Neutron stars and blue/red shifting

In summary, the light emitted by a neutron star is affected by its strong gravitational field, causing it to be gravitationally redshifted regardless of its orientation. This effect can potentially be used to estimate the mass of a neutron star, but it requires detailed knowledge of its spectra and other factors such as cosmological redshift and proper motion must be accounted for. Neutron star spectra resemble a black body with a harder spectrum, and there can be absorption lines due to elements in its atmosphere. Astronomers do compare observations to predicted spectra to infer properties of neutron stars, and gravitational redshift can be a significant factor with a redshift factor of around 0.2.
  • #1
I was wondering about the light emitted by one of these neutron stars. To my limited knowledge, neutron stars are among the discrete objects in the observable universe with the strongest gravitational and EM fields [black holes beat the living crap out of neutron stars, but that's besides the point here]. I don't know if clusters, galaxies and other bigger structures count as discrete. For the purpose of this question, the 'amount of gravity per unit volume' is where I'm going.

Suppose we find a neutron star with an axis of rotation and magnetic poles nearly perpendicular to our line of sight (a pulsar pointing in a different direction, other than ours, that is). Regardless of the direction of rotation relative to our position: is the light emitted by this body, intrinsically blue/red shifted by the considerably high gravitational field present? Is this effect detectable in weaker, gravitationally speaking, stars?

If so, is this a real measurement professional astronomers use to, say, calibrate the estimated value for the mass of a given neutron star? I understand it might be complicated to account for the shift caused by the expansion of space/time and the orbit of the star itself, but possible nonetheless. Especially if you do it for nearby neutron stars, you can pretty much tabulate a 'mass : shift' relationship. But I digress...

Anyone care to shine a brighter light on this for me?

Thanks in advance :)
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  • #2
Well the light will be gravitationally redshifted regardless of orientation, simply because that's a property of gravity. I don't know if this is used to estimate mass, though, as it would require a very detailed knowledge of the spectra of neutron stars (not sure we have this, maybe?). In theory though, I don't see why not. Like you said, you'd have to account for any cosmological redshift (likely nil, seeing as the neutron star is in our galaxy), shift due to proper motion (also like very small), and spectral line broadening due to the rotation of the star. But if you can do all that and get enough light from the star, sure.
  • #3
Indeed, I didn't think of that... What would the spectra of a neutron star would look like anyway? What kind of photons would be emitted of a giant ball of neutrons interacting in such a dense environment?

Would there be any absorption lines considering that there are no 'elements' in the star itself (as we know them)?

Plus, from what I know, neutron stars are not the only candidates for post-super-nova eerie thingies (quark stars, etc.). So yeah, I guess you're right, it might be too early to even be usable (that light shifting scenario I asked about in my previous post)

Thanks for replying.
  • #4
This paper might be a decent place to start:

But in short:

-NS spectra look very much like a black body with a harder spectrum
-There can be absorption lines since there can be elements in the atmosphere
-Astronomers certainly do compare observations do predicted spectra to infer things about the NS
-Gravitational redshift is an important factor since the redshift factor z = GM/Rc^2 can be around 0.2 for typical neutron stars
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  • #5
nicksauce said:
This paper might be a decent place to start:

But in short:

-NS spectra look very much like a black body with a harder spectrum
-There can be absorption lines since there can be elements in the atmosphere
-Astronomers certainly do compare observations do predicted spectra to infer things about the NS
-Gravitational redshift is an important factor since the redshift factor z = GM/Rc^2 can be around 0.2 for typical neutron stars

Thanks for the paper, I've lurking around that site today. I didn't know about it.
*z = 0.2! So it is a very relevant effect. I'll read the paper I'm sure I'll find the answer [if not, I'll find something in

* BTW, not that I'm very familiar with common redshift values. I know that the farthest objects ever detected had a z around 6~7, so I'm guessing 0.2 is a lot for such a small and common object.

Thanks for the replies, I have enough information to continue on my own.

Related to Neutron stars and blue/red shifting

1. What is a neutron star?

A neutron star is a type of celestial object that is formed when a massive star undergoes a supernova explosion. It is incredibly dense, with a mass greater than that of our Sun packed into a sphere roughly the size of a city. Neutron stars are composed almost entirely of neutrons, hence the name.

2. How is the color of a neutron star determined?

The color of a neutron star is determined by its surface temperature. Most neutron stars have surface temperatures of around 600,000 Kelvin, which corresponds to a deep blue color. However, some neutron stars can have surface temperatures as high as 1 million Kelvin, appearing more red in color.

3. What is blue shifting and red shifting?

Blue shifting and red shifting refer to the change in the wavelength of light emitted by an object due to its motion relative to an observer. Blue shifting occurs when an object is moving towards the observer, causing the wavelengths of light to appear shorter and bluer. Red shifting occurs when an object is moving away from the observer, causing the wavelengths of light to appear longer and redder.

4. How do neutron stars cause blue and red shifting?

Neutron stars can cause blue and red shifting through their extreme gravitational pull. When light from a star or other object passes close to a neutron star, it can be bent and distorted by the intense gravity, causing the observed wavelength to shift towards the blue or red end of the spectrum.

5. What is the significance of blue and red shifting in the study of neutron stars?

The blue and red shifting of light emitted by neutron stars can provide valuable information about their properties, such as their mass, rotation, and magnetic field strength. This can help scientists better understand the physics behind these fascinating objects and their role in the universe.

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