Converting cartesian to parametric equation

In summary, to convert a cartesian equation to parametric form in R3, first solve for one of the variables (x, y, or z) in terms of the others. Then, let the remaining variables be the parameters (r and s in this case) and use the coefficients of the solved variable as the components of the corresponding vectors. These vectors, along with the constant term, form the parametric equation for the given cartesian equation.
  • #1
converting cartesian to parametric equation R3


I can't convert cartesian to parametric equation this equation 3x-y+4z-6=0
In example is given only 3x-y+4z-6=0 and says to convert it to parametric form ?

how this can be done ?
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  • #2
So that I don't completely answer your question for you, let me show you how it works for a different problem. Suppose your equation was x + 2y - z + 2 = 0. This equation represents a plane in R3, as does your equation.

Solving for x gives
x = -2y + z - 2
We're going to need a set of equations for x, y, and z, so here are two more:
y = y
z = z
The last two equations are obviously and trivially true.

Here's what we have:
x = -2y + z - 2
y = y
z =      z

From this, we can see that any point (x, y, z) in the plane can be written in terms of two parameters y and z. Namely, (x, y, z) = y*(-2, 1, 0) + z*(1, 0, 1) + (-2, 0, 0).

If you like, you can use different letters for the parameters, say r and s, so that you have 
(x, y, z) = r*(-2, 1, 0) + s*(1, 0, 1) + (-2, 0, 0).

If you look at this in terms of vectors, the vector (-2, 0, 0) takes you from the origin to the point (-2, 0, 0) in the plane, and the other two vectors take you from that point to any other in the plane. 

You can apply the same thinking to your problem. Hope that helps.
  • #3
Note that this is a plane. That is, it is two dimensional and so will require two parameters (unlike a line or curve that is one dimensional and so requires only one parameter). What Mark44 did was use y and z as parameters. If you don't like that, that is, if you prefer to use, say, s and t, as parameters, just replace y and z by that.

That is, if x= -2y+ z- 2 then x= -2s+ t- 2, y= s, z= t are parametric equations for the plane.

In general, if you can solve an equation, in x, y, and z, representing a surface, for anyone of the variables, you can use the other two as parameters.
  • #4
thank you for your answers,
now I understand how to express it with parameters
but this part, (x, y, z) = r*(-2, 1, 0) + s*(1, 0, 1) + (-2, 0, 0)
i don't understand
how (-2,1,0) and (1,0,1) vectors are acquired !

thanks again
  • #5
From here:
x = -2y + 1z - 2
y = 1y + 0z
z = 0y + 1z

FAQ: Converting cartesian to parametric equation

1. What is the purpose of converting cartesian to parametric equations?

Converting cartesian equations to parametric equations allows us to express a relationship between variables in a more efficient and flexible manner. This can be especially useful in geometry and physics problems.

2. How do you convert a cartesian equation to a parametric equation?

To convert a cartesian equation to a parametric equation, we first identify the independent variable (usually t) and express the dependent variables (x and y) in terms of t. This creates a set of equations that relate the variables to each other in a more simplified form.

3. What are the benefits of using parametric equations?

Parametric equations allow us to easily manipulate and graph curves and functions in a variety of ways. They also provide a more intuitive understanding of the relationships between variables, making them useful in many mathematical and scientific applications.

4. Can you convert any cartesian equation to a parametric equation?

Yes, any cartesian equation can be converted to a parametric equation as long as the equation is continuous and has a one-to-one relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

5. Are there any disadvantages to using parametric equations?

One disadvantage of using parametric equations is that they may be more complex and difficult to work with compared to cartesian equations. They also require the use of additional variables, which can make the equations longer and more complicated to understand.
