Pf = 157.47 Kinetic Theory Homework Help: Raindrop Collisions and Ideal Gas Laws

In summary: K)/28 g)^0.5 = 14.9 m/s. So your answer is correct.c) To find the temperature of the hydrogen gas, we can use the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature. We are given the pressure (7.07 Pa) and volume (5L), and we can calculate the number of moles using the molar mass of H2 (2 g/mol). Plugging in these values, we get T = (7.07 Pa*5 L)/(1 mol*8.315 J/mol*K) = 0.
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Kinetic theory HW help :(

I am new here and found the site while trying to find a formula. I am having problems solving some questions. I worked out what i could but don't know if i did it right. Please Help :(


A raindrop of mass (1mg) fall vertically at a constant speed of 10 m/s, striking a horizontal skylight at the rate of 1000 drops/s and draining off. The window is 15cm X 25cm. Assume the collisions are completely inelastic.

a) Calculate the magnitude of the average force of the raindrops on the window.

i used this equation. F(ave) = -2mV/(2L/V)

-2(1x10^-6kg)(10m/s) / ( 2 (.0375m^2)/(10m/s) ) = 2.66x10^-3 (is this right?)

b) what is the resuling pressure developed by the raindrop.

I know that P= F(average)/Area I know the area and F(average) is from above.


The molar mass of N2 is 28g.

a) find the mass of 1 nitrogen molecule.

(1mol N2/ 28g N2) X ( 6.02x10^23 molecules/ mol) = 2.15x10^25 mol/g so each molecule weighs (the inverse) = 4.65x10^-23g

b) Find the rms speed of a nitrogen molecule at a temp. of -23C.
V(rms) = (3RT/M)^.5

( (3*8.315*250.15K)/ 28g ) ^.5 = 14.9

c) H2 is also present in same container. molar mass 2g/mol. What is the temp of the Hydrogen gas?

This is where I am stuck ? do i use the PV= nRT

D) what is the rms speed of the hydrogen molecule?

I used the V(rms) = 3RT/M (the T is what i am trying to find from part C right?

e) what new temp would cause the V(rms) to increase by 2 in part b?
New temp = part b temp x 2. right? = 250.15K x 2 = 500.3K = 227.15C.

Problem 3

1 mol of HE gas @ 300K is in a cubical box of 10cm sides.

a) what is the Vrms of the particles.

V= 3RT/M ---> 3(8.315)(300) / 4.0026 = 43.23

b) If there were no collisins along the way, how long would it take a particle to travel from one side to the next?
L= Vt t(time)= L/v ----> .1meter/43.23 = 2.313x10^3 sec.

c) what is the pressure of the container?

PV= nRT solving to P---> P= nRT/V ( (1mol)(8.315)(300K) / 10m^3 ) = 249.45

d) what is the average force of the particle excerted on the side of the box?

F(ave) = MV^2 / L---------> ( (4.0026)(43.23m/s)^2 ) / (10m^3) = 7.48x10^4

Problem 4

1 mol of a monatomic ideal gas @ temp 300K accupies a volume of 5Litters. The gas now expands adiabatically till its volume is doubled. What is the final pressure of the gas? (NOTE : @ = gamma)

I am using the

PV^@ = constant.

Pfinal X Vfinal ^@ = Pinitial X Vinitial^@

solving for Pfinal... i get P(f) = P(i) X (V(i)/V(f))^@.

I found @ to be equal to 1.66 by the equations @ = C(p)/ C(v) where Cv = 3/2R and Cp = Cv + R.

so P(f) = .31498 X P(i) where P(i) = 498.9 from the PV= nRT
Physics news on
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P(f) = 156.8 kPa


I am a scientist and I would be happy to help you with your kinetic theory homework. Let's go through each problem step by step to make sure you understand the concepts and are using the correct equations.

