Exploring Opinions on Mitt Romney's Candidacy

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  • Thread starter ThomasT
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In summary: Iowa, for example. In summary, the GOP has a lot of options, but Romney seems to be the most likely candidate. Romney has some issues, but he is competent and intelligent. He is also from Massachusetts, which could make the difference in a close election.
  • #36
Jimmy Snyder said:
That's not negotiating, that's taking a free ride.
When I got promoted, they had to split my work up between three union workers. It's the unproductive union workers that are getting the free ride. My work ethics got me into management and my pay tripled within a few years. The union negotiated pay and benefits were crap compared to what I was able to negotiate on my own when I was no longer in the same classification as union workers and no longer limited to union contract terms.
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  • #37
Jack21222 said:
The reason the top 1% and the top 10% pay such a large percentage of the taxes in the country is because they are so fantastically wealthy. Forget making a million dollars a year. There are people making HUNDREDS of millions of dollars a year. They make in one year what most of us can only hope to make in a dozen lifetimes.
You missed the point 1% was only $343,000 a year in AGI if you will not make that in dozens of lifetimes I am sorry to hear that. 10% was only 112K.

This is why "percent of the total national tax" is an irrelevant figure. Even if you had an actual regressive tax, with lower incomes paying a higher percentage, you could still end up with a situation where the top 1% pays FAR MORE than 1% of the taxes.

Again you missed the point you need to compare percent paid to percent made. I think we should look at that ratio more I do not know what is the "right" number but it certainly is not fair for it to be even higher. currently the 1% make 17% of the money and pay 36 percent of the tax so a 36/17 = 2.11 (simple rounding. ) the bottom 50% pay 2.3% of the total taxes but make 13.5% of the AGI. 2.3/13.5 = 0.17 so for every "income unit" the 1% pay 2.11 "tax units" and the bottom 50% pay 0.17 "tax units" per equal "income unit".

The numbers do not lie you tell me what is a fair relationship. That is a 12.4:1 relationship. What is fair?

I haven't verified this number, but I'll take your number at face value, that the top 1% pays on average 24.01% of their income. If the top 1% paid, say, 26% of their income instead, it would have a far smaller effect on them than if you bumped up the bottom 50% to say 3%.

Correct but people are allowed to be rich you could tax the top 1% at 100% and we would still be running a defecit in less then a month.

If you support a balanced budget, in my opinion, you must also support higher taxes, particularly on the only group of people who can afford higher taxes. You cannot cut enough spending without causing economic catastrophe to balance the budget. It must come from a combination of spending cuts and tax increases. Proposing tax cuts, particularly tax cuts only on the wealthy, while cutting government benefits on the poor, and still not balancing the budget... that's just silly. And that's Romney.

I am fine with increasing revenue temproraily acorss a broad base the problem is every "temporary" tax raise in history that was supposed to have cuts with it has happened and then the cuts never come. Make the cuts first so I believe you will actually do it then ask me for more money.

Say we have reduced spending to these levels and the programs we have running will be sustainable. Now we would like to raise income for the next 2 decades to pay down our debt and then rates will reset to a fair level. The government has proven that if you give them money they will spend it on something new not use it to reduce anything.
  • #38
Also consider that a union might negotiate the owners into thinking the best place for the job is elsewhere all together (right to work state or Mexico) or to spend lavishly instead on automation which doesn't negotiate, or in the case of teacher's unions the union might well negotiate away large salaries and bonuses for stellar teachers especially for new teachers in order to hold on to a seniority system, or the union might negotiate the municipality into bankruptcy eventually causing school closings or a default on pensions for the retired.
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  • #39
Jack21222 said:
I just read a bunch of conservative talking points, but no actual substance. You didn't actually point out any specific problems, nor propose any specific solutions. Would you like to try and think for yourself, rather than regurgitating what you've heard on talk radio?

Jack how is SS rate cuts are silly not a specific comment? How is the pay into pay out ratio of greater the 5:1 not a specific problem? How is saying we need to narrow the target of people who are entitled to these entitlements not a specific solution ?

