Electromagnetic field from electric engine

In summary, the individual is planning to live aboard a 30-ft sailboat with an electric engine and is concerned about the potential EMF from the engine and batteries. They have been unable to find a gaussmeter and are seeking advice on how to determine the amount of EMF when the engine and batteries are fully charged and disconnected from shore power. The individual also expresses skepticism towards the potential health effects of EMF.
  • #1
Physics is not my forte, but I need some answers re EMFs. I want to buy a 30-ft sailboat that has an electric engine. (I have attached a link to the exact model for reference.) Further, my intent is to live aboard. I have been planning on making my permanent bed right over the top of the engine and at least 2 of the 4 AGM or gel batteries. How can I determine the amount of EMF from the engine/batteries when they are fully charged but disconnected from shore power? I know about gaussmeters, but I haven't been able to locate one locally yet.

Please state your qualifications for answering my question.

Thank you.

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  • #2
Your question is a bit unspecific as to your particular fear. Why should there be any "EMF" from a DC supply, particularly if the engine is not running?
If I were you, I'd just enjoy the sailing. You would be getting more problems from the pollution from a internal combustion engine than you are likely to get unproven effects from a few amp hours of current flowing through your electric motor. There are many people who live in the constant presence of massive currents in power distribution systems. Permanent health effects have been a bit difficult to prove inconclusively afaik. If they had, there would have been some pretty expensive law suits, already.

Until you pay me as a consultant, I don't feel I need reveal my qualifications but I am, in general, very skeptical about the scare story thing, in general.
  • #3
A magnetic compass works as a primitive gaussmeter.

If there's a strong field about you'll find it.

FAQ: Electromagnetic field from electric engine

What is an electromagnetic field?

An electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects and is composed of both electric and magnetic components. It is responsible for the interactions between electrically charged particles and can be observed in a variety of natural and man-made phenomena.

How is an electromagnetic field produced by an electric engine?

An electric engine, also known as an electric motor, produces an electromagnetic field through the interaction between an electric current and a magnetic field. The current flowing through the motor's coils creates a magnetic field that interacts with the permanent magnets within the motor, resulting in the rotation of the motor's shaft.

What are the potential risks associated with an electromagnetic field from an electric engine?

The potential risks associated with electromagnetic fields from electric engines are minimal. While high levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields can have adverse effects on human health, the levels produced by electric engines are generally considered safe. However, it is still important to follow proper safety precautions and limit exposure to these fields.

Can an electromagnetic field from an electric engine affect electronic devices?

Yes, an electromagnetic field from an electric engine can affect electronic devices. This is because electronic devices are sensitive to the changes in electric and magnetic fields and can experience interference or damage if exposed to high levels of these fields. It is important to keep electronic devices away from strong electromagnetic fields to avoid any potential issues.

Are there any practical applications of electromagnetic fields from electric engines?

Yes, there are many practical applications of electromagnetic fields from electric engines. Electric motors are used in a variety of devices and machines, such as cars, household appliances, and industrial equipment. They are also essential in generating electricity in power plants and are used in renewable energy sources like wind turbines. Without electromagnetic fields, many of these technologies would not be possible.

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