Fund Your Research: Physicists, Build Your Business & Reach Your Goals

In summary, Yuri Milner, a Russian billionaire, recently bought a 100 million $ house/property. Some people would view this as a sign that physics research is not receiving the funding it needs, while others would see this as an opportunity to collaborate with a research university.
  • #1
Gold Member
As a physicist...

Would you like to fund your own research?

Lets say that you are a brilliant physicist—applies to any scientists in general—and working on a research while running a business, and you have the ability to fund and build laboratories.

I want to hear what people think of that. I always thought that physicists are too busy to run a business—it could be an invention related to physics/research—and they are not concerned with wealth.

Putting physics and science aside, are you going to be satisfied being middle-class or relying on work?
Physics news on
  • #2
I think i difficult to accept it for me.Because my dream is to know more about phycisc instead of becoming wealthy.Em,I don’t know if what i am saying is out of your topic.
  • #3
Well, yeah physics is a priority for physicists.

You know as of recently, some research in physics is lacking in funding, and being wealthy enough to fund one never hurts.
  • #4
Akaisora said:
Well, yeah physics is a priority for physicists.

You know as of recently, some research in physics is lacking in funding, and being wealthy enough to fund one never hurts.
Now i have understood what you mean,and i think you make sence.i have ever thought about this problem.But i am not sure if i could adapt other job,so maybe i will find some relative jobs to support my life and research.But i am not sure if i could earn enough money to support some research.
  • #5
Look up US Congressman Bill Foster. Although, I don't think he funded any of his research work with his wealth.

  • #6
ZapperZ said:
Look up US Congressman Bill Foster. Although, I don't think he funded any of his research work with his wealth.


Hey, Yuri Milner bought a 100 million $ house/property. I personally would dumb that on a huge personal lab or collaborate with a research university.

I guess it depends on the person's reason for studying physics in the first place, or let's say his Raison d'être.

FAQ: Fund Your Research: Physicists, Build Your Business & Reach Your Goals

1. What is the purpose of "Fund Your Research: Physicists, Build Your Business & Reach Your Goals"?

The purpose of "Fund Your Research: Physicists, Build Your Business & Reach Your Goals" is to provide physicists with practical advice and strategies for securing funding for their research projects. It also aims to help physicists develop their business skills and reach their career goals in the field of physics.

2. Who can benefit from reading this book?

This book is primarily aimed at physicists who are looking to fund their research projects and build their own businesses in the field. However, it may also be useful for other scientists and researchers who are seeking funding for their work.

3. What kind of information does this book cover?

This book covers a wide range of topics related to funding for research and building a business as a physicist. It includes tips and strategies for writing successful grant proposals, managing finances, networking, and marketing yourself and your research. It also provides insights into the business side of physics, such as intellectual property, patents, and commercialization.

4. Is this book only relevant to physicists working in academia?

No, this book is relevant to physicists working in any setting, whether it be in academia, industry, or government. The strategies and advice provided can be applied to any research project or business endeavor in the field of physics.

5. Are there any success stories or case studies included in this book?

Yes, this book includes several success stories and case studies of physicists who have successfully funded their research and built their own businesses. These examples serve as inspiration and provide real-world examples of the strategies and advice outlined in the book.

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