Lagrangian density, regular Lagrangian, E&M

In summary, the Lagrangian formalism of electrodynamics uses the Lagrangian density \mathcal{L} instead of the plain old regular Lagrangian L because it is advantageous for simplicity and because it leads to the derivation of the Maxwell equations.
  • #1
HJ Farnsworth

I have two semi-related questions.

1. When making the Lagrangian formalism of electrodynamics, why is it that we use the Lagrangian density [itex]\mathcal{L}[/itex], rather than the plain old regular Lagrangian [itex]L[/itex]? Is this something that is necessary, or is it more that it is just very advantageous for simplicity, etc.? To put it another way, somewhere along the way someone must have been trying to set up E&M using Lagrangians and had some realization where they thought, "this would be much better if I use [itex]\mathcal{L}[/itex] instead of [itex]L[/itex]." What was this realization?

2. For classical field theories using Lagrangian densities in general, does the difference between a Galilean-invariant theory and a Lorentz-invariant theory come purely from the choice of [itex]\mathcal{L}[/itex], and whether that choice (or the resulting equations of motion) are invariant under Galilean transformations or Lorentz transformations? Or, is there instead an axiom of classical field theory that can be altered to differentiate between Galilean- and Lorent-invariant theories?

Thanks for any help that you can give.

-HJ Farnsworth
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  • #2
HJ Farnsworth said:
1. When making the Lagrangian formalism of electrodynamics, why is it that we use the Lagrangian density [itex]\mathcal{L}[/itex], rather than the plain old regular Lagrangian [itex]L[/itex]?
The plain old regular Lagrangian refers to finite number of variables and leads to finite number of ordinary differential equations.

The purpose of the Lagrangian formalism of ordinary electromagnetic theory is to derive all or at least some of the Maxwell equations. These are partial differential equations for fields. Such equations cannot be derived from finite number of ordinary differential equations.

Similarly to continuum mechanics, it was found that they can be derived from a variational principle where integral of certain quantity ##\mathcal{L}## over space and time plays role. In case of EM theory this quantity is a function of finite number of potentials and field strengths. The quantity
is still called lagrangian, but due to the integral over space it is a functional of the potentials and field strengths so it is not "the plain old regular Lagrangian" in the above sense.

Both ##\mathcal{L}## and ##L## can be used to find the equations for the field.

HJ Farnsworth said:
2. For classical field theories using Lagrangian densities in general, does the difference between a Galilean-invariant theory and a Lorentz-invariant theory come purely from the choice of [itex]\mathcal{L}[/itex]
No. In addition, the transformation properties of the fields have to be assumed. For example, the wave equation for the field ##u##
\frac{\partial ^2u}{\partial t^2} = c^2\Delta u
with ##c## equal to speed of light can be derived from the Lagrangian density
\mathcal{L}=(\partial_t u)^2 -c^2(\partial_k u )(\partial_k u)
Whether the theory is Galilei or Lorentz invariant depends on how ##u## transforms and this cannot be derived purely from the function ##\mathcal{L}##.
  • #3
Hi Jano,

Great answer, thanks for helping me out!

FAQ: Lagrangian density, regular Lagrangian, E&M

1. What is a Lagrangian density?

A Lagrangian density is a mathematical function used in the Lagrangian formalism of classical mechanics. It is defined as the difference between the kinetic and potential energy of a system, and is used to describe the dynamics of a system in terms of its generalized coordinates and their time derivatives.

2. How is a regular Lagrangian different from a Lagrangian density?

A regular Lagrangian is a special case of a Lagrangian density where the kinetic energy term is homogeneous of degree two in the generalized coordinates and their time derivatives. This means that the regular Lagrangian has a well-defined Euler-Lagrange equation, making it easier to solve for the dynamics of a system.

3. What is the connection between Lagrangian density and classical mechanics?

The Lagrangian density is a fundamental concept in classical mechanics, as it allows for the formulation of the equations of motion of a system in terms of its generalized coordinates and their time derivatives. This approach is often preferred over the more traditional Newtonian mechanics, as it provides a more elegant and general framework for describing the dynamics of a system.

4. How does Lagrangian density relate to electromagnetism (E&M)?

In the context of E&M, the Lagrangian density is used to describe the dynamics of electric and magnetic fields. It is derived from the Maxwell's equations and incorporates the electromagnetic potentials, making it a more convenient way to solve problems in E&M. The equations of motion for the fields can be obtained by varying the Lagrangian density with respect to the field variables.

5. Are there any practical applications of Lagrangian density in physics?

Yes, Lagrangian density has numerous practical applications in various fields of physics. For example, it is used in classical mechanics to study the dynamics of systems with multiple degrees of freedom, in E&M to describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields, and in quantum field theory to study the interactions between particles. It is also used in other branches of physics such as fluid dynamics, cosmology, and general relativity.

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