Is the limit of g(x,y) undefined or indeterminate at (0,0)?

  • Thread starter negation
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In summary, the limit of g(x,y) as (x,y) approaches (0,0), where g(x,y) = sin(x)/x+y, is indeterminate and requires further work to determine if it exists or not. The function has a path-dependent limit, meaning the limit may differ based on the approach to (0,0). This concept can also be seen in one-dimensional functions, where the existence of one-sided limits does not guarantee the existence of a two-sided limit, leading to a lack of continuity at that point.
  • #1
What can we deduce about the lim g(x,y) as (x,y) -> (0,0)?
where g(x,y) = sin(x)/x+y

in substituiting, we get 0/0 so it has an indeterminate form which requires further work to ascertain if it is truly DNE or if it has a limit.
What I've been hearing too is that since it is 0/0 for the above function, the limit DNE. Which is which? Or are definitions being loosely used?
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  • #2
Is that ##\frac{\sin(x)}{x} + y## or ##\frac{\sin(x)}{x+y}##?
  • #3
negation said:
What can we deduce about the lim g(x,y) as (x,y) -> (0,0)?
where g(x,y) = sin(x)/x+y

in substituiting, we get 0/0 so it has an indeterminate form which requires further work to ascertain if it is truly DNE or if it has a limit.

That is correct.

What I've been hearing too is that since it is 0/0 for the above function, the limit DNE.

That is incorrect. Just because you get a "0/0"-situation doesn't mean the limit does not exist. It does mean that you need to do some more work to find out what the limit is and whether it actually does exist.
  • #4
micromass said:
That is correct.

That is incorrect. Just because you get a "0/0"-situation doesn't mean the limit does not exist. It does mean that you need to do some more work to find out what the limit is and whether it actually does exist.

Can I then presume a case of "loose" definition has been employed?

From my notes, it reads
" the limiting behaviour is path dependent so lim of the function g(x,y) as (x,y) ->0 does not exists.
  • #5
pwsnafu said:
Is that ##\frac{\sin(x)}{x} + y## or ##\frac{\sin(x)}{x+y}##?

The former.

Edit: sorry, latter!

The former has a limit by performing l'hopital rule.
  • #6
negation said:
From my notes, it reads
" the limiting behaviour is path dependent so lim of the function g(x,y) as (x,y) ->0 does not exists.
That is the correct definition. In this case, ##\frac{\sin x}{x+y}## takes on different values as (x,y)→0 depending on the path. For example, the limit is 1 along the line y=0, but it's 1/2 along the line y=x. The limit does not exist.

This can happen even in one dimension. What's the derivative of |x| at x=0?
  • #7
D H said:
That is the correct definition. In this case, ##\frac{\sin x}{x+y}## takes on different values as (x,y)→0 depending on the path. For example, the limit is 1 along the line y=0, but it's 1/2 along the line y=x. The limit does not exist.

This can happen even in one dimension. What's the derivative of |x| at x=0?

It is differentiable everywhere except x=0.
  • #8
Precisely. The one-sided limits ##\lim_{h \to 0^+} \frac{|x+h| - |x|}{h}## and ##\lim_{h \to 0^-} \frac{|x+h| - |x|}{h}## exist at x=0 but differ from one another. Therefore the two-sided limit ##\lim_{h \to 0} \frac{|x+h| - |x|}{h}## doesn't exist at x=0.
  • #9
D H said:
Precisely. The one-sided limits ##\lim_{h \to 0^+} \frac{|x+h| - |x|}{h}## and ##\lim_{h \to 0^-} \frac{|x+h| - |x|}{h}## exist at x=0 but differ from one another. Therefore the two-sided limit ##\lim_{h \to 0} \frac{|x+h| - |x|}{h}## doesn't exist at x=0.

I might be wrong. But intuitively, this appears to relate to the idea of continuity. From what you've stated, I gather that if both limit from the left f(x-) = f(x+) = f(x), then the graph is continuous.
  • #10
Continuity and limits go hand in hand. A function f(x) is continuous at some point x=a if
  • The function is defined at x=a (i.e., f(a) exists),
  • The limit of f(x) as x→a exists, and
  • These two quantities are equal to one another.
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FAQ: Is the limit of g(x,y) undefined or indeterminate at (0,0)?

1. What does "0/0 DNE" or "undefined" mean?

The expression "0/0 DNE" or "undefined" refers to a mathematical concept where the division of zero by zero is undefined. This means that there is no real number that can be multiplied by zero to get a result of zero.

2. Why is "0/0 DNE" or "undefined" considered an indeterminate form?

"0/0 DNE" or "undefined" is considered an indeterminate form because it does not have a definite value. Unlike other indeterminate forms such as infinity/infinity which can be evaluated using limits, "0/0 DNE" or "undefined" cannot be evaluated mathematically.

3. What is the difference between "0/0 DNE" and "1/0 DNE"?

The expression "0/0 DNE" refers to a situation where both the numerator and denominator are zero, making it impossible to determine a value. On the other hand, "1/0 DNE" refers to a situation where the numerator is a non-zero number and the denominator is zero, which is also undefined but has a different mathematical interpretation.

4. Can "0/0 DNE" or "undefined" ever have a value?

No, "0/0 DNE" or "undefined" cannot have a value. It is considered a mathematical error and cannot be evaluated or simplified.

5. In what situations does "0/0 DNE" or "undefined" arise?

"0/0 DNE" or "undefined" can arise in various mathematical contexts, such as when trying to divide by zero, taking the limit of a function that approaches zero in both the numerator and denominator, or in solving certain equations involving fractions.
