Kinetic energy of Rotating Body (in 3D)

In summary, when calculating T, make sure to include the cross-terms of the inertia matrix and multiply them by two to get the correct answer.
  • #1
Ok here is what I did:

T=\int \vec{\tau} \cdot d\vec{\theta } = \int\frac{\mathrm{d} \vec{L}}{\mathrm{d} t}\cdot d\vec{\theta } = \int \vec{L}\cdot d\vec{\omega} = \int I_{ij}\vec{\omega}\cdot d\vec{\omega}[/tex]
Where I is the inertia matrix.

when I carry that out, I get:
T= 0.5*(I11wx2+I22wy2+I33wz2) + 2*(I12wxwy+I13wxwz+I23wzwy)

but the real answer has no factor of 2 in the second term. What's wrong?
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  • #2
The factor of two is likely due to the fact that you are not taking into account the cross-terms of the inertia matrix. The inertia matrix is composed of terms such as I11wx2, I12wxwy, I13wxwz, I22wy2, I23wzwy, and I33wz2. Because the matrix is symmetric, the cross-terms are equal. That means that I12 = I21, I13 = I31, and I23 = I32. Therefore, when you calculate the second term in your equation, you should take into account the fact that each of these cross-terms appears twice in the inertia matrix, and therefore should be multiplied by two in the equation.

FAQ: Kinetic energy of Rotating Body (in 3D)

1. What is kinetic energy of a rotating body?

Kinetic energy of a rotating body is the energy that an object possesses due to its rotation. It is a type of mechanical energy that is dependent on the object's mass, velocity, and rotational speed.

2. How is kinetic energy of a rotating body calculated?

The formula for calculating kinetic energy of a rotating body is 1/2 * I * ω^2, where I is the moment of inertia and ω is the angular velocity. The moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to change in its rotational motion.

3. Does the shape of a rotating body affect its kinetic energy?

Yes, the shape of a rotating body can affect its kinetic energy. This is because the moment of inertia is dependent on the distribution of mass around the axis of rotation. Objects with a larger moment of inertia will have a higher kinetic energy.

4. How does the kinetic energy of a rotating body change with its rotational speed?

The kinetic energy of a rotating body is directly proportional to its rotational speed. This means that as the rotational speed increases, the kinetic energy also increases. This relationship is described by the formula 1/2 * I * ω^2.

5. Can the kinetic energy of a rotating body be negative?

No, the kinetic energy of a rotating body cannot be negative. Kinetic energy is always a positive quantity, as it represents the energy an object has due to its motion. If the rotational speed of a body decreases, its kinetic energy may become zero, but it cannot be negative.
