How to Stop Unwanted Hair Growth Without Side Effects

In summary: I'm not sure if there's anything else you could do to stop the hair from growing. However, hair growth can be slowed or stopped with various methods, including laser hair removal or electrolysis.
  • #1
I know hair grows from skin, and about 0.5-1.5 inchs long. do u no any way to stop hair growning. any way that is not harmfull or has side effects now and forever.

Ok, truthly, I have lot os hair on my body, and it seems like growing more and more. I just want to waer a thin T-shirt going out in summer like everyone. If i cut,shave my body. it looks not good then, i don want to do this.

thank uu
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  • #2
They have laser hair removal, but if you have hair over most of your body, I don't know if it is recommended. They have brochures about it at my doctor's office. Perhaps you could speak to your doctor.
  • #3
There's electrolysis. There's also laser hair removal; that might only be good for up to 10 years though. I'm not sure. I haven't verified whether or not laser hair removal would only be good for up to 10 years...I'm interested in knowing whether or not it would be good for up to 10 years

Of course there's other methods of hair removal waxing, shaving, etc. Maybe there are permanent or semi-permanent methods of hair removal other than electroylsis and laser hair removal. I wouldn't consider waxing, shaving, etc to be permanent or semi-permanent methods of hair removal though.

Anyways, I think you should see a doctor or a professional like that and decide (with them) on the hair removal method that would be best for you. Good luck! And I mean don't feel bad...lots of people get upset about things like hair removal and hair in general.
  • #5
thank u u veryone, ur nice people to help me.:biggrin:
  • #6
another question i have for hair is how can i know hair is made of proteine ?

it smells bad when i put a hair on fire? what causes that smell ? thank uu :wink:
  • #7
harrisgrandson said:
I know hair grows from skin, and about 0.5-1.5 inchs long. do u no any way to stop hair growning.

Certainly. Turn 40.

FAQ: How to Stop Unwanted Hair Growth Without Side Effects

1. How does unwanted hair growth occur?

Unwanted hair growth occurs when hair follicles are stimulated by hormones or genetics. This can lead to excess hair growth on the face, chest, back, or other areas of the body.

2. What are the side effects of traditional hair removal methods?

Traditional hair removal methods such as shaving, waxing, and plucking can cause irritation, redness, ingrown hairs, and scarring. Some methods can also cause temporary or permanent changes in skin color.

3. What are some natural ways to stop unwanted hair growth?

Some natural ways to stop unwanted hair growth include using turmeric, spearmint tea, and papaya. These ingredients have anti-androgenic properties that can help reduce hair growth.

4. How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal works by targeting the pigment in hair follicles and damaging them to prevent future growth. It is a safe and effective method for long-term hair removal, but multiple sessions may be needed for best results.

5. Are there any medications that can help with unwanted hair growth?

Yes, there are medications such as spironolactone and oral contraceptives that can help regulate hormone levels and reduce unwanted hair growth. However, these should only be used under the guidance of a medical professional.

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