Reconnecting with an Old Friend After 15 Years: A Heartwarming Surprise

  • Thread starter Cyrus
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In summary, Cyrus met a friend from when they were children and they reminisced about their childhood.
  • #1
Before I moved, I was best friends with this lovely little girl named Sarah with her British accent. We used to play together all the time and go over each others house/birthday parties. Then at the end of 2nd grade I moved away, and never saw her again. How sad...then four days ago I got a message from her on Face book of all places. Turns out she’s is going to school at McGill in Canada for Biochemistry. She told me she was going back to school this Sunday so I said we must meet up again before she leaves. So after work we met at Barns & Noble and chatted for a bit. Then I took her out for dinner and we talked some more. Turns out her father does similar work to me (he's a mathematician..odd, eh?). Then we went back to Barns & Noble talked some more while looking at some art books. Heh, what a small world...that was a nice surprise. It's too bad she lost her lovely British accent :frown:. It was nice to see her again. :smile:

...It's weird saying you haven't seen someone in 15 years when your only 21.
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  • #2
Awwww, that's so sweet. :smile:

Normal that she no longer has an accent, most people I know that moved at that age have long since dropped the accent.
  • #3
Wow! That is terrific Cyrus! :biggrin:
I wish you the best of luck with her, and her too!
  • #4
Wait a second, now! She's in Canada! Get your filthy Yank paws off...
ah, never mind. I'm too old, and W would kill me. :frown:

Seriously, that's great. I still have a few memories going back about 44 years that weird me out. :-p
  • #5
Cyrus doesn't have feelings

  • #6
Ok 1st Zooby and now you!:devil:

hmmm...most of my childhood friends suck! Whenever I meet 1 of them they behave so polite and formal. I just want to them to be as freindly and crazy as our childhood but ahhhh they seem too old for that. :frown:

Mk said:
Wow! That is terrific Cyrus! :biggrin:
I wish you the best of luck with her, and her too!
You'll have to wish her bad luck if you want to wish Cyrus good luck with her!:-p

FAQ: Reconnecting with an Old Friend After 15 Years: A Heartwarming Surprise

What is the definition of a best friend?

A best friend is someone who you have a strong and deep connection with, who you trust and confide in, and who supports and cares for you unconditionally.

How do best friends impact our mental health?

Best friends can have a positive impact on our mental health by providing emotional support, reducing stress and feelings of loneliness, and promoting overall happiness and well-being.

Why is it important to have a best friend?

Having a best friend can provide a sense of belonging and acceptance, help us navigate through difficult times, and enhance our quality of life through shared experiences and memories.

Can best friends be of different ages or genders?

Yes, best friends can be of any age or gender. The important factor in a best friendship is the strong bond and connection, not the external factors such as age or gender.

How do best friends maintain their friendship?

Best friends maintain their friendship through regular communication, understanding and respecting each other's boundaries, and making time for each other despite busy schedules. They also show support and appreciation for one another and work through any conflicts that may arise.

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