Proving a sequence diverges with limited information

In summary, the conversation discusses a method for proving the divergence of a sequence. The idea is to show that for any consecutive numbers in the sequence, the difference between them is always greater than a constant d. This should be enough to prove divergence, but the last step of showing that |a_(n*+1) - A| cannot be less than e is proving to be difficult. The speaker is seeking help with this step and believes that the proof will be a slick way of proving the sequence's divergence. This method also contradicts the possibility of the sequence converging.
  • #1
Hello all,

I have been thinking of a way to prove divergence of a sequence that should work, but can't move past one road block.

Here's the idea, given a sequence a_n, say that i know for any consecutive numbers in the sequence, |a_(n+1) - a_(n)| > d, where d is a constant.

Now this alone should be enough to prove divergence, since the numbers cannot get any closer than distance d. Yet showing this is proving to be difficult for me (I'm sure someone reading this will get it in no time).

Oh and I am trying to prove this rigorously, that is for any constant A, there exists e > 0 such that for every n* there exists m > n* such that |a_n - A| > (or equal to) e.

The trick should be take e < d/2, and showing that for any value n* that satisfies |a_n* - A| < e, then |a_(n*+1) - A| cannot be less than e. It is this last statement that I am having a hard time reaching.

Please help me with this last step! I think a proof like this would be a pretty slick way of proving a sequence diverges.

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  • #2
[tex]|a_{n+1} - A| + |A - a_n| \geq |a_{n+1} - A + A - a_n| > d[/tex]

*EDIT* I should probably clarify this statement just in case. If the sequence did converge, we can make each of the first two terms on leftmost side less than d/2, so that is pretty contradictory. There is another way involving the notion of a Cauchy sequence but I think this suffices.
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FAQ: Proving a sequence diverges with limited information

What is a sequence?

A sequence is a list of numbers that follow a specific pattern or rule. The numbers in a sequence are called terms, and they can be finite or infinite.

How can you prove that a sequence diverges?

To prove that a sequence diverges, you can show that the terms of the sequence become increasingly larger or smaller without approaching a specific number. This can be done through various methods such as the limit comparison test or the divergence test.

What is limited information in regards to proving a sequence diverges?

Limited information refers to the amount of information available about a sequence. This can include the first few terms of the sequence, the pattern in which the terms are increasing or decreasing, or any other relevant information that can help determine if the sequence diverges.

Can a sequence diverge with limited information?

Yes, a sequence can still be proven to diverge even with limited information. However, the more information available, the easier it may be to prove the divergence of the sequence.

Are there any limitations to proving a sequence diverges with limited information?

There may be some limitations to proving a sequence diverges with limited information. For example, some methods of proving divergence may require more information than others. It's important to carefully consider the available information and choose an appropriate method for proving divergence.

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