interact with each other.

5. How has the development of quantum mechanics impacted modern technology?

The development of quantum mechanics has led to the creation of technologies such as transistors, lasers, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It also has potential applications in fields such as cryptography, quantum computing, and precision measurement. Quantum mechanics continues to inspire new technological developments and advancements in various industries.

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