What Is an Alternative Domain for Sec(x)?

  • Thread starter NightSky72
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In summary, the problem in the textbook asks for an alternate range for sec x. The author is unsure of what the question is asking for, so he is looking for help from other students. He has looked at the graphs of both sec x and arcsec x and cannot figure out a different domain for sec x.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A problem in my textbook gives the domain of sec x as [0,(pi/2)) U ((pi/2), pi]. This makes perfect sense of course. However, it is asking for an alternate domain. I've looked at the graphs of both sec x and arcsec x to try to figure out a different domain for sec x(I looked at the range of arcsec x obviously), and I can't seem to come up with anything. Anyone know a different domain that can apply to the sec x? It seems like it shouldn't be hard, but for some reason I cannot get it. I've searched the internet for a different domai and kept finding the same as the one in my textbook.

Homework Equations

y = sec x

The Attempt at a Solution

I could only restate the domain as 0<= x <= pi, where x =/ (pi/2)
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  • #2
I would think that the domain of [itex]\sec x[/itex] includes a whole lot more than that...

I suspect that the question is asking for an alternative range for [tex]\sec^{-1}[/itex] instead.
  • #3
That was something I was somewhat confused on, whether it was asking for a new domain for the sec x or a new range arcsec x. I was looking at the domain of sec x in terms of it being a one-to-one function. So the domain previously stated creates that. I also focused on a different range for arcsec, but I still can't seem to figure anything out. I actually visited that same site earlier, before posting here.
  • #4
Let's say I know that:
[tex]\sec x = 1[/tex]
can you list the possible values of [itex]x[/itex]?

How does this compare to your notion of
[tex]\sec^{-1} 1[/tex]
  • #5
If sec x = 1, then the possible values for x are pi/4 and 5pi/4.
Arcsec 1 would yield the same thing wouldn't it? Arcsec 1 is the same thing as saying what angle yields a sec of 1, which is the same thing as the sec x = 1. I know you're trying to steer me in a certain direction, but I'm not sure I'm seeing that direction. Sorry about the delayed response, I had a few classes.
  • #6
NightSky72 said:
If sec x = 1, then the possible values for x are pi/4 and 5pi/4.
Plus all multiples of [itex]2\pi[/itex]! There are an infinite number of values of x such that sec(x)= 1.

Arcsec 1 would yield the same thing wouldn't it? Arcsec 1 is the same thing as saying what angle yields a sec of 1, which is the same thing as the sec x = 1.
No, it's not. Arcsec(x) is a function and can return only one value. WHAT value that is depends on how you restrict sec(x) so that it is one-to-one (that's the whole point of this exercise). The standard choice is restrict sec(x) to x between [itex]-\pi/2[/itex] to [itex]3\pi/2[/itex].

I know you're trying to steer me in a certain direction, but I'm not sure I'm seeing that direction. Sorry about the delayed response, I had a few classes.
  • #7
I'm confused as to why you'd restrict the domain of the sec x to -pi/2 to 3pi/2. If you used that domain as the range of the arcsec x, would that even work? The range of the arcsec x is 0 to pi. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the question. Here it is, from the book:

In the definition above, the inverse secant function is defined by restricting the domain of the secant function to the intervals [0, pi/2)U(pi/2, pi]. Most other texts and references agree with this, but some disagree. What other domains might make sense?
  • #8
Well, I wrote that very quickly, after looking at a rough graph! 0 to pi, skipping, of course, pi/2 looks right. The other possible values would then be pi to 2pi, skipping, 3pi/2, or -pi to 0, skipping -pi/2. On each of those sec is single valued so arcsec exists. Any of those can be used to define arcsin. The "usual rule" is to stay as close to 0 as possible.
  • #9
That's why I'm confused. It seems too simple to just change the domain in that manner and say it is a "new" domain, much less have some textbooks "disagree" with the stated domain. I'm going to e-mail my professor about this as well. Thanks for your help.

FAQ: What Is an Alternative Domain for Sec(x)?

What is the domain of sec x?

The domain of sec x is all real numbers except for values where the cosine function is equal to zero, since division by zero is undefined.

What is the range of sec x?

The range of sec x is all real numbers greater than or equal to -1 and less than or equal to 1, since the reciprocal of a number can never be greater than 1 or less than -1.

What is the period of sec x?

The period of sec x is 2π, since the cosine function has a period of 2π and the secant function is the reciprocal of the cosine function.

Can the domain of sec x be extended beyond real numbers?

No, the domain of sec x is limited to real numbers as the trigonometric functions are only defined for real values.

What is the graph of sec x like?

The graph of sec x is similar to the graph of cos x, but it has vertical asymptotes at points where the cosine function is equal to zero. The graph also has a horizontal asymptote at y=1 as the values approach infinity.