I think you may have reading comprehension problems when you are ready to actually read the words and not just make blanket statements about regurgitating I would like to know your opinions on what is fair and how to prevent entitlments from bankrupting this country in 25 years no matter what the tax rates are.
  • #40
Evo said:
When I got promoted, they had to split my work up between three union workers. It's the unproductive union workers that are getting the free ride. My work ethics got me into management and my pay tripled within a few years. The union negotiated pay and benefits were crap compared to what I was able to negotiate on my own when I was no longer in the same classification as union workers and no longer limited to union contract terms.
Management is almost never union and almost always makes more than rank and file union members. Did Oltz mean that his wife is management and will negotiate the same contract as the union?
  • #41
Oltz said:
I can not more ardently disagree. My wife is a teacher and can not teach in PA without being a member of the local, state and Federal Union. Period no questions asked you either pay them or do not work. They then take that money you have no say in giving them and use ~70 for political activites without any form of input from the "members" that is wrong. What point 45 means is that if your union forces membership (non right to work state) it can not use those "dues" for political purposes. If you have voluntary membership your union can do as it pleases. This applies to teaches mailmen whatever if you do not support the political cause of the union leaders they should not be able to force you to pay for the campaign.

By the same not my wife would happily not be in the union given the option amd she would negotiate to have the same contract as the union but instead of paying dues that she has no control over to an entity we do no agree with most of the causes they support the school could keep that $248 a month.

Union contract - Dues = non union employee

You do get a say in how your unions dues are spent - it's called voting on your union representative.
  • #42
Evo said:
When I got promoted, they had to split my work up between three union workers. It's the unproductive union workers that are getting the free ride. My work ethics got me into management and my pay tripled within a few years. The union negotiated pay and benefits were crap compared to what I was able to negotiate on my own when I was no longer in the same classification as union workers and no longer limited to union contract terms.

You posted once whether reducing working hours is a solid economical strategy. It has been noted by economists that the German model of reducing payment and working hours a bit during recessions (sharing the burden) has also helped them to recover quickly in periods of growth, since the working force didn't lose their abilities and intelligent workers weren't laid off.

It is diametrically opposed to the US model, and I don't think anybody really knows what really works.
  • #43
Oltz said:
You missed the point 1% was only $343,000 a year in AGI if you will not make that in dozens of lifetimes I am sorry to hear that. 10% was only 112K.

Even that doesn't work, because the top 1% still includes the top 0.001%, which are the ones making 100m+ a year, which will skew any data which includes them. I have missed no point. The important number is the number which you quoted, that the top 1% only pay 24% of their income in taxes. The least important number is what percentage of the total they paid.

Again you missed the point you need to compare percent paid to percent made.

No. That number is irrelevant for many reasons.

I think we should look at that ratio more I do not know what is the "right" number but it certainly is not fair for it to be even higher. currently the 1% make 17% of the money and pay 36 percent of the tax so a 36/17 = 2.11 (simple rounding. ) the bottom 50% pay 2.3% of the total taxes but make 13.5% of the AGI. 2.3/13.5 = 0.17 so for every "income unit" the 1% pay 2.11 "tax units" and the bottom 50% pay 0.17 "tax units" per equal "income unit".

The numbers do not lie you tell me what is a fair relationship. That is a 12.4:1 relationship. What is fair?

Once again, this is an artifact of the great wealth disparity (and income disparity) in this country. Included in your bottom 50% are the 14.6% living below the poverty line [census.gov, 2009 stats]. Many of those living above the poverty line are quite close to it. For you to claim that poor people are given "unfair" tax advantages is incredibly absurd. Every single one of those in the bottom 50% DREAM of one day being taxed at "unfair" rates.

Correct but people are allowed to be rich you could tax the top 1% at 100% and we would still be running a defecit in less then a month.

Nobody once said that people aren't allowed to be rich. If you're reduced to attacking such unbelievable strawmen, perhaps you should quit now. I also never said that taxes alone would balance the budget. In fact, if you had bothered to read my post, you would have seen where I said both tax increases and spending cuts are needed.

I am fine with increasing revenue temproraily acorss a broad base the problem is every "temporary" tax raise in history that was supposed to have cuts with it has happened and then the cuts never come. Make the cuts first so I believe you will actually do it then ask me for more money.

Why raise taxes across a broad base? How about you raise taxes among those who can actually afford it, rather than raising taxes on lower-class families struggling to survive? And why should the tax increases be temporary? Top tax rates in this countries are the lowest they've been in decades, and wealth disparity in this country is greater than it has ever been in all of United States history.

