If you could change a single historical event

In summary, there are a few things that I would change about the present. I would delete Christianity because it causes a lot of negative effects in the world, and I would delete Caesar because he was responsible for a lot of the problems in the world.
  • #1
What would that be, and most importantly why?

I have a couple that are probably counter-intuitive, but reflect my view of things.
1. Delete christianity
2. Delete Caesar

Any one of those two would be fine with me. All in the benefit of science ofc. In any case justifications below.
1. There's so much that can be blamed on it and mostly its overzealous fanclub.
2. He, either directly or indirectly can be linked to the destruction of the Great Library of Alexandria.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Maybe delete industrial revolution, since all the environmental problems caused from it.
  • #3
martix said:
I have a couple that are probably counter-intuitive, but reflect my view of things.
1. Delete christianity
2. Delete Caesar

I wouldn't change anything . Why would any other configuration of the present be preferable to this one to me? Especially since I exist in this one.
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  • #4
Like some mentioned above, you should not delete a thing. This reality is great. Humanity is constantly improving upon itself, so why would you change a bad situation of our past? We ultimately learned from the gross injustices, thus made improvements in terms of our ethical code. It would be rather silly to want to go back in history and change the reality of our world only to have the injustices possibly repeat and cause us to delay our improvements in our ethics.
  • #5
I'd probably just change that one time I messed up and created an alternate reality full of gorgeous women. Worst. Mistake. Ever. Of all time.
  • #6
Mentalist said:
We ultimately learned from the gross injustices, thus made improvements in terms of our ethical code.
Thanks for the joke, I laughed quite long at this one. Anyways back to the question if there was one thing I would change it would have to be the ol' agricultural revolution by the fertile crescent. Tis' the inception of our long journey in ruining this beautiful planet and the creatures on it.
  • #7
I wouldn't dare mess with it unless I could undo it if it didn't work out.
  • #8
I'll go back to the moment Coke decided to stop making Coke Black. I need my coffee coke =(.
  • #9
Rhett should have gone back to Scarlet.
  • #10
Jimmy Snyder said:
Rhett should have gone back to Scarlet.

No he shouldn't have. Getting as far away from her as possible was the best decision he ever made.

Scarlett spent her whole life surrounding herself in drama. Do you really believe she changed just because of one dramatic event (death of Melanie)? At least do you think the change was substantial enough that she wouldn't change again with the next dramatic event she encountered?

A better change would have been to have never gone to her in the first place!
  • #11
Woopydalan said:
Maybe delete industrial revolution, since all the environmental problems caused from it.

The industrial revolution also had a great deal to do with ending slavery.
  • #12
You're not taking sequels into account. If he would have listened to me, he would never go hungry again.
  • #13
Drakkith said:
I'd probably just change that one time I messed up and created an alternate reality full of gorgeous women. Worst. Mistake. Ever. Of all time.

Yeah, biggest mistake, because you are in this reality and not the alternate.
Was it the red or the blue pill?
  • #14
256bits said:
Yeah, biggest mistake, because you are in this reality and not the alternate.
Was it the red or the blue pill?

I think they gave me one with polka dots.
  • #15
Butterfly effect people? Remember that one? I wouldn't touch a thing!
  • #16
Great dying.. //Diversity of evolved brain species like humans Or is it allowed?
  • #17
Adam and Eve kill and barbecue the snake.
  • #18
WannabeNewton said:
Thanks for the joke, I laughed quite long at this one. Anyways back to the question if there was one thing I would change it would have to be the ol' agricultural revolution by the fertile crescent. Tis' the inception of our long journey in ruining this beautiful planet and the creatures on it.

We may not be exactly perfect but there have been improvements.
  • #19
Under assumption that I have a GURPS ability: "rooted in probability" and even if major time paradox happen I still exist?

