Question regarding light clocks and time dilation.

In summary, the concept of simultaneity is relative in relativity. Each observer has their own definition of simultaneity, leading to different perceptions of time dilation. There is no absolute time frame or stationary observer in relativity.
  • #1
Hello. I am trying to gain a more intuitive understanding of relativity, and hopefully someone may be able to help me.

Suppose there are two light clocks on two different spaceships - ship A and ship B. If the two ships are moving past one another with a constant velocity, then an observer on A would see their clock ticking "normally" while the clock on ship B would tick more slowly. However, wouldn't this also be the case for an observer traveling in ship B, in that he observes his own clock to tick normally while the other in ship A ticks more slowly? Who's time actually slows down?
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  • #2
amk0713 said:
If the two ships are moving past one another with a constant velocity, then an observer on A would see their clock ticking "normally" while the clock on ship B would tick more slowly. However, wouldn't this also be the case for an observer traveling in ship B, in that he observes his own clock to tick normally while the other in ship A ticks more slowly?


Who's time actually slows down?

Neither. Or both. Take your pick. :smile:
  • #3
amk0713 said:
Hello. I am trying to gain a more intuitive understanding of relativity, and hopefully someone may be able to help me.

Suppose there are two light clocks on two different spaceships - ship A and ship B. If the two ships are moving past one another with a constant velocity, then an observer on A would see their clock ticking "normally" while the clock on ship B would tick more slowly. However, wouldn't this also be the case for an observer traveling in ship B, in that he observes his own clock to tick normally while the other in ship A ticks more slowly? Who's time actually slows down?

They are both correct. There is no such thing as "actually". "Actually" is synonymous with "absolute" (as in some absolute time frame) - and absolute is antithetical to relativity.

The key is: how do they compare their clocks again after the passage? One (or both) of them needs to turn around. This will change the rates of their clocks as seen by the other observer.
  • #4
Thanks both for the quick replies.

But what about in the case of actual clocks? Which of the two on ships A and B would read an earlier time if each can claim that they are moving and the other is at rest?
  • #5
amk0713 said:
Thanks both for the quick replies.

But what about in the case of actual clocks? Which of the two on ships A and B would read an earlier time if each can claim that they are moving and the other is at rest?

Each sees the other's clock moving slower.

Note that neither has any claim to being stationary. All they know is that they are in motion with respect to each other. To decide which one is stationary would require referencing the motion of a third point - which could be another spaceship, a planet or a galaxy. But it's still arbitrary. Who is to say the planet isn't moving a .5c?
  • #6
I like to sum up Special Relativity like this:

Everything in the universe believes it is the thing that is not moving.

Or, everything in the universe believes it is the thing which is at rest.
  • #7
amk0713 said:
Hello. I am trying to gain a more intuitive understanding of relativity, and hopefully someone may be able to help me.

Suppose there are two light clocks on two different spaceships - ship A and ship B. If the two ships are moving past one another with a constant velocity, then an observer on A would see their clock ticking "normally" while the clock on ship B would tick more slowly. However, wouldn't this also be the case for an observer traveling in ship B, in that he observes his own clock to tick normally while the other in ship A ticks more slowly? Who's time actually slows down?

In order to compare the clocks, you need to settle on a method to decide what events are simultaneous.

In pre-relativistic mechanics, there is some universal notion of simultaneity. However, in relativistic mechanics, there is not.

The set of events that a rider on spaceship A assigns as simultaneous to some reading "t=0" on spaceship A's clocks is different from the set of events that a rider on spacehip B assigns as simultaneous to the exact same event.

So the answer to the question of whose clock is slower depends on one's notion of simultaneious events - a notion that is dependent on the observer.

Spaceship A uses their definition of simultaneous events, and decides that events at ta=x on a's clock correspond to events at tb = x / gamma on B's clock.

Spaceship B uses their different defintion of simultnaeity and decides that events at tb = x on b's clock correspond to events ta = x / gamma on a's clock.

Both defintions of simultaneity are reasonable and self-consistent - there's no way to pick one over the other.

FAQ: Question regarding light clocks and time dilation.

1. How do light clocks work?

Light clocks work by using the principle of the speed of light being constant. A light clock consists of two mirrors facing each other with a beam of light bouncing back and forth between them. The time it takes for the light to travel between the mirrors is measured and used to keep track of time.

2. What is time dilation?

Time dilation is a phenomenon in which time appears to move slower for objects moving at high speeds. This is due to the fact that the speed of light is constant and as an object's speed increases, time slows down in order to maintain this constant speed of light. This is a fundamental concept in Einstein's theory of relativity.

3. How does time dilation relate to light clocks?

Light clocks are used as a thought experiment to illustrate the concept of time dilation. As an object's speed increases, the time it takes for light to travel between the mirrors of a light clock will appear longer to an outside observer. This is because the speed of light remains constant and in order to maintain this constant speed, time must slow down.

4. Can time dilation be observed in everyday life?

Yes, time dilation is observed in everyday life through various phenomena such as GPS satellites and particle accelerators. GPS satellites have to take into account the time dilation of their high speeds in order to accurately transmit signals to Earth. Particle accelerators also demonstrate time dilation as particles are accelerated to extremely high speeds, causing them to decay at a slower rate compared to stationary particles.

5. How does time dilation affect our perception of time?

Time dilation does not have a significant effect on our day-to-day perception of time. It is only observed at extremely high speeds or in extreme gravitational fields. However, it is a fundamental concept in our understanding of the universe and has been proven through various experiments and observations.

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