Say we have reduced spending to these levels and the programs we have running will be sustainable. Now we would like to raise income for the next 2 decades to pay down our debt and then rates will reset to a fair level. The government has proven that if you give them money they will spend it on something new not use it to reduce anything.

You keep using the word "fair," but I suspect you have a rather twisted definition of that word.

Jack how is SS rate cuts are silly not a specific comment? How is the pay into pay out ratio of greater the 5:1 not a specific problem? How is saying we need to narrow the target of people who are entitled to these entitlements not a specific solution ?

I think you may have reading comprehension problems when you are ready to actually read the words and not just make blanket statements about regurgitating I would like to know your opinions on what is fair and how to prevent entitlments from bankrupting this country in 25 years no matter what the tax rates are.

You are confusing the issue by rolling many different programs under the label "entitlements." Unemployment, food stamps, welfare, medicare, and social security are all VERY DIFFERENT programs, with different benefits, targeting different people, and each with their own problems.

You mentioned no specifics in any of those in your post. You DID NOT SAY anything about a 5:1 pay into pay out ratio in your post, yet you're accusing me of a lack of reading comprehension? Read your own post, and point out where you said anything about that. Even in your clarification you aren't being specific. You said we need to "narrow the target of people" who are entitled to "these entitlements." Which entitlements? Who is qualifying for which entitlements who don't deserve them, and how do you propose they change it?

THOSE would be specific answers. Instead, you drone on about how it's not "fair" that "those people" are getting "those entitlements." These aren't specifics. They are talking points.
  • #44
Jack21222 said:
Even that doesn't work, because the top 1% still includes the top 0.001%, which are the ones making 100m+ a year, which will skew any data which includes them. I have missed no point. The important number is the number which you quoted, that the top 1% only pay 24% of their income in taxes. The least important number is what percentage of the total they paid.

OK so what percent should they pay if 24% is to low?

Once again, this is an artifact of the great wealth disparity (and income disparity) in this country. Included in your bottom 50% are the 14.6% living below the poverty line [census.gov, 2009 stats]. Many of those living above the poverty line are quite close to it. For you to claim that poor people are given "unfair" tax advantages is incredibly absurd. Every single one of those in the bottom 50% DREAM of one day being taxed at "unfair" rates.

Your right it does include those below the poverty line who actually have a negative tax burden. I never said it they had unfair tax advantages I said I think tax rates should be more in line with income below the top 25%. I am ok with the bottom 20% having a 0 or Negative tax burden.
I would like to see everyone above that point at least pay something more in line with AGI weighted income percent. You could then easily come up with normalized income units each year and subsequently tax units.
Those values would be used for the following year.
Fine you want the top 0.1% to pay 20 tax units per income unit fine and the top 0.2%-1% to pay 17:1 ok and the top 10%-9% to pay 12:1 sure but I want the 21%-40% to pay 1:1 and the 41-50 1.5:1 51-60 2:1 61-70 3:1 71-80 5:1 81-90 9:1

Make an income unit anything form the median income to the pverty rate or do it as a percent anywhere between 0.01%-1% of the total AGI of all filers. Depending on what you want a "Tax unit" to be $2 $10 $100 $1000 $2500 whatever.

Nobody once said that people aren't allowed to be rich. If you're reduced to attacking such unbelievable strawmen, perhaps you should quit now. I also never said that taxes alone would balance the budget. In fact, if you had bothered to read my post, you would have seen where I said both tax increases and spending cuts are needed.

At what tax rate are you actually saying its great that you are good at what you do but we do not think you actually deserve to keep what somebody willingly gave you?

Why raise taxes across a broad base? How about you raise taxes among those who can actually afford it, rather than raising taxes on lower-class families struggling to survive? And why should the tax increases be temporary? Top tax rates in this countries are the lowest they've been in decades, and wealth disparity in this country is greater than it has ever been in all of United States history.

If you actually look at the numbers the "rate" is lower but the actual amount paid by the highest bracket is considerably higher becuase incomes have grown far faster then inflation so the GDP ratio is pretty constant. Plus with population growth the number of actual people in the 1% has grown greatly by sheer law of averages. So 1940 12 people paying the top rate of 65% (or whatever I do not have time to look now) is way less %GDP then you currently get from the 1%.

