Help about benzoin condensation

In summary, GeneralChemTutor says that the quaternary pyridinium nitrogens will make the benzoin reaction harder, and that cleaving the Me-N bond of pyridine might be a way to do it.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hello friends,

I am planning to do one new instance of benzoin condensation, with pyridine-4-carboxaldehyde as the carbonyl compound to receive, 2-hydroxy-1,2-dipyridin-4-ylethanone, the resultant benzoin compound. However I have some doubts as suggested in this website, since pyridine nitrogen is a good mesomeric effect provider; this is told to make the reactions harder. Would this pretreating works? First quaternizing the pyridine nitrogens by, say, methyl iodide, and after performing the benzoin reaction, remove them?

I am waiting for your comments, thank you.

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  • #2
It's a possibility that the ring will become unstable, since the quaternary structure requires more of a sp3 hybridized state. I'm not quite sure about the other aspects of this problem so I won't bother to criticize, until I become more familiar with them (don't have time right now).
  • #3
Thank you for your interest, GeneralChemTutor.

I've been thinking about it, and found that phenyl group pulls electrons from carbon, making it more positive than any positively induced mesomeric phenyl groups, therefore makes it possible for any nucleophilic attack onto carbon.

I'm not sure how hard it would be if I want to remove the methyl groups on the quaternary pyridinium nitrogens. This would allow the compound to be soluble in water, though, but I'm planning something different with the nitrogens, so I need them.
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  • #4
The methyl pyridinium won't be very sp3 like, actually. The electron pair that you methylate is in the same plane as the pyridine ring. I'm not sure that this will give the desired reactivity, however. Just by glancing at the mechanism, I would assume that the reaction would be okay with pyridine just as it is, since pyridine is an electron deficient aromatic system (relative to benzene). That should activate the aldehyde moiety to attack by CN.

You might also look into pyridine N-oxides. I don't recall a lot about them, but I know that they have some pretty unique reactivity that allows you to functionalize pyridine rings in ways that are usually very difficult.
  • #5
Chem tr mentioned a quaternary structure, thus I was a bit suspicious. I'll have to research on this topic a bit further.
  • #6
I think that by "quartenary" he means a nitrogen with 4 alkyl substituents (counting the C-N double bond as two alkyl substituents). Similarly pyridine is sometimes referred to as a tertiary amine base.
  • #7
Dear Movies,

I understand that you recommend me try the unsubstituted pyridine derivative first, and if unsuccessful, switch to the N-oxide one. Am I correct? Secondly, I'm planning to quaternize pyridine nitrogens to decrease the reactivity; if I have to do this, how can I cleave the Me-N bond of pyridine?
  • #8
Chem_tr, I'm not certain that the pyridine N-oxide will do what you want, but you might try looking it up in the literature. It was mentioned in one class that I took, and I recall that it had very different reactivity from regular pyridine. I don't recall the specifics, however.

I don't know the typical method for cleaving a quaternary ammonium species, but I know it can be done. I just did a quick search and it looks like you can do it by heating with some other amine, for example, piperidine. Another way seems to be heating in pyridine*HCl.

I hope this helps.
  • #9
We've quaternizing pyridine nitrogens frequently, by using methyl iodide in a dark place at the ambient temperature for one day; the resulting compounds has a solubility in water, it is sometimes not very good, but the original compound seems to be never dissolved in water.

I've searched Chemical Abstracts in the period 2004-1998, and found that all kinds of pyridoins, i.e., pyridine aldehyde-derived benzoin derivatives, are present, so you are right, Movies, about the decreased reactivity of benzene ring. I think it won't be very hard to synthesize these compounds. At least it is worth a try.

  • #10
What was I thinking, a six membered ring, whether sp3 or sp2 hybridized would be stable anyhow (despite a slight deviance in bond angles from a non-ring structure). Also note that the lone pairs of the nitrogen in pyridine do not contribute to delocalization. Yes, I'm talking to myself.

FAQ: Help about benzoin condensation

1. What is benzoin condensation?

Benzoin condensation is a type of organic reaction in which two molecules of benzaldehyde are combined to form a benzoin compound. This reaction is catalyzed by a base, such as potassium cyanide, and often results in the formation of a white, crystalline solid.

2. What is the purpose of benzoin condensation?

The purpose of benzoin condensation is to synthesize benzoin compounds, which have a variety of applications in organic chemistry. These compounds can be used as intermediates for the synthesis of other compounds, or as starting materials for the production of pharmaceuticals, fragrances, and other products.

3. What are the conditions required for benzoin condensation to occur?

Benzoin condensation typically requires a base catalyst, such as potassium cyanide, and an alcohol solvent, such as ethanol. The reaction also requires the presence of two molecules of benzaldehyde, which will undergo a nucleophilic addition to form the benzoin compound.

4. What are the potential side reactions of benzoin condensation?

One potential side reaction of benzoin condensation is the formation of a benzil compound instead of a benzoin compound. This can occur if the reaction conditions are not carefully controlled. Another potential side reaction is the formation of a diketone byproduct, which can be removed by recrystallization.

5. How is the yield of benzoin condensation affected by the reaction conditions?

The yield of benzoin condensation can be affected by several factors, including the concentration of reactants, the temperature, and the choice of catalyst. Higher concentrations of reactants and lower temperatures generally lead to higher yields, while certain catalysts may produce a higher yield compared to others.

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