Photoelectric effect and light polarization in Wikipedia

In summary: It seems that the wikipedia page on photoelectric effect is referring to this result when it mentions the direction distribution of emitted electrons peaking in the direction of polarization. In summary, the wikipedia page discusses a 5th experimental result related to the photoelectric effect, which shows that the direction distribution of emitted electrons is highest in the direction of polarization of the incident light, when it is linearly polarized. This result is discussed by R. D. Evans and C. M. Davisson in their paper published in Reviews of Modern Physics in 1952.
  • #1
The wikipedia page on photoelectric effect

talks of a 5th experimental result, which I hadn't heard before:
"The direction distribution of emitted electrons peaks in the direction of polarization (the direction of the electric field) of the incident light, if it is linearly polarized."

Is that true?
Physics news on
  • #2
In Evans, "The Atomic Nucleus", it states that at low energies, the photoelectron direction is peaked along the electric field vector, which is orthogonal to the photon's direction of propagation.
  • #3
Bob S said:
In Evans, "The Atomic Nucleus", it states that at low energies, the photoelectron direction is peaked along the electric field vector, which is orthogonal to the photon's direction of propagation.
Don't have that book. Does he refer to real photoelectric effect (light on a solid surface) or to photoionization (light through an atomic gas)?
  • #4
lightarrow said:
The wikipedia page on photoelectric effect

talks of a 5th experimental result, which I hadn't heard before:
"The direction distribution of emitted electrons peaks in the direction of polarization (the direction of the electric field) of the incident light, if it is linearly polarized."

Is that true?

That passage is a bit vague. Is the experiment simply collecting ALL of the photoelectrons as a function of angle of emission? Or are they doing something similar to a momentum distribution curve?

If we assume that the linear polarization is parallel to the surface of the photocathode, then there are several issues when dealing with this. First is the question on whether we're dealing with a single-crystal photocathode, or a polycrystal. If that is the case, then the most naive answer to your question is "yes". One can then consider that there are electrons in the material moving in all directions. So when light with a certain direction of the E-field vector hits the surface, electrons in that direction would tend to be given the energy more "efficiently" than those already moving in other directions. Since photoemission preserves the in-plane momentum of the photoelectrons, these photoelectrons will be emitted more favorably, and therefore, have roughly the same direction as the polarization. The EXACT momentum (i.e. in-plane plus out of plane) depends on the photon energy.

Now, if this is a single-crystal, then it depends very much on the band structure of the material. If a particular direction is allowed by symmetry, then it will be the same as above. But if it isn't, or if that direction isn't that favorable for that band transition (i.e. there's an energy gap in that direction or if only an indirect transition is allowed), then what is written above doesn't hold true anymore.

Photoemission is solids is a very complex and rich process, so much so that we can probe the properties of the material (the photocathode). The standard photoelectric effect is an extremely simple and naive scenario of the photoemission process. Once one tries to peel away at the simplicity, then many other factors are involved in determining the characteristics of the photoelectron spectrum.

  • #5
Thanks, ZapperZ.
  • #6
From Bob S
In Evans, "The Atomic Nucleus", it states that at low energies, the photoelectron direction is peaked along the electric field vector, which is orthogonal to the photon's direction of propagation.
lightarrow said:
Don't have that book. Does he refer to real photoelectric effect (light on a solid surface) or to photoionization (light through an atomic gas)?
R. D. Evans has a plot of electron angular distribution relative to photon direction at 20 KeV photon energy showing a Gaussian-like curve with a max at about 80 degress wrt direction of photon, with half max points at about 40 degrees and 120 degrees. He states that the photons "tend to be ejected in the direction of the electric field". He refers to his paper with C. M. Davisson in Reviews of Modern Physics vol 24, page 79 (1952). See abstract and access to article at
He also refers to (and plots) Fischer's nonrelativistic formula from Ann. Physik vol 8, page 821 (1931)
  • #7
Bob S said:
From Bob S
In Evans, "The Atomic Nucleus", it states that at low energies, the photoelectron direction is peaked along the electric field vector, which is orthogonal to the photon's direction of propagation.

R. D. Evans has a plot of electron angular distribution relative to photon direction at 20 KeV photon energy showing a Gaussian-like curve with a max at about 80 degress wrt direction of photon, with half max points at about 40 degrees and 120 degrees. He states that the photons "tend to be ejected in the direction of the electric field". He refers to his paper with C. M. Davisson in Reviews of Modern Physics vol 24, page 79 (1952). See abstract and access to article at
He also refers to (and plots) Fischer's nonrelativistic formula from Ann. Physik vol 8, page 821 (1931)
Thank you, Bob S.

FAQ: Photoelectric effect and light polarization in Wikipedia

1. What is the photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which certain materials emit electrons when exposed to light of a specific frequency. This was first observed by Heinrich Hertz in 1887 and later explained by Albert Einstein in 1905 through his theory of photons.

2. How does the photoelectric effect work?

When light of a specific frequency, known as the threshold frequency, hits the surface of a material, it transfers its energy to the electrons in the material. This energy is enough to overcome the binding energy of the electrons, causing them to be ejected from the material and creating an electric current.

3. What is the significance of the photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric effect was a significant discovery as it provided evidence for the particle nature of light, which was previously believed to only have wave-like properties. This discovery also laid the foundation for the development of quantum mechanics and revolutionized our understanding of the behavior of light and matter.

4. What is light polarization?

Light polarization refers to the direction of oscillation of the electric field component of a light wave. This direction can be either linear, circular, or elliptical. The polarization of light can be changed by passing it through certain materials or by reflecting it off certain surfaces.

5. How is light polarization related to the photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric effect is not directly related to light polarization. However, the polarization of light can affect the intensity of the photoelectric effect by altering the direction of the electric field and thus the energy transfer to the electrons in the material. Certain materials may also exhibit different photoelectric properties depending on the polarization of the incident light.
