What schools accept mid level Physics GRE scores?

In summary, In order to improve your chances of getting into a top school with a 50th percentile score on your PGRE, you should: -Have extensive research experience (4.0 GPA, lots of honors, etc)-Be prepared to interview with experimentalists if you want to go into quantum information
  • #1
I'm applying to grad school this season. I've been preparing for the October PGRE for a few weeks non-stop and my scores are basically hitting a brick wall in the 50th percentile. I basically spend all my free time studying and I'm getting tired.

Know I've got a good shot at the top schools if I can get up to mid 70s (I have lots of research experience, 4.0GPA, good reccomenders, etc), but right now I feel like they'll look at my pgre score and throw my app in the trash. I guess my school's physics curriculum is sub standard.

What are some schools to look at that I can get into with ~50th percentile? I'm trying to go into quantum information experiment.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It's impossible to guess what will be going through a particular admissions committee's mind. Sometimes they focus more on one aspect of a portfolio and sometimes another.
  • #3
wotanub said:
I'm applying to grad school this season...in the 50th percentile.

I have lots of research experience, 4.0GPA, good reccomenders, etc)

There is A LOT of AMO going on here at U Arizona, and I know a few physics grads whose PGREs were ~50%. I know one professor's lab does some QI stuff (but you have have to research it further to see if it is what you are after). I believe that what is most important to our acceptance committee is usually having extensive undergrad research. And be prepared, if you interview/speak with an experimentalist prof as they will want to know about ALL the hands-on experimental research you have done (so organize your work ahead of time).
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  • #4
Basically, the worry is that people below 50% often struggle with the comps, and there is very little chance of getting in if you are in the 20's. To be honest, I have seen monster test takers who were lousy physicists, and people who really struggled with test-taking who churned out 1st author paper after paper. So I really do agree with our department's perspective in evaluating each applicant's entire body of work (even though I myself am a monster test taker). Best of luck!
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  • #6
Well I guess I'll post an update. I didn't do as bad as I thought I would. My official score is 760, 67%. Not the greatest, but I think I've got a shot with all other things considered judging from that interesting list in the post above this one.

FAQ: What schools accept mid level Physics GRE scores?

1. What is considered a "mid level" Physics GRE score?

A mid level Physics GRE score is typically considered to be in the range of 550-700. This is considered to be an average score, and may vary slightly depending on the specific school and program.

2. Do all schools require the Physics GRE for graduate admissions?

No, not all schools require the Physics GRE for graduate admissions. Some schools may have their own entrance exams or may not require any standardized test scores at all. It is important to research the specific requirements of each school you are interested in applying to.

3. Are there any schools that do not accept mid level Physics GRE scores?

Yes, there may be some schools that have a higher minimum score requirement for the Physics GRE. It is important to research the specific requirements of each school you are interested in applying to and to aim for a score that meets or exceeds their minimum requirement.

4. Can a strong academic record compensate for a mid level Physics GRE score?

Yes, a strong academic record can sometimes compensate for a mid level Physics GRE score. Admissions committees may take a holistic approach to evaluating applicants and may consider factors such as research experience, letters of recommendation, and personal statements in addition to test scores.

5. Are there any resources available to help improve my Physics GRE score?

Yes, there are many resources available, such as study guides, practice exams, and online courses, that can help improve your Physics GRE score. It is also helpful to review fundamental concepts and equations, practice problem-solving techniques, and familiarize yourself with the format of the exam.

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