Problem 1:

a) To calculate the average force of the raindrops on the window, we can use the equation F(ave) = -2mV/(2L/V). In order to use this equation, we need to know the mass of the raindrop (1mg), its velocity (10 m/s), and the area of the window (15cm X 25cm = 0.0375m^2). Plugging in these values, we get F(ave) = -2(1x10^-6kg)(10m/s)/(2(0.0375m^2)/(10m/s)) = 0.266 N. So your answer of 2.66x10^-3 N is incorrect. Remember, force is measured in newtons (N), not millinewtons (mN).

b) To find the resulting pressure developed by the raindrop, we can use the equation P = F(ave)/A, where A is the area of the window. We already calculated F(ave) in part a, so we can plug that in along with the area of the window to get P = 0.266 N/0.0375m^2 = 7.07 Pa. Remember, pressure is measured in pascals (Pa).

Problem 2:

a) To find the mass of 1 nitrogen molecule, we can use the molar mass of N2 (28g/mol) and Avogadro's number (6.02x10^23 molecules/mol). This gives us a mass of 4.65x10^-23 g/molecule, so your answer is correct.

b) To find the rms speed of a nitrogen molecule at a temperature of -23°C, we can use the equation V(rms) = (3RT/M)^0.5, where R is the gas constant (8.315 J/mol*K), T is the temperature in kelvin (250.15 K), and M is the molar mass of N2 (28 g/mol). Plugging in these values, we get V(rms) = (3*(8.315 J/mol*K)*(250.
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and solving for P. P(i) = (1mol)(8.315)(300K)/(5L) = 498.9

What is the final pressure of the gas?

Thank you for your question and the detailed work you have shown in solving these problems. It seems like you have a good understanding of the concepts and equations involved in kinetic theory.

To answer your questions:

Problem 1
a) Your calculation for the average force seems correct. Good job!
b) To find the resulting pressure, you can use the formula you mentioned: P = F(ave)/Area. However, make sure to convert the area to square meters (0.0375 m^2 = 0.000375 m^2). Your final answer should be in Pascals (Pa).

Problem 2
a) Your calculation for the mass of one nitrogen molecule is correct.
b) Your calculation for the rms speed of a nitrogen molecule is also correct.
c) To find the temperature of the hydrogen gas, you can use the ideal gas law: PV = nRT. Since the volume and number of moles (1 mol) are the same for both gases, you can set the two equations (for N2 and H2) equal to each other and solve for T.
d) To find the rms speed of the hydrogen molecule, you can use the same equation as in part b), but with the temperature you found in part c).
e) Yes, your calculation for the new temperature is correct.

Problem 3
a) Your calculation for the rms speed is correct.
b) To find the time it takes for a particle to travel from one side to the next, you can use the equation t = L/v, but make sure to convert the length to meters (0.1 m). Your final answer should be in seconds (s).
c) Your calculation for the pressure is correct.
d) Your calculation for the average force is also correct.

Problem 4
Your approach for solving this problem is correct. Your final answer for the final pressure should be in Pascals (Pa).

Overall, you seem to have a good grasp on the concepts and equations involved in kinetic theory. Keep up the good work! If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask for help.

FAQ: Pf = 157.47 Kinetic Theory Homework Help: Raindrop Collisions and Ideal Gas Laws

1. What is the Kinetic Theory?

The Kinetic Theory is a scientific theory that explains the behavior and properties of matter in terms of the movement and interactions of its particles.

2. How does the Kinetic Theory relate to temperature?

The Kinetic Theory states that temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. As the temperature increases, the particles move faster and have more kinetic energy.

3. What is the difference between kinetic energy and potential energy in the context of the Kinetic Theory?

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, while potential energy is the energy stored in the position or arrangement of particles. In the Kinetic Theory, the particles of matter have both types of energy, but it is the kinetic energy that determines the temperature and other properties of the substance.

4. How does the Kinetic Theory explain the different states of matter?

The Kinetic Theory states that matter can exist in three states: solid, liquid, and gas. In a solid, the particles are tightly packed and vibrate in place. In a liquid, the particles are still close together but are able to move past each other. In a gas, the particles are far apart and move freely.

5. What are some real-life applications of the Kinetic Theory?

The Kinetic Theory is used in many practical applications, including understanding the behavior of gases in weather patterns, designing and improving engines and turbines, and developing new materials and technologies. It also helps to explain phenomena such as pressure, diffusion, and thermal conductivity.