I'd try to remove assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria with hope of eliminating WW1, communism, and willingness for Germans to look for revenge in WW2. (but I can't exclude a possibility that a different total war can be fought in XXth century)

Presumably the outcome (price/backslash/whatever) would be maintaining monarchies for a few decades more, slower decolonization and developing nuclear weapons first not by the US, but by German Empire. Paradoxically it would be possible that I would not be living in an independent country now.

EDIT: Matrix - do you think that we would not develop a different universalistic religion? (or give a chance to already existing one, to become the dominating one like to ex. Zoroastrianism)
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  • #20
Hmm. My answer is kind of similar to CZCibor. Only that I would say to eliminate all major wars that ever took place. While this sounds impossible to the kind of world we live in. it is kind of the utopia kind of wishful thinking. But, you did ask what in history I would want to get rid of.

Instead of wars for example to Early America I could only wish the early settlers made peace with the Indians. The Indians did not care for money they did not have. The land and the freedom were there.

But if Indians did use arrows and tomahawks does mean they had to war against even other tribes at times. That also would have been eliminated.

From the Persian Empire to the Babylonian empire to Alexander the Great to the Roman Empire to the Ottoman Empire to all and every war even until now of Syria could be mended by a peace treaty.

I don’t like war even if good or bad on either side. Rather take captives and place them in prison at least to live. I am against Death penalty. I choose Life in prison. When someone is meant to die they will. No weapons needed to take ones life. Everyone deserves to live even them behind bars. Let Death takes it own course. Not to intervene in speeding it up in any way. Life to me is of great value more than the weight of Gold and Silver. . Life is greater than anything one has discovered outside of life. You will for example notice a freeway if people would drive in the speed limit would share the lanes. Life can be just like that if we count everyone than just ourselves. For after all we don’t live in this world alone. .
  • #21
I would delete the 80s. Bad haircuts, bad clothes, bad music, we have nothing to lose!
  • #22
Adyssa said:
I would delete the 80s. Bad haircuts, bad clothes, bad music, we have nothing to lose!
You must mean the 70's. The 80's were great!
  • #23
zoobyshoe said:
You must mean the 70's. The 80's were great!

Let's just delete all the decades!
  • #24
I will play along. I would delete the 00's.
  • #25
zoobyshoe said:
You must mean the 70's. The 80's were great!

Well, yeah, if you were a 70's wannabe.
  • #26
zoobyshoe said:
You must mean the 70's. The 80's were great!
I loved 80's music.
  • #29
Evo said:
My girl's love 80's music.

My buddy had his 9 year old son come home one day and say "Hey dad! Listen to this awesome new song!". His son plays him the song and it's a song from like Led Zepplin I think. My buddy was like "Son, that song is older than I am!"
  • #30
Godfather III, All three Star Wars prequells.
  • #31
I don't like messing with things I can't predict the outcome of. I don't think it'd be a good idea.
  • #32
Does the extinction of the dinosaurs count as a historical event?
  • #33
Sure it does :P

Dino pets for everyone!

And I have no idea what religion would develop.
I seem to remember the Islam world was a center of learning in those early ages.

Though on the other hand you could say we are programmed to be religious(being all pattern-seeking, why-asking machines).
  • #34
martix said:
And I have no idea what religion would develop.
I seem to remember the Islam world was a center of learning in those early ages.
I would more blame collapse of Western Roman Empire, than Christianity. After all in the mean time there was quite civilized Byzantium while in barbaric Europe, monks were few literate people who copied some old books.

Though on the other hand you could say we are programmed to be religious(being all pattern-seeking, why-asking machines).
I would say, that there is such need in humans, and Christianity keeps incumbent effect.

I have doubts about appearance of Islam as we know it, Mohamed was somewhat inspired by Christianity, he accepted Jesus (Isa) as one of prophets.

If have to guess - there was a good chance to build a monotheistic religion, maybe a different one a while later

Even Judaism would look different, partially Talmud was written in some kind opposition towards Christianity.
  • #35
Even though the Op used religion as an example, let's stay away from religion as people tend to get upset if their beliefs are challenged.