Exploring Peano Curves: Links and Books for Study

In summary, the book "Chaos and Fractals" by Peitgen, et.al. discusses the organization of space-filling structures in nature, such as lungs and kidneys. The concept of N-epsilon proof is mentioned, which can be used to prove how these structures fill the plane. The author suggests that Peano and Hilbert may have already proven this.
  • #1
Ed Quanta
Can anyone point me towards an online link or some books where I can study these bad boys? I am supposed to write like a 5-10 page paper on Peano curves in which I prove a few interesting things regarding them.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Ed Quanta said:
Can anyone point me towards an online link or some books where I can study these bad boys? I am supposed to write like a 5-10 page paper on Peano curves in which I prove a few interesting things regarding them.

"Chaos and Fractals", by Peitgen, et.al. I quote:

"In Nature, the organization of space-filling structures is one of the fundamendal buliding blocks of living beings". You know, lungs, kidneys, vascular system. But I digress. Suppose you just want to prove how they fill the plane. Looks like a good N-epsilon proof. Like, for any (x,y) in the plane, curve comes epsilon distance away from it whenever the iteration is greater than N. Thus as N goes to infinity, distance goes to zero. Never proved it though. Suppose Peano and Hilbert did.
  • #3

There are many great resources available online and in books for studying Peano curves. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started:

1. Online Links:
- The Wolfram MathWorld website has a comprehensive entry on Peano curves, including definitions, properties, and examples: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PeanoCurve.html
- The Cut the Knot website has a page dedicated to Peano curves, with interactive applets and visualizations to help you understand their construction: https://www.cut-the-knot.org/curriculum/Geometry/PeanoCurves.shtml
- The Plus Magazine website has an article on Peano curves that discusses their history and applications in computer graphics: https://plus.maths.org/content/peano-curves

2. Books:
- "The Fractal Geometry of Nature" by Benoit Mandelbrot is a classic text on fractals and includes a chapter on Peano curves.
- "The Beauty of Fractals" by Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Hartmut Jürgens, and Dietmar Saupe is another well-known book that covers Peano curves and other fractal constructions.
- "Fractals Everywhere" by Michael F. Barnsley is a popular introduction to fractal geometry and also includes a chapter on Peano curves.

I hope these resources will be helpful in your study of Peano curves. Best of luck with your paper!

FAQ: Exploring Peano Curves: Links and Books for Study

1. What is a Peano curve?

A Peano curve is a continuous space-filling curve that was first described by the Italian mathematician Giuseppe Peano in 1890. It is a one-dimensional curve that passes through every point in a two-dimensional plane, and it has the property of being non-self-intersecting.

2. What is the significance of Peano curves in mathematics?

Peano curves are significant in mathematics because they provide a concrete example of a continuous function that maps a one-dimensional interval onto a two-dimensional space. This concept has important applications in topology, geometry, and analysis.

3. How are Peano curves constructed?

Peano curves are constructed using an iterative process known as the "Peano-Gosper construction." This involves dividing a line segment into smaller segments and connecting them in a specific pattern. The resulting curve becomes increasingly complex as more iterations are performed.

4. What are some applications of Peano curves?

Peano curves have been used in computer graphics to create fractal images and in computer algorithms for data compression. They have also been studied in physics, specifically in the field of fluid dynamics, to model the behavior of fluid flows.

5. What are some good resources for studying Peano curves?

Some good books for studying Peano curves include "Topology" by James Munkres and "Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications" by Kenneth Falconer. Additionally, there are many online resources and interactive demonstrations available for exploring Peano curves, such as Wolfram MathWorld and Geogebra.

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