You keep using the word "fair," but I suspect you have a rather twisted definition of that word.

My defenition of fair is everyone participates equally. Understanding that a flat rate is of itself unfair a Fair system in my eyes would be one tied to a consistent metric based on a unitless relationship that could be evenly applied to all.

You are confusing the issue by rolling many different programs under the label "entitlements." Unemployment, food stamps, welfare, medicare, and social security are all VERY DIFFERENT programs, with different benefits, targeting different people, and each with their own problems.

You mentioned no specifics in any of those in your post. You DID NOT SAY anything about a 5:1 pay into pay out ratio in your post, yet you're accusing me of a lack of reading comprehension? Read your own post, and point out where you said anything about that. Even in your clarification you aren't being specific. You said we need to "narrow the target of people" who are entitled to "these entitlements." Which entitlements? Who is qualifying for which entitlements who don't deserve them, and how do you propose they change it?

THOSE would be specific answers. Instead, you drone on about how it's not "fair" that "those people" are getting "those entitlements." These aren't specifics. They are talking points.

The problem is the pay out to in ratio has become so skewed

Actually I separated SS and medicare as Pay in Programs and referenced the unsustainable ratio but you are right I did not cite 5:1 and Greater ratios specifically.

The reamaining programs are well entitlements. Food stamps welfare and unemployment are entitlements. They need to be brought under control in one of 3 ways or a balance of the 3. I said.
need reform to better target the correct recpients and be made sustainable with propper controls that will keep them from ballooning beyond our capacity to support them

Those 3 ways are
1. Reduce Benefits.
2. Reduce Number of recipients.
3. Reduce Duration.

I am not in position to actually make any changes but drug testing sounds like a good start and will help a lot with number 2. Madatory Job Training and perhaps unskilled labor positions would help with number 3. Maybe reduce the amount of checks by 75% and give people direct food allocations purchased in bulk and how about direct payment of mortgage/rent/utilties That would cut some waste from number 1.
  • #45
Oh look, more talking points. The whole "deserve to keep what somebody willingly gave you" schtick won't work on me. I used to use that all the time a decade ago when I was a Libertarian. Fact is, for society to function, taxes must exist, and taxes should come from those with the means to pay without sacrificing food or medicine or shelter.

I cannot parse your "tax units" plan. Get to the bottom line... who will pay more and who will pay less under your plan?

In your last point about giving people direct food and direct payment of rent... those programs already exist.
  • #46
My take is that eventually the 5 'conservatives' are going to have to get behind Romney and once they do, he will pick his VP from among them. He can't win without the conservative wing of his party. So they are really running against each other. In order to make this work though, they have to stop harping on the Bain Capital thing. What the heck kind of conservative blames a capitalist for being a capitalist?
  • #47
Jimmy Snyder said:
My take is that eventually the 5 'conservatives' are going to have to get behind Romney and once they do, he will pick his VP from among them. He can't win without the conservative wing of his party. So they are really running against each other. In order to make this work though, they have to stop harping on the Bain Capital thing. What the heck kind of conservative blames a capitalist for being a capitalist?

Seems Republicans are unhappy with the current candidates.

Poll: 58% of Republicans want more presidential choices

The nominating process may officially be underway, but Republicans have yet to enthusiastically embrace a potential nominee for president - and despite the late date, most would like to see other candidates enter the race, according to a new CBS News poll.

The survey finds that 58 percent of Republican primary voters want more presidential choices, while just 37 percent say they are satisfied with the current field. The percentage of Republican primary voters that wants more choices has increased 12 percentage points since October.

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  • #48
Evo said:
That's not what I had in mind, but it might work. He would have to hope that the center outvotes the wings. They sure would lock up the Mormon vote.
  • #49
Jimmy Snyder said:
That's not what I had in mind, but it might work. He would have to hope that the center outvotes the wings. They sure would lock up the Mormon vote.
Oh, I forgot they're both Mormans.

