Crystals and Mood: Debunking the Healing Powers Myth

  • Thread starter navynuclear
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In summary, the conversation discussed the claim that crystals can heal or change moods. While one person believed it to be total BS, another person stated that crystals can change moods, but not through any magical or healing properties. It was also mentioned that crystals can have different effects on different people, depending on their personal associations and beliefs. However, it was ultimately concluded that the power of suggestion and personal perception play a significant role in the perceived effects of crystals.
  • #1
What about the claim that crystals can heal or change moods? Total B.S?
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  • #2

no not total BS. I'm sure some people will react subjectively. i'd say very close to total bs :)
  • #3

navynuclear said:
What about the claim that crystals can heal or change moods? Total B.S?
Almost absolute rubbish. Regarding healing: no it does not work. Regarding changing moods: well an advocate of crystals would probably be quite happy to get one for Christmas, personally I would be pretty annoyed so there's some mood changes right there but it's totally down to how the person views crystals and not though some magic woo.
  • #4

navynuclear said:
What about the claim that crystals can heal or change moods? Total B.S?

As far as "change moods" they function in much the same way as a little water foutain, or a USB-powered yapping dog toy, or pretty much anything else. If seeing a crystal changes your moods, then crystals have the power to change your mood.

For me, LOLCats have more mood changing properties than crystals.

zoobyshoe said:
Yes, but if I tell you to close your eyes, put out your hand, and ask you what you feel without suggesting any particular sensation, why should you feel a moving heat spot?

Perhaps other individuals experience it in some other way. We have a sample size of one. I would bet that I wouldn't feel anything at all, and someone else might feel a cooling sensation. Maybe you feel whatever you most associate with "healing." Perhaps, in this case, the mark is most used to "heating pads" as a healing method as opposed to "ice packs."

Just an idea.
  • #5
Crystals are actually bad for you. Derren Brown demonstrates the weakening effect of crystals:
  • #6

FlexGunship said:
Perhaps other individuals experience it in some other way. We have a sample size of one. I would bet that I wouldn't feel anything at all, and someone else might feel a cooling sensation. Maybe you feel whatever you most associate with "healing." Perhaps, in this case, the mark is most used to "heating pads" as a healing method as opposed to "ice packs."

Just an idea.
I guess this got split off from the other thread.

What I understood her to be saying is that she, and everyone she's done this too, has no idea there is a crystal wand involved, and have no idea what she's doing while they have their eyes closed. If, in fact, they see the wand before she asks them to close their eyes and put out their hand, then the power of suggestion is kind of a no-brainer, obvious explanation.
  • #7
Depends on the crystal. The crystalline form of a mood-altering drug taken orally would alter mood. Dangling a bit of quartz from a mirror, well, that depends on how easily you're cheered by shiny, dangly things. I've seen many women's moods improve exponentially by the mere presentation of a diamond. :wink:
  • #8

Ryan_m_b said:
Almost absolute rubbish...

Crystals absolutely 100% can change moods. Just go to a jewelry store with your significant other. Then notice the mood change when you get near the crystallized carbon.

FAQ: Crystals and Mood: Debunking the Healing Powers Myth

1. What is the concept behind using crystals for healing?

The concept behind using crystals for healing is based on the belief that these natural minerals possess certain vibrations and energies that can affect our own energy and physical well-being. It is believed that by placing crystals on or around the body, the energy field of the crystals can interact with our own energy field and promote healing and balance.

2. Is there any scientific evidence to support the healing powers of crystals?

No, there is no scientific evidence to support the healing powers of crystals. While some studies have shown that certain minerals may have some beneficial properties, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that crystals have any direct impact on our mood or physical health.

3. Why do some people claim to have experienced positive effects from using crystals?

There are a few reasons why people may claim to have experienced positive effects from using crystals. One is the placebo effect, where the belief in the healing powers of the crystals can create a perceived improvement in mood or health. Another is the power of suggestion, where the person may feel a certain way because they have been told that the crystals will have that effect on them. Lastly, it could simply be a coincidence or temporary improvement in mood or health that is attributed to the crystals.

4. Can crystals have any negative effects on mood or health?

While there is no scientific evidence to suggest that crystals have any direct healing powers, they also do not have any known negative effects on mood or health. However, some people may experience discomfort or allergic reactions to certain types of crystals, so it is important to consult a healthcare professional before using them.

5. Are there any alternative methods for improving mood and promoting well-being besides using crystals?

Yes, there are many alternative methods for improving mood and promoting well-being besides using crystals. Some examples include practicing mindfulness, exercise, spending time in nature, and seeking therapy or counseling. It is important to find what works best for each individual and to approach any alternative methods with a critical and open mind.

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