Exploring Quantum Spin: Visualizing Spin Observables in Real and C-2 Space

In summary: I appreciate the information.In summary, the Spin Networks applet allows you to see how the spin observables are related.
  • #1
I'm reading Hughes book The Structure and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. I was wondering if people knew of any good web resources that graphically (maybe with Java applets, etc.) illustrate how the spin observables Sx Sy and Sz are related to each other, either in real space or in their representation in C-2. Basically I'm just looking for any kind of illustrations involving quantum spin that will help me get a better feel for it. Thank you.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
vincentm said:

Am I missing something on that page? All I see are orbital representations. How does this help with spin and its components?
  • #4
Yes I'm looking for something showing the mathematical connectedness of the incompatible observables in spin. But thank you very much for the link which has many other cool applets.
  • #5
TimH said:
Yes I'm looking for something showing the mathematical connectedness of the incompatible observables in spin.
That's not really clear to me. Are you asking for a visualization of the commutation relations for the spin operators?
  • #6
I'm trying to understand the spin observables of the electron at a beginner level. I understand (I think!) that the three spin observables can be simultaneously represented in C-2 (i.e. a 2-dimensional complex Hilbert space). Since you can't visualize a complex 2-dimensional space I was wondering if anybody had taken a subset of the whole space and could display it, or somehow use a gimmick or shortcut to help show how the spin x,y, and z observables are interrelated in an applet.
  • #7
Gokul43201 said:
Am I missing something on that page? All I see are orbital representations. How does this help with spin and its components?

My bad
  • #8
I understand (I think!) that the three spin observables can be simultaneously represented in C-2 (i.e. a 2-dimensional complex Hilbert space)

Why is it that I've just finished a masters-level quantum mechanics course and don't understand this sentence?
  • #9
Perhaps you should look for visualisations of the Bloch sphere. Remember that rays in C^2 has 3 degrees of freedom -- 2x2 from the components, -1 for the normalisation constraint. As it happens, this gives a very nice geometrical representation. It's useful for visualising the sometime obtuse algebra, but should not be afforded too much physical meaning. As usual, start with the wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloch_sphere
  • #10
genneth said:
It's useful for visualising the sometime obtuse algebra, but should not be afforded too much physical meaning.
I don't understand your warning; the Bloch sphere is (equivalent to) the space of pure states of such a qubit, and the corresponding ball is (equivalent to) the entire state space, is it not?
  • #11
Hurkyl said:
I don't understand your warning; the Bloch sphere is (equivalent to) the space of pure states of such a qubit, and the corresponding ball is (equivalent to) the entire state space, is it not?

Yes. But a 2-component system doesn't exhaust the physics of spin-1/2 particles and the like. The key point is that a direction on the sphere isn't a direction in "real life". Usually, the point is moot, but when you have something like a uniform magnetic field that changes the symmetries it's not quite as useful. But yes -- the surface of the sphere is exactly equivalent to the states of a 2-component system; in fact, the interior of the sphere is the space of density matrices over the system.
  • #12
i don't think its a good idea to imagine electron spin just as you would imagine a spinning ball.
An electron has spin even though its not spinning in the literal sense.
That the electron possesses spin has been proved experimnetantally in stern -gerlachs experiment.
One more thing is that only one component of spin can be determined ,
its impossible to dettermine the componenet of spin is say both x and z directions simultaneously.
Since an electron is a pont particle ,it make absolutely no sense whatsoever in imagining electron spin ,like say a spinning tennis ball
  • #13
It might not make sense but it sure does get you a long way in obtaining the right orders of magnitude :smile:

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  • #15
Thanks for the link. This is the kind of visualization I was looking for, though its a little beyond my level.

FAQ: Exploring Quantum Spin: Visualizing Spin Observables in Real and C-2 Space

1. What is quantum spin?

Quantum spin is an intrinsic property of subatomic particles that describes their angular momentum. It is not an actual spinning motion, but rather a fundamental characteristic that influences how particles interact with each other and respond to external forces.

2. How is quantum spin visualized?

Quantum spin is typically visualized using mathematical models and diagrams, such as the Bloch sphere or spin vector diagrams. These visualizations help to illustrate the behavior of particles with different spin values and how they can be manipulated and measured in experiments.

3. What is the significance of visualizing quantum spin?

Visualizing quantum spin allows scientists to better understand and predict the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. It also provides a way to represent complex quantum systems and communicate ideas and theories to others in the scientific community.

4. Can we actually see quantum spin?

No, we cannot directly see quantum spin as it is an abstract concept that describes the properties of particles at the subatomic level. However, we can indirectly observe its effects through experiments and visualizations.

5. How does quantum spin affect everyday life?

Quantum spin is a fundamental aspect of the laws of physics and plays a crucial role in many technologies, such as electronics, computing, and medical imaging. It also helps to explain the behavior of matter and the structure of the universe on a microscopic scale.