Who would be your choice?
  • #50
If I were Romney, I'd want to get Gingrich or Santorum as the VP. Either one would get you the evangelical vote.
  • #51

Just another candidate who sells his soul to get votes. With US's current economic and debt situation, Mitt Romney and the other candidates are worried about how they're going to spend more money on Israel? Americans have to go through austerity measures, while Israelis can keep their universal healthcare and live better than americans with USA's money?
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  • #52
Jack21222 said:
Oh look, more talking points. The whole "deserve to keep what somebody willingly gave you" schtick won't work on me. I used to use that all the time a decade ago when I was a Libertarian. Fact is, for society to function, taxes must exist, and taxes should come from those with the means to pay without sacrificing food or medicine or shelter.

I cannot parse your "tax units" plan. Get to the bottom line... who will pay more and who will pay less under your plan?

In your last point about giving people direct food and direct payment of rent... those programs already exist.

I support Taxes I was in the Army I want us to have a government. The problem is the current "non-essential" Government programs have grown out of control and are a cumbersome burden. I am not its not a schtick somebody did willingly pay all those evil rich people those 100's of millions of dollars a year.

Paying taxes for a highway or research or even a new air craft carrier are very different then paying the government to donate money to the needy while borrowing $0.40 of every dollar it gives out. Nobody needs to starve nobody needs to go homeless.

My question is how much of our GDP should be dedicated to supporting the bottom 20%?

Its your turn to say somethign concrete as I have given you multiple posts with actual numbers and opinions and all you do is call it talking points. I want some hard numbers of what you want. WHo pays who gets it what rate? how do we stop these programs from becoming the entire annual budget?
  • #53
Jimmy Snyder said:
My take is that eventually the 5 'conservatives' are going to have to get behind Romney and once they do, he will pick his VP from among them. He can't win without the conservative wing of his party. So they are really running against each other. In order to make this work though, they have to stop harping on the Bain Capital thing. What the heck kind of conservative blames a capitalist for being a capitalist?
Plenty of other stellar conservatives from which to choose who are not candidates, esp. Rubio, Ryan, Christie. Rubio, in particular, has gained respect across the isle:
During a lengthy Rubio floor speech:
Sen Rubio: ...

Sen. John Kerry (D-MA): “Will the Senator yield for a question?”

Sen. Rubio: “Yes, I'll yield.”

Sen. John Kerry: “I thank the Senator for doing that. That's become somewhat unusual in the Senate today. So I truly appreciate it. ...
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  • #54
Oltz said:
I support Taxes I was in the Army I want us to have a government. The problem is the current "non-essential" Government programs have grown out of control and are a cumbersome burden. I am not its not a schtick somebody did willingly pay all those evil rich people those 100's of millions of dollars a year.

Paying taxes for a highway or research or even a new air craft carrier are very different then paying the government to donate money to the needy while borrowing $0.40 of every dollar it gives out. Nobody needs to starve nobody needs to go homeless.

My question is how much of our GDP should be dedicated to supporting the bottom 20%?

Its your turn to say somethign concrete as I have given you multiple posts with actual numbers and opinions and all you do is call it talking points. I want some hard numbers of what you want. WHo pays who gets it what rate? how do we stop these programs from becoming the entire annual budget?
Please stop harrassing Jack. I don't see anywhere in your posts that you have cited any sources to back up anything you have posted.
  • #56
Oltz said:
The problem is the current "non-essential" Government programs have grown out of control and are a cumbersome burden.

I'd say the problem is that different people disagree on what is "non-essential", not that they've grown out of control. Enough politicians believe them to be essential. After all, if any truly were non-essential, then they wouldn't exist.
  • #57
daveb said:
After all, if any truly were non-essential, then they wouldn't exist.

Ah, optimism. How I love it.
  • #58
daveb said:
I'd say the problem is that different people disagree on what is "non-essential", not that they've grown out of control. Enough politicians believe them to be essential. After all, if any truly were non-essential, then they wouldn't exist.
My definition comes from a strict reading of the Constitution. On that basis, I consider all social programs and subsidies optional.
  • #59
daveb said:
I'd say the problem is that different people disagree on what is "non-essential", not that they've grown out of control. Enough politicians believe them to be essential. After all, if any truly were non-essential, then they wouldn't exist.

Enough politicians think programs are essential for re-election. Essential government programs are those needed to facilitate governance. Those include:

1. Major Infrastruture Planning and Funding. (projects that effect or benefit multiple states)
2. Settle disputes both between states and other entities that cross jurisdictions i.e environmental issues.
3. Issue guidlines and Laws that are deemed best applied the same way acorss the entire nation. i.e. voting age
4. Defense this includes many fields of research as well
5. Interact with other nations.
6. Fund itself

All other functions are non essential and you can have a government and nation without them. Some would go to lower levels (state/county/city/local) others are flat out not needed.

