Q&A: Basic Chemistry Questions for Year 11 Students

  • Thread starter sinandcity
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In summary: Imagine you have a dozen eggs. You could have 12 eggs, or 4 eggs and 3 dozen eggs. Each is the same mass, but you have different no of eggs. For the SO2 and SO3 question, you're on the right track. First balance the equation, then use the mole ratio to find the no of moles of O2 needed. In summary, the conversation discusses questions regarding chemistry topics such as calculating mass of atoms, converting between moles and molecules, and balancing chemical equations. The expert provides clarification and guidance on the correct methods to use for these calculations. They also explain the difference between atomic mass, molar mass, and molecular mass. Finally, the expert helps with a specific question
  • #1
Hi everyone

I've just got a few questions regarding some Chemistry stuff I've been doing out of my textbook (Year 11 Chemistry). We've been learning this in class, I thought I understood it, but I must be blacking out a little bit.

5) Calculate the mass of one atom of:

a) Zinc


65.4 AMU.

In one mole of Zn there is 65.4g/ mol.

How do I go from here? I thought it would've been something like 1 x 6.02x 10 (23), but that would show the amount of atoms in total, and if I'm trying to find the mass of one atom, how do I go about it? do I divide by the atomic weight? am I doing something wrong?

Also, the molar mass and molecular weight, is that just the same as the mass of one mole of [whatever]?


10) What is the mass of:

c) 6.24 x 10-2 mol hydrogen gas?

H x 1 + 0 x 2

1 + 32

= 33 AMU.

So in one mole of H02 there is 33g/ mol.

6.24 x 10-2

Am I on the right path?Is Molecules the same thing as Atoms? I often get confused with moles and molecules, but understand they are 2 different things.

11) How many molecules are there in 7.0g of nitrogen gas, N2? How many nitrogen atoms are there in this sample?

N x 2
14 x 2
= 28 AMU

Therefore one mole of N2 has a mass of 28g/ mol.


= 0.25 mol.

0.25 x 6.02 x 10 (23)

Please point out if I'm doing anything incorrectly.

I don't expect answers for the questions, as they aren't really homework questions, but I'd really like to know how to do them, as it's holidays and I haven't got a teacher handy. I've given all the questions a go, to the best of my ability and knowledge.

Thanks so much.
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  • #2
anyone? :confused:
  • #3
You are on the correct path with 5. Remember to keep your units in the equations and cancel as you go, it helps you to see if you are on the right track.
Atomic mass and molar mass are generally used interchangeably, they have the units grams/mol, as in 65.4 g of Zn will contain about 6.02x10^23 atoms.
Molecular mass is when the molar mass of all of the atoms in the molecule are added up.


mm | moles

moles | avagad #

so g/mm = moles
moles x avagad # = atoms
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  • #4
For the first one, since 1 mol contains 6.023x10^23 atoms and weighs 65 gms, can you find the weight of one atom?

In the second one, they've asked for H2 gas, not H20. Again, 1mol=2gms, 6.24 x 10-2 mol hydrogen gas=?

Your last calculation is correct. In this question, the solution you get corresponds to the number of N2 MOLECULES. Now, each MOLECULE contains 2 nitrogen ATOMS. Therefore, the number of atoms is TWICE the number of molecules.

Molecule refers to the whole unit. Atom refers to the individual components of that unit. Like 1 molecule of H2SO4 contains 2 atoms of H 1 of S, etc. The same way, 1 mole of H2SO4 will contain 2 moles of atoms of H and 2 moles of atoms of S and 4 moles of atoms of O. Does that help?
  • #5
Thanks, I've understand all but one, I think I might have it right, but I just want to confirm.

Seeing as it's the mass (weight) of one atom (Zn contains one atom only), I thought it would be 65.4g ? but something doesn't look right.

Here's an alternative I came up with, please correct me.

5) Calculate the mass of one atom of:

a) Zinc

Zn x 1

65.4 x 1 = 65.4 AMU.

In one mole of Zn there is 65.4g/ mol.

In one mole there is 6.02x 10 ^ 23 atoms.

So, then:

6.02 x 10 ^ 23

= 1.09 x 10 (-22)


To go from Moles to Molecules, do I use Avo. # ? if so, I've been doing it right, except it's confusing because, to calculate atoms, the same number is used, and isn't there twice the amount of atoms in one molecule?

One more thing : )

b) Sulfur Dioxide, SO2, reacts with oxygen for form sulfur trioxide SO3. How many moles of oxygen are needed to form 0.6 mole of Sulfur Trioxide.SO2 + O2 > SO3

1.5(SO2) + O2 > (SO3)

3(SO2) + 2(O2) > 2(SO3)

I know the answer is 0.3, but I have no idea what to do?Thanks.
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  • #6
2SO2 + O2 -> 2 SO3, that might help.

Youre right in what youre doing in the first part. And yeah, there are twice the number of atoms in the molecule, and the avo # helps you find the no of molecules.

FAQ: Q&A: Basic Chemistry Questions for Year 11 Students

1. What are the basic concepts of chemistry?

The basic concepts of chemistry include atoms and molecules, chemical reactions, states of matter, and the periodic table. Chemistry is the study of matter and its properties, composition, and behavior.

2. What is the difference between an element and a compound?

An element is a pure substance made up of only one type of atom, while a compound is a substance made up of two or more elements chemically bonded together. Elements cannot be broken down into simpler substances, but compounds can be broken down through chemical reactions.

3. How do you balance chemical equations?

To balance a chemical equation, you need to make sure that the number of atoms of each element on the reactant side is equal to the number of atoms on the product side. This is achieved by adjusting the coefficients in front of each compound until the number of atoms is balanced on both sides.

4. What is the difference between an acid and a base?

An acid is a substance that donates a proton (H+) in a chemical reaction, while a base is a substance that accepts a proton. Acids have a pH below 7 and taste sour, while bases have a pH above 7 and taste bitter.

5. What is the difference between an endothermic and an exothermic reaction?

An endothermic reaction absorbs energy from its surroundings, usually in the form of heat, while an exothermic reaction releases energy to its surroundings. In an endothermic reaction, the products have more energy than the reactants, while in an exothermic reaction, the products have less energy than the reactants.

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