Even the post office is not essential in this country anymore.

Its pretty hard to say a program that garuntees any loan is essential...We have bankruptcy laws for a reason companies and industries like people need to survive or not on their own merits. I am sure you can think of some others...
  • #62
Evo said:
Not necessarily true. The company my father worked for had union and non-union workers. The non-union workers in the same job titles received more merit raises and benefits since they were not locked into a contract. I was at a company dinner and had this conversation with the company's attorney.

Also, where I worked, there was a very large union, when I started I was an occupational (non-management) worker. I elected not to join the union, but I got the same pay and benefits as the union workers, the company did not discriminate. I did not like the union and refused to limit the amount of work I did. As one union job steward threatened me to stop being so productive, she said that the union had worked very hard to convince management that workers could not do that amount of work and I was hurting them. I hate unions and union mentality.

Evo, since we have both lived in Kansas, we both know that Kansas is a right-to-work state. You received the same pay and benefits as the union workers, not because the company did not discriminate, but because that’s what the law required. The consensus is that in non-right-to-work states, union workers do make higher wages and have better benefits than non-union workers.

A study done by the University of Tennessee indicated that the wage differential between union and non-union workers was about 10% but that union workers were also about 10% more productive due to the grievance process which allows grievances between workers and management to be resolved without the worker leaving the company. That process significantly reduced turnover, rehiring, training, production errors and injuries.

It is possible that the union steward who told you not to work so hard misinterpreted the union’s objectives. Generally the unions use increases in production as a basis for negotiating higher wages, thus higher production is in the best interests of the union.
  • #63
skeptic2 said:
Generally the unions use increases in production as a basis for negotiating higher wages, thus higher production is in the best interests of the union.
Not at the company I worked for. And remember, I worked both as occupational and management for the same company for over thirty years and saw the problems from both sides. I guess there could be some exceptions to the rule, but this union was the pits, IMO.
  • #64
:rolleyes: Even when he's helping someone, he still comes off as fake or just buying attention: http://gma.yahoo.com/romney-gives-unemployed-woman-cash-ropeline-233341069--abc-news.html
  • #65
Looks like Romney is going to take SC.

Romney opens 21-point lead in South Carolina: Reuters/Ipsos poll

  • #66
ginru said:
:rolleyes: Even when he's helping someone, he still comes off as fake or just buying attention: http://gma.yahoo.com/romney-gives-unemployed-woman-cash-ropeline-233341069--abc-news.html

lol ... really ?
The woman, 55-year-old Ruth Williams, says she has been following the Romney campaign since he arrived in the state on Jan. 11, when she said she received a message from God to track him down.

Is this type of story we should consider worthy as any kind of appraisal for or against any Presidential candidate of the USA ?
Are these the stories that the GOP race/fight/political selection been reduced to in it's elimination round? I see some of the discussion has already started about Mr. Romney's possible partner in crime .. um um I mean Vice President.
He seems to to be the foregone concussion as the ticket name ... so far. The GOP is still roounding em up and lining em up and shooting em down ...
It ain't over yet.
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  • #67
Evo said:
Looks like Romney is going to take SC.


This poll was before his stumbling performance at the Myrtle Beach debate. If he repeats this Thursday for the CNN debate he might be in trouble.

  • #68
The good: Romney is frank about his views, which I respect. He plainly says that he is against gay marriage, against medical marijuana, and even believes women should never hold the presidential office.

The bad: But, he comes off as a rich guy out of touch with the common person's financial woes. He recently said that his effective tax rate is "around 15 percent". That's pretty low for a guy who is in the top 0.001% as far as total wealth.

The ugly: This really showed when he offered Rick Perry a casual $10K bet over a minor debate point. He does know the average person can't casually bet $10K, right?
  • #69
KingNothing said:
The good: Romney is frank about his views, ... and even believes women should never hold the presidential office...
What? Where does that come from?
  • #70
mheslep said:
What? Where does that come from?

Whoops! I was actually thinking of Rick Santorum on that one. Sorry. I would edit my post if I